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Centre of Excellence in Animal Welfare Science

The Centre of Excellence in Animal Welfare Science is a Swedish network for researchers in natural and social sciences - establishing scientific excellence to improve animal welfare. The network is coordinated by SLU.

Close-up picture of young cow

Animal Welfare Journal Club

Welcome to the "Animal Welfare Journal Club". We will have a virtual meeting every three weeks to discuss a scientific publication within the broad area of animal welfare.

Meetings are on Wednesdays 13:00-14:00. 

We discuss a very diverse range of papers, covering all aspects of animal welfare and protection, and all species.

This journal club is open to everybody at SLU and we aim to be as multidisciplinary as possible. At our first meeting five different departments were represented. The club is organised in collaboration with the Animal Welfare PhD student network, part of the Centre of Excellence in Animal Welfare Science.

If you have not joined before, you are very welcome to just drop in to one of the meetings to check it out. Just ask Linda Keeling, linda.keeling@slu.se and she will send you the link.




Our six goals aiming to improve animal welfare:

  • Provide a dynamic scientific forum for discussion 
  • Promote cooperative efforts by joining different competences 
  • Produce high quality peer reviewed publications 
  • Provide a supportive environment for students and young researchers 
  • Support stakeholders to safeguard and improve animal welfare 
  • Enhance Sweden's reputation as a leading nation in animal welfare
Published: 04 February 2025 - Page editor: josefina.zidar@slu.se