Mariette Andersson

My main research interest is to design plants to produce tailor made compounds with benefits for our health and/or our environment, by using biotechnology. My focus lies on starch, but oil, sugar and protein are also of interest. Crops of interest is potato, sugar beet, tomato and oat.
PhD in Biochemistry, 2004, Lund University
12 years working experience from plant biotech industry and 2 years working experience from packaging industry
SLU-employee since September 2010
Selected publications
Amylose starch with no detectable branching developed through DNA-free CRISPR-Cas9 mediated mutagenesis of two starch branching enzymes in potato. Zhao, X., Jayarathna, S., Turesson, H. et al. Sci Rep 11, 4311 (2021).
Comparative potato genome editing: Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation and protoplasts transfection delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 components directed to StPPO2 gene. González, M.N., Massa, G.A., Andersson, M. et al. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2021).
Protoplast-Based Method for Genome Editing in Tetraploid Potato. Nicolia A., Fält AS., Hofvander P., Andersson M. (2021)In: Tripodi P. (eds) Crop Breeding. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2264. Humana, New York, NY.
Tomato protoplasts as cell target for ribonucleoprotein (RNP)-mediated multiplexed genome editing. Nicolia, A., Andersson, M., Hofvander, P. et al.. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 144, 463–467 (2021).
A simplified method of determining the internal structure of amylopectin from barley starch without amylopectin isolation. Xue Zhao, Mariette Andersson, Roger Andersson, Carbohydrate Polymers, Volume 255 (2021),117503,ISSN 0144-8617,
Reduced Enzymatic Browning in Potato Tubers by Specific Editing of a Polyphenol Oxidase Gene via Ribonucleoprotein Complexes Delivery of the CRISPR/Cas9 System 2020, Front Plant Sci. 2019; 10: 1649.
Matías Nicolás González, Gabriela Alejandra Massa, Mariette Andersson, Helle Turesson, Niklas Olsson, Ann-Sofie Fält, Leonardo Storani, Cecilia Andrea Décima Oneto, Per Hofvander and Sergio Enrique Feingold
Genome editing in potato via CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery
March 2018, Physiologia Plantarum, DOI 10.1111/ppl.12731
Andersson Mariette , Turesson Helle , Olsson Niklas , Fält Ann-Sofie, Pia Olsson, Gonzalez Matías N., Samuelsson Mathias, Hofvander Per
Resistant starch and other dietary fiber components in tubers from a high-amylose potato June 2018, Food Chemistry 251, DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.01.028
Zhao Xue, Andersson Mariette, Andersson Roger
Inhibition of plastid PPase and NTT leads to major changes in starch and tuber formation in potato
March 2018, Journal of Experimental Botany, DOI 10.1093/jxb/ery051
Andersson Mariette, Turesson Helle, Arrivault Stéphanie, Zhang Youjun, Fält Ann-Sofie, Fernie Alisdair R, Hofvander Per
Altered Tuber Yield in Genetically Modified High-Amylose and Oil Potato Lines Is Associated With Changed Whole-Plant Nitrogen Economy
March 2018, Frontiers in Plant Science 9, DOI 10.3389/fpls.2018.00342
Pourazari Fereshteh, Andersson Mariette, Weih Martin
Efficient targeted multiallelic mutagenesis in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) by transient CRISPR-Cas9 expression in protoplasts. Andersson, Mariette, Turesson, Helle, Nicolia, Allesandro, Falt, Ann-Sofie, Samuelsson, Mathias & Hofvander, Per (2017). Plant Cell Reports, 36(1), 117-128.
