
Anna Gårdmark

Anna Gårdmark
I'm a professor in Fish- and Fisheries Ecology studying how aquatic food webs respond to climate change. -- Are you interested in community & food web ecology, their ecological and evolutionary dynamics, or combining empirical and mathematical approaches in ecology? So am I, get in touch!


I study the mechanisms of ecological and evolutionary dynamics of aquatic food webs. Fish communities and food webs respond to changing environments depending on their species interactions. These interactions are not static or uniform! Individuals engage in different interactions during their life, often depending on their body size. Their feeding interactions, in turn, determine individual development. This leads to interesting feedbacks between variation among individuals within populations, how individuals interact with their environment, and how they perform. My focus is to resolve how these feedbacks shape dynamics of fish populations, communities and food webs and their responses to global warming.

To study this, I lead the FishinFoodwebs research group where we combine dynamic modelling with laboratory- and field mesocosm experiments, as well as develop novel time series methods and apply these to long-term fish community data, often in the Baltic Sea but also in lake systems and elsewhere. Read more about our research and us here! 

Some ongoing projects are

  • Effects of global warming on fish communities & foodwebs
  • Fish community responses to rising temperatures and darker waters
  • Marine extreme weather - ecological effects and risks to fisheries
  • Warming-induced evolution in fish
  • Bioaccumulation in food webs under global warming
  • Novel time series methods to detect climate change impacts & advice for management of exploited fish communities

Find out more about our research on climate change effects on fish communities and food webs here!

NEWS: Warming speeds up growth in females but reduces growth in large males - new paper. See publications.



  • Viktor Thunell 2017-  Climate change impacts on dynamics of exploited
    fish communities
  • Max Lindmark 2016-  How trophic interactions mediate physiological responses to climate change in food-webs
  • Renee Van Dorst 2016-  Fish community responses to darker and warmer waters (co-supervisor)
  • Philip Jacobson 2015-  Role of size-dependent resource- and habitat use for bioaccumulation (co-supervisor)

Previous PhD-students

  • Ulrika Beier 2013-2016  Habitat selection and indirect interactions in fish communities


Post-doc mentoring

Post-doctoral fellows

  • Wojciech Uszko 2019 Intra- & interspecific size responses to warming in zooplankton
  • David Gilljam 2019- Evolutionary adaptations to warming in fish and eco-evolutionary dynamics
  • Torbjörn Säterberg 2017, 2019- Approximating food-web filtering of climate change responses in data poor systems
  • Previous post-doctoral fellows
  • Marian Torres 2014-2016  Developing pelagic food web indicators accounting for species interactions
  • Grégoire Certain 2014-2016  Resolving climate change impacts on natural food-webs using multivariate time series approaches
  • Magnus Huss 2009-2011  Effects of fishing on marine food-webs with size-dependent interactions
  • Jens Olsson 2009-2010  Integrated Ecosystem Analyses of the Baltic Sea
  • Anssi Vainikka 2006-2009  Fisheries-induced evolution of maturation in Baltic Sea fish

Looking for a MSc thesis project in community dynamics theory or aquatic food-web dynamics? Get in touch!


Publikationer i urval

I publish with > 80 collaborators, so far in > 50 scientific articles, about 10 popular science articles and numerous export reports. Check Researchgate & Google Scholar for full list of publications and for citations.

Curious? Have a look at, for example:

