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Department of Urban and Rural Development

We are a multi- and trans-disciplinary department. In our research and teaching we focus on the societal aspects of SLU’s areas of responsibility.

Welcome Marie Stenseke - our interdisciplinary visiting professor

We are happy to have Marie Stenseke with us for the next three years - developing the interdisciplinary field at SLU.

Marie Stenseke. Photo.

Mistra Environmental Communication - Reframing communication for sustainability

A research programme on shaping how communication is understood and done.

Annual Report 2023 - out now

The department's Annual Report 2023 is available now - you can read it as a web-accessible PDF.

Trash Fish and Labour Rights

Two new research projects in Rural development explore supply chains, labour rights violations and fishery reforms in Vietnam.



Published: 16 September 2024 - Page editor: anni.hoffren@slu.se