Mattias Qviström

I am a professor in landscape architecture, especially spatial planning. My teaching and research concern the interface between modern landscapes and planning, using a combination of landscape theory, relational geography/ANT, ethnographic studies and landscape/planning history. In addition, I frequently draw on Mobilities studies in my examinations of planning and landscapes. Main themes of research include (1) Urbanisation (spanning from peri-urban studies and conflicts between city and country, to examinations of the compact city ideal and its interplay with green planning), (2) Leisure/green planning (historically, conceptually, but also in ethnographic studies of recreational mobilities), and (3) The history of landscape planning, and its open future.
Ongoing research projects:
"Reinventing landscape planning for targeting “undisciplined” environmental challenges", 2023 - 2025. Funded by Formas. Project leader.
"Therapeutic landscapes beyond the lush season: extending the well-being benefits of urban green and blue spaces through outdoor leisure", 2023 - 2026. Funded by Formas. Project leader: Neva Leposa, SLU Uppsala.
"Transit-oriented development (TOD) for inclusive and sustainable rural-urban regions, TOD IS RUR", Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks, 2021 - 25. Project leader: Greet De Block, Antwerpen university.
"Indicators for the shifting landscape of the Million homes programme", funded by FOMA (SLU), 2024. Project leader.
I am the main supervisor for the PhD students Mia Ågren, Sued Ferreira da Silva and Carla Cruz (SLU), and co-supervisor for Ragnhild Claesson (Malmö university) and André Klaaseen (Univ of Antwerp).
Selected publications
Qviström, M. (Ed). In press. A Research Agenda to Landscape Studies of Planning. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Qviström, M. In press. “On the necessity for Landscape Studies of Planning”, in Qviström M (Ed). A Research Agenda to Landscape Studies of Planning. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Qviström, M., Luka, N., Butler, A., Broto, V C., Doughty, K., Garlick, B., Hine, A., Kirby, M., Palang, H., Scott, A., Thompson-Fawcett, M. In press. “On moving ahead, staying put, and engaging fully with Landscape Studies of Planning”, in: Qviström M (Ed). A Research Agenda to Landscape Studies of Planning. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Qviström, M. 2023. “Decentring landscape: rethinking landscape analysis with a relational ontology”, Landscape Research, 48, 1108-1119, DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2023.2230911
Qviström, M., Normark, D., & Luka, N. 2023. ”Recreational mobilities in (and beyond) the compact city”, Mobilities, 18, 691-699
Lepoša, N., Peinert, H., Qviström, M. 2023. ”Negotiating the city during the dark season: a study of recreational running”, Mobilities, 18, 740-755
Qviström, M., Jansson, M. 2022. "Tracing discourses: learning from the past for future landscape architecture", in: Bruns, D., Hennecke, S (Eds), The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Architecture Education. Routledge.
Engström, A., Qviström, M. 2022. “Situating the silence of recreation in transit-oriented development”, International Planning studies, 27, 411 – 424, doi/full/10.1080/13563475.2022.2129598
Qviström, M. 2022. “Finding the pulse of the welfare landscape: reframing green space provision in modernist planning”, Geografiska annaler ser B, 104:3, 269-284, DOI: 10.1080/04353684.2022.2040376
Pries, J., Qviström, M. 2022. “Revisiting the green geographies of welfare planning: an introduction”, Geografiska annaler ser B, 104:3, 185-191, DOI: 10.1080/04353684.2022.2101137
Pries, J., Qviström, M. 2021. "The patchwork planning of a welfare landscape: reappraising the role of leisure planning in the Swedish welfare state", Planning perspectives, 36:5, 923-948, DOI: 10.1080/02665433.2020.1867884
Lexén, T., Qviström, M. 2021 "Negotiating asymmetric borders in an emerging soft region", European Planning Studies, DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2021.1895081
Qviström, M., Fridell, L., Kärrholm, M. 2020. "Differentiating the time-geography of recreational running", Mobilities, 15, 575 - 587.
Qviström, M., Wästfelt, A. 2020. "In search of the landscape theory of Torsten Hägerstrand", Landscape research, 45, 683 - 686. (Intro to thematic section)
Jansson, M., Fors, H., Pritzel Sundevall, E., Bengtsson, A., Lerstrup, I., Hurley, P., Qviström, M., Randrup, B. 2020. "User-oriented urban open space governance and management", in Jansson, M & Randrup, T (Eds) Urban open space governance and management. Routledge.
Qviström, M., Luka, N., De Block, G. 2019. "Beyond circular thinking: geographies of transit-oriented development", International journal of urban and regional research, 43, 786 - 793
Qviström, M. 2018. “Peri-urban landscape studies”, Peter Howard, Ian Thompson, Emma Waterton, Mick Atha (Eds): Routledge companion to landscape studies, second edition. Routledge, pp. 523 - 533.
