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Environmental monitoring and assessment

Environmental monitoring and assessment (EMA) at SLU provides society with the knowledge and data necessary for achieving its environmental and sustainability goals.

Statistics and environmental data

Extensive databases and tools result from our environmental monitoring and assessment.

Current findings and events - EMA

Find recent results from SLU's Environmental monitoring and assessment and upcoming events.

Become a citizen scientist

Report species sightings and contribute to knowledge of the Swedish flora and fauna as well as it's response to climate change.

Keeping tabs on ecosystems

Our objective is to support a growing bioeconomy and long-term sustainable development with expertise and up-to-date data on the environmental impacts of resource use.

This involves providing answers to pressing questions about sustainable futures, by applying SLU’s knowledge about biodiversity, forests, agricultural landscapes, aquatic ecosystems and urban areas.

An essential part of our work involves designing and operating systems for capturing high-quality environmental data that can improve environmental management, advance our understanding of ecosystem function, and identify emerging problem areas.

We work in programmes relating to the Swedish environmental quality objectives and the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Contact us if you would like to get involved with this work.

The globe. Illustration: Fredrik Saarkoppel

International collaborations

SLU chairs the freshwater and terrestrial groups in the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program within CAFF.

SLU chairs the Source to sea working group within HELCOM and the Input working group within OSPAR.

SLU is deeply involved within many of the working groups within The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), including The Advisory Committee (ACOM).

SLU heads the programme center for the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (ICP IM).

SLU coordinates the Swedish LTER network (Long Term Ecological Research).

SLU hosts the Global Challenges Alliance University initiative.

Read about the current scientific themes of SLU Global.

Published: 04 September 2024 - Page editor: fomaredaktion@slu.se