Specialized Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase Contributes to Extreme Fatty Acid Content of Cuphea Seed Oil
March 2017, Plant physiology 174(1):pp.01894.2016
Iskandarov Umidjon, Silva Jillian, Kim Hae Jin, Andersson Mariette, Cahoon Rebecca, Mockaitis Keithanne, Edgar Cahoon
Innovative Gliadin/Glutenin and Modified Potato Starch Green Composites: Chemistry, Structure, and Functionality Induced by Processing
Muneer, Faraz ; Andersson, Mariette ; Koch, Kristine ; Hedenqvist, Mikael S. ; Gällstedt, Mikael ; Plivelic, Tomás S. ; Menzel, Carolin ; Rhazi, Larbi ; Kuktaite, Ramune;
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 12/05/2016, Vol.4(12), pp.6332-6343
Potato tuber expression of Arabidopsis WRINKLED1 increase triacylglycerol and membrane lipids while affecting central carbohydrate metabolism Hofvander Per, Ischebeck Till, Turesson Helle, Kumar Kushwaha Sandeep, Feussner Ivo, Carlsson Anders, Andersson Mariette (2016) Plant Biotechnology Journal 14 (9) pp.1883-1898
Innovative Gliadin/Glutenin and Modified Potato Starch Green Composites: Chemistry, Structure, and Functionality Induced by Processing Muneer Faraz, Andersson Mariette, Koch Kristine, Hedenqvist Mikael S., Gällstedt Mikael, Plivelic Tomás, Menzel Carolin, Rhazi Larbi, Kuktaite Ramune (2016) ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering 4 (12) pp.6332-6343
Structurally divergent lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferases with high selectivity for saturated medium chain fatty acids from Cuphea seeds Kim Hae Jin, Silva Jillian E., Iskandarov Umidjon, Andersson Mariette, Cahoon Rebecca E., Mockaitis Keithanne, Cahoon Edgar B. (2015) Plant Journal 84 (5) pp.1021-1033
Improved material properties of solution-cast starch films: Effect of varying amylopectin structure and amylose content of starch from genetically modified potatoes Menzel Carolin, Andersson Mariette, Andersson Roger, Vázquez Gutiérrez Jose Luis, Daniel Geoffrey, Langton Maud, Gällstedt Mikael, Koch Kristine (2015) Carbohydrate Polymers 130 pp.388-397
Nanostructural Morphology of Plasticized Wheat Gluten and Modified Potato Starch Composites: Relationship to Mechanical and Barrier Properties Muneer Faraz, Andersson Mariette, Koch Kristine, Menzel Carolin, Hedenqvist Mikael S., Gällstedt Mikael, Plivelic Tomás S, Kuktaite Ramune (2015) Biomacromolecules 16 (3) pp.695-705
Targeted gene mutation in tetraploid potato through transient TALEN expression in protoplasts Nicolia Alessandro, Wera Estelle, Åhman Inger, Onkokesung Nawaporn, Andersson Mariette, Andreasson Erik, Zhu Li-Hua (2015) Journal Of Biotechnology 204 pp.17-24
Starch biosynthetic genes and enzymes are expressed and active in the absence of starch accumulation in sugar beet tap-root Turesson Helle, Andersson Mariette, Marttila Salla, Thulin Ingela, Hofvander Per (2014) BMC Plant Biology 14 (104)
Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Three Oil Palm Fruit and Seed Tissues That Differ in Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition Dussert Stéphane, Guerin Chloé, Andersson Mariette, Joët Thierry, Tranbarger Timothy J., Pizot Maxime, Sarah Gautier, Omore Alphonse, Durand-Gasselin Tristan, Morcillo Fabienne (2013) Plant Physiology 162 (3) pp.1337-1358
Targeted gene suppression by RNA interference: An efficient method for production of high-amylose potato lines Andersson M, Melander M, Pojmark P, Larsson H, Bulow L, Hofvander P (2006) Journal Of Biotechnology 123 (2) pp.137-148
Field performance and starch characteristics of high-amylose potatoes obtained by antisense gene targeting of two branching enzymes Hofvander P, Andersson M, Larsson CT, Larsson H (2004) Plant Biotechnology Journal 2 (4) pp.311-320
A novel selection system for potato transformation using a mutated AHAS Andersson, M; Trifonova, A; Andersson, AB; Johansson, M; Bulow, L; Hofvander, P (2003) Plant Cell Reports 22 (4) pp.261-267
Learn more about potato biotechnology, a "GI-potato" and a "CRISPR-potato";
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