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A map of the Karamojong cluster area in South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya.

Project introduction

Drylands cover 40 % of the global land area, host 2 billion people, and support approximately 50% of the world’s livestock population. In the drylands of East Africa, pastoral and agropastoral livelihoods are prominent. 

In Drylands Transform we will investigate the links between land health, livestock-based livelihoods, human well-being, and land management and governance. We will contribute with new knowledge for transformative change and sustainable development of rangelands in the border region between Kenya and Uganda.

Through strong stakeholder engagement in interdisciplinary research, we set out to explore the challenges and pathways towards a social-ecological transformation in drylands that optimizes synergies among the sustainable development goals (SDGs) while minimizing the trade-offs. 

Logotype for the project Drylands Transform

View three short documentaries

One of our partners, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), has produced three videos about our work. Watch them here.

Logotype for IGAD, Intergovernmental  Authority of Development

Land health linked to human health

Assessing land health at the landscape scale and exploring the links with human health and well-being

Dry landscape with a few trees in front of a hill in Turkana.

Livestock cafés

Co-developing sustainable rangeland management options with local communities, and set-up knowledge sharing hubs (‘livestock cafés’)

A brown sebu cow is standing and watching.

Resilience of communities

Studying impacts of seasonality and climate variability on food and livelihood strategies, well-being and resilience.

A cooking pot on a simple woodsaving stove in Kenya.

Innovative governance mechanisms

Identifying innovative land governance mechanisms and practices that effectively address livestock-keepers’ dependence on both flexible and secure rights to land.

Migrating cows and goats.

Future scenarios

Co-designing and evaluating alternative scenarios for sustainable dryland transformation in East Africa with local and regional stakeholder groups.

A facilitator is showing a presentation slide to an audience in Nairobi.

Activities and news

Published: 25 November 2024 - Page editor: lisa.beste@slu.se

Contact us
Drylands Transform

Postal address:
Department of Crop Production Ecology,
PO Box 7043

Visiting address:
Ulls väg 16 , Uppsala, Sweden

Drylands Transform is funded by Formas, within their call for ’Realising the global sustainable development goals’.