  • Huss, M,. Lindmark, M., van Dorst, R.M., Jacobson, P. & A. Gårdmark. 2019. Large-scale experimental evidence of gradual size-dependent shifts in body size and growth of fish in response to warming. Global Change Biology, (early view). doi: 10.1111/gcb.14637. open access here
  • Lindmark, M., Ohlberger, J., Huss, M. & A. Gårdmark. 2019. Size-based ecological interactions drive food web responses to climate warming. Ecology Letters, 22: 778–786. doi: 10.1111/ ele.13235. open access here
  • Van Dorst, R.M., Gårdmark, A., Svanbäck, R., Beier, U., Weyhenmeyer, G.A. & M. Huss. 2019. Warmer and browner waters decrease fish biomass production. Global Change Biology, 25(4), 1395-1408. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14551. open access here
  • Karlsson, A.M.L., Gorokhova, E., Gårdmark, A., Pekcan-Hekim, Z., Casini, M., Albertsson, J., Sundelin, B., Karlsson, O. & L. Bergström. 2019. Linking consumer physiological status to food-web structure and prey food value in the Baltic Sea. AMBIO, (to come)
  • Kadin, M., Blenckner, T., Casini, M., Gårdmark, A., Torres, M.A. & S.A. Otto. 2019. Trophic interactions, management trade-offs and climate change: the need for adaptive thresholds to operationalize ecosystem indicators. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Global Change and the Future Ocean. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00249. open access here
  • Törnroos, A., Pecuchet, L., Olsson, J., Gårdmark, A., Blomqvist, M., Lindegren, M. & E. Bonsdorff. 2019. Four decades of functional community change reveals gradual trends and low interlinkage across trophic groups in a large marine ecosystem. Global Change Biology, 25 (4), 1235-1246. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14552 open access here
  • Lindmark, M., Huss, M., Ohlberger, J. & A. Gårdmark. 2018. Temperature-dependent body size effects on population responses to climate warming. Ecology Letters, 21, 181–189. doi: 10.1111/ele.12880 open access here
  • Jacobson, P., Gårdmark, A., Östergren, J., Casini, M. & M. Huss. 2018. Size-dependent prey availability affects diet and performance of predatory fish at sea: a case study of Atlantic salmon. Ecosphere  9(1), e02081. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2081 open access here
  • Certain, G., Barraquand, F. & A. Gårdmark. 2018. How do MAR(1) models cope with hidden nonlinearities in ecological dynamics? Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1-21. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13021 open access here
  • Svensson, F., Karlsson, E., Gårdmark, A., Olsson, J., Adill, A., Zie, J., Snoeijs, P. & Eklöf, J. S. 2017. In situ warming strengthens trophic cascades in a coastal food web. Oikos, 126:1150-1161. doi: 10.1111/oik.03773
  • Torres, M.A., Casini, M., Huss, M., Otto, S.A., Kadin, M. & Gårdmark, A. 2017. Food-web indicators accounting for species interactions respond to multiple pressures. Ecological Indicators, 77, 67-79
  • Casini, M., Käll, F., Hansson, M., Plikshs, M., Baranova, T., Karlsson, O., Lundström, K., Neuenfeldt, S., Gårdmark, A. & Hjelm, J. 2016. Dead zones, density-dependence and food limitation drive the body condition of a heavily exploited marine fish predator. Royal Society Open Science, 3, 160416. doi: 10.1098/rsos.160416.
  • Gårdmark, A., Casini, M., Huss, M., Van Leeuwen, A., Hjelm, J., Persson, L. & de Roos, A. M. 2015. Regime shifts in exploited marine food-webs: detecting mechanisms underlying alternative stable states using size-structured community dynamics theory. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society, Series B, 370 (5), 20130262.
  • Bernes, C., Carpenter, S.R., Gårdmark, A., Larsson, P., Persson, L., Skov, C., Speed, J.D.M. & Van Donk, E. 2015. What is the influence of a reduction of planktivorous and benthivorous fish on water quality in temperate eutrophic lakes? A systematic review. Environmental Evidence, 4 (7).
  • Östman, Ö., Karlsson, O., Pönni, J., Kaljuste, O., Aho, T & Gårdmark, A. 2014. Ecosystem changes and eco-evolutionary dynamics in body size of herring (Clupea harengus) in the Bothnian Sea. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 16: 417-433.
  • Huss, M., de Roos, A.M., van Leeuwen, A. & Gårdmark, A. 2014. Facilitation of fisheries by natural predators depends on life history of shared prey. Oikos, 23:1071-1080.
  • Van Leeuwen, A., Gårdmark, A., Huss, M. & de Roos, A. M. 2014. Ontogenetic specialism in predators with multiple niche shifts prevents predator population recovery and establishment. Ecology, 95 (9), 2409-2422.
  • Möllmann, C., Lindegren, M., Blenckner, T., Bergström, L., Casini, M., Diekmann, R., Flinkman, J., Müller-Karulis, B., Neuenfeldt, S., Schmidt, J. O., Tomczak, M. T., Voss, R. & Gårdmark, A. 2014. Implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management – from single-species to integrated ecosystem assessment and advice for Baltic Sea fish stocks. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 71 (5): 1187-1197.
  • Gårdmark, A., Lindegren, M., Neuenfeldt, S., Blenckner, T., Heikinheimo, O., Müller-Karulis, B., Niiranen, S., Tomczak, M., Aro, E., Wikström, A. & Möllmann, C. 2013. Biological Ensemble Modelling to evaluate potential futures of living marine resources. Ecological Applications, 23(4), 742–754.
  • Huss, M., de Roos, A.M., van Leeuwen, A., Casini, M. & Gårdmark, A. 2013. Cohort dynamics give rise to alternative stable community states. American Naturalist, 182(3), 374-392.

Curious of what’s up in the Baltic Sea food-webs or what happens in ecosystems when we fish? I happily give popular science talks, contribute to news articles popularing science or write popular science articles. Watch the SLU news site or get in touch.


Visit us on @FishinFoodwebs, Instagram, for news and fun research in our research group!

More on our research in FishinFoodwebs

You'll find me on ResearchGate and Google Scholar.


Professor vid Institutionen för akvatiska resurser
Telefon: +46104784125
Institutionen för akvatiska resurser (SLU Aqua)
Box 7018
75007 Uppsala
Besöksadress: Almas Allé 5, Uppsala