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Welcome to AgriFoSe2030

The AgriFoSe2030 programme targets the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 - "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture" in low-income countries. We synthesise and translate existing science into policy and practice, and develop capacity to achieve this.


Phase 2 extension

The AgriFoSe programme has been granted a phase 2 extension, enabling the continued development and institutionalization of the programme at three partner university hubs in sub-Saharan Africa. This phase will also enhance collaborations with research partners in South and Southeast Asia, supporting long-term capacity building and knowledge transfer. More information will come...


Scientific articles from AgriFoSe2030

Using a Theory of Change Approach for Inclusive and Resilient Urban Food Systems in Uganda. 
Published online by Springer Nature Link, 22 Feb 2025
Mugagga, F., Mukwaya, P. I., Kasaija, P., Nagawa Kiggundu, P., Nakanjako, R., Kiiza, A., Muyama, E., Wepukhulu, J., Kemigisha, M., Mackay, H. and Jirstrom, M.

Does production diversity support dietary diversity? Evidence from pastoral and agropastoral households in West Pokot County, Kenya. 
Published online by Frontiers, 6 Feb, 2025
Ipara, B.O., Otieno, D.J., Oluoch-Kosura, W., Andago, A.A., Jirström, M., Mackay, H., Fernqvist, F. and Rajala, E.

Read AgriFoSe2030's brand new impact briefs

Impact briefs from AgriFoSe2030

The AgriFoSe2030 programme impact briefs provide a comprehensive overview of the projects' approaches, highlighting their ways of working, key success factors, challenges encountered, and overall learnings. 

Change stories

Resources from AgriFoSe2030

AgriFoSe2030 contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production on existing agricultural land. Policy briefs, reports, annual reports and scientific articles from the programme are listed here.

Landscape, Africa

Agriculture for food security 2030 - Translating science into policy and practice

The AgriFoSe2030 programme targets the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 - "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture" in low-income countries. We synthesise and translate existing science into policy and practice, and develop capacity to achieve this.

The programme contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture, increased market access for smallholders and strengthen the role of women and youth.






Published: 25 February 2025 - Page editor: agnes.bondesson@slu.se