Sarlöv-Herlin, I., Nord, J., Qviström, M. 2018. “Landscape characterisation in Sweden: Landscape in the planning system”, Fairclough, G., Sarlöv Herlin, I., Swanwick, C (Eds) Routledge handbook in of landscape character assessment: current approaches to characterisation and assessment. Routledge, London, pp. 53 68.
Qviström, M. 2018. “Farming ruins: a landscape study of incremental urbanisation”, Landscape research, 43, 575-586.
Vicenzotti, V., Qviström, M. 2018. “Zwischenstadt as a travelling concept: towards a critical discussion of mobile ideas in transnational planning discourses on urban sprawl”, European Planning Studies, 26, 115-132
Qviström, M. 2018. “Planera för löpning: från motionscentraler till stadslandskap”, Utemiljö, no 2, Gröna fakta, pp. I-VIII
Qviström, M. 2017. “Competing geographies of recreational running: The case of the “jogging wave” in Sweden in the late 1970s”. Health & Place, 46, 351 – 357.
Qviström, M. 2017. "De "levande" generalplanerna: en studie av de informella planernas betydelse, med den stadsnära landsbygden som exempel", Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift, 73, 64-75.
Qviström, M. 2017. “Landscape histories of urbanisation”, Landscape Research, 42, 239 - 242 (intro to special issue)
Qviström, M. 2016. “The nature of running: On embedded landscape ideals in leisure planning”, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 17, 202 - 210
Qviström, M., Bengtsson, J., Vicenzotti, V. 2016. “Part-time amenity migrants: Revealing the importance of second homes for senior residents in a transit-oriented development”, Land Use Policy, 56, 169 – 178.
Qviström, M., Vicenzotti, V. 2016. “Landscape research in Landscape Research: reflections on a changing field”, Landscape Research, 41, 385 – 387 (intro to special issue)
Vicenzotti, V., Jorgensen, A., Qviström, M., Swaffield, S. 2016. “Forty Years of Landscape Research”, Landscape Research, 41, 388 - 407
Cerwén, G., Wingren, C., Qviström, M. 2016. “Evaluating soundscape intentions in landscape architecture: a study of competition entries for a new cemetery in Järva, Stockholm”, Journal of environmental management and planning, 60. 1253 – 1275.
Qviström, M. 2015. “Putting accessibility in place: A relational reading of accessibility in policies for transit-oriented development”; Geoforum, 58, 166 – 173.
Qviström, M., Bengtsson, J. 2015. ”What kind of Transit-Oriented Development? Using Planning History to Differentiate a Model for Sustainable Development”, European Planning Studies, 23, 2516 – 2534
Qviström, M. 2013. “Landscapes with a heartbeat: tracing a portable landscape for jogging in Sweden (1958 – 1971)”, Environment and Planning A, 45, 312 – 328.
Qviström, M. 2013. “Searching for an open future: planning history as a means of peri-urban landscape analysis”, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56, 1549 – 1569.
Qviström, M. 2012. “Taming the wild: Gyllin’s garden and the urbanisation of a wildscape”, A Jorgensen & R Keenan (Eds) Urban wildscapes. Routledge, London.
Qviström, M. 2012. “Network ruins and green structure development: an attempt to trace relational spaces of a railway ruin”, Landscape Research, 37, 257 – 275.
Qviström, M. 2012. “Contested landscapes of urban sprawl: landscape protection and regional planning in Scania (Sweden), 1932 – 1947”, Landscape research, 37, 399 – 415.
Qviström, M. 2012. ”Peri-urban landscapes: from disorder to hybridity”, P Howard, I Thompson, E Waterton (Eds): Routledge companion to landscape studies. Routledge.
Qviström, M. 2011. ”Whose thoroughfare? Roads, land use and the landscape”, H Antonsson & U Jansson (Eds): Agriculture and forestry in Sweden since 1900. KSLA, Malmö.
Qviström, M. 2010. “Shadows of planning: revealing inherited ambiguities at the urban fringe”, Geografiska annaler series B, 92, 217 – 235.
Qviström, M. 2009. ”Nära på stad: framtidsdrömmar och mellanrum i stadens utkant”, K Saltzman (red) Mellanrummens möjligheter: studier av stadens efemära landskap. Makadam förlag.
Qviström, M. 2008. “A waste of time? On spatial planning and ‘wastelands’ at the city edge of Malmö (Sweden)”, Urban forestry and urban greening, 7, 157 – 169.
Qviström, M. 2007. “Landscapes out of order: studying the inner urban fringe beyond the rural – urban divide”, Geografiska annaler series B, 89, 269 – 282.
Qviström, M., Saltzman, K. 2006. "Exploring landscape dynamics at the edge of the city: spatial plans and everyday places at the inner urban fringe of Malmö, Sweden", Landscape research, 31, 21-41.