Plan data management

Last changed: 29 May 2024
Plan data management (Flaticon)

Here, you will find information that helps you to plan managing the data in your research as well as environmental assessment and monitoring projects.

Good data management can help you make your work efficient and maximise the value of your data both during and after your project. Creating a Data Management Plan (DMP) is a good place to start and will help you understand your data management needs and requirements. Data management plans are since September 2022 (when SLU's data management policy was put into place) mandatory for all new research as well as environmental monitoring and assessment projects at SLU.

Data management plans (DMPs)

A DMP is a document that outlines how data is managed and documented during and after a project. A DMP covers all aspects of the data life cycle and is updated regularly throughout the project to track changes over time and reflect the current state of your project.

In a DMP, you also describe the types of data that will be collected, generated and/or reused, how sensitive the data may be, what legal, ethical and other rights need to be considered, what permissions you may need to seek, and what precautions you need to take. Creating a DMP early on in a project can help you identify potential issues and problems before they occur, giving you the best opportunity to find the solution that works best for you and your project.

Funder-related information on DMPs

An increasing number of funders require that funded projects create and maintain a DMP and make the data publicly available. Some ask for information about planned data management as part of the funding application while others expect a DMP to be completed once funding has been approved. Please note that many funders now allow applicants to include data management costs in their funding application.

SLU provides two DMP templates which meet the requirements of most funders. These are available in the online tool DMPonline.

Use these links to read more about specific funder requirements for DMPs:

Guide: How to set up a DMP in DMPonline

SLU staff have access to an online tool for DMPs called DMPonline. It is free to all staff and comes with templates compatible with the requirements of most major funders.

Support at SLU

SLU Data Management Support (DMS) assists SLU employees and students in matters of data management. If you have any questions about DMPs or are interested in DMP support (or anything else related to data management), please contact DMS via email ( or use our web form to book a Data Date.

Other resources on DMPs

From SLU

DMS has designed a template that can be used by SLU staff and students when describing and defining the roles and responsibilities regarding managing data from a research project or environmental monitoring and assessment survey.


Introduction to data management

This page is part of our introduction to data management. It covers the most common aspects of data management and includes best practice strategies, training resources and tips on data management tools. It is organised according to the data lifecycle (see below), a conceptual model that illustrates the different stages of data management.


  1. What is data management?
  2. Plan data management
  3. Collect, organise, and store data
  4. Process and analyse data
  5. Archive and preserve data
  6. Share and publish data
  7. Discover, reuse, and cite data


Data life cycle

The data life cycle model. CC BY SLU Data Management Support. All icons in the life cycle and on the pages are made by Prosymbols from