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Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen

Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen
Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen is a research assistant at SLU RådNu, The national competence Centre for Advisory Services at SLU. Her focus is on knowledge systems, capacity building and sustainable landscapes in relation to beekeepers and beekeeping, pollinators and ecosystem services in particular pollination services.


From a systems thinking perspective, my research focuses on how the beekeeper and beekeeping as an activity might contribute to sustainable landscapes for pollinators. The research is carried out in both national and international projects. The projects address the knowledge systems within beekeeping, identifying the knowledge and function gaps, developing supportive structures and acting towards change for more sustainable landscapes for pollinators, and honey bees in particular. I also use citizen science as a method for engagement and knowledge collection. You can read more about these projects at SLU RådNu


Ongoing research projects:

National projects:

1) Kompetensnav och kvalitetssäkrad kunskapsplattform för biodling och pollinering- forskningsbaserad rådgivning i Sverige, Read more here

International projects:

1) B-THENET projektet, Read more here

2) Pollination knowledge exchange for food, nutrition, and livelihood security in South and Southeast Asia, Read more here

3) AgroBioConnect, Read more here

4) RestPoll, Read more here

Finished projects:

Medborgarforskning för utvärdering av pollinatörers tillgång på nektar och pollenväster i ett landskapsperspektiv. Frivilligt engagemang och drivkraften i ett lokalt förändrongsarbete, Read more here

Nyttodjurparker för multipla ekosystemtjänster vid äppelodlingar, Read more here

Beespoke, Read more here

Strengthening linkages between honey production and Ecosystem Services by Pollinators in food-insecure agricultural communities in the Global South: The case of Sri Lanka and India, Read more here  You can also read the article published by SLU Global about the project, Read here

AgriFoSe 2030, challenge 3 and the section "Functions in extension service pathways – Kenya, Sri Lanka and Laos" Sweden participates with the example, extension services in beekeeping, Read more here 

Development of advisory services in beekeeping in Sweden (2018–2021)

Smartbees Read about the project here one product that I worked on was the website Bee-Extension (2016–2018)

Expert on beekeeping and honey quality, EU-India Capacity Building Initiative for Trade Development. Production of guidelines for quality honey production for the European market and benchmarking of Indian organic honey production to the Indian organic production standard (2016–2017)

EPILOBEE (2012–2014) Read more here

Beredskapsplaner för exotiska skadegörare på honungsbin, MSB (2012–2013)

Development of Apis cerana beekeeping with ethnic minorities and small-scale farmers in rural areas of Vietnam. The Danish Beekeepers Association and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (2009–2012)


In Sweden, I cooperate and collaborate with the beekeeping community at the national, regional and local levels. I and my colleague Magnus Ljung at SLU RådNu are the hosts for the Swedish Beekeeping Collaborative Council.

I am co-chaire for the core project Bridging Research and Practice, B-RAP in the international organisation COLOSS Honey Bee Research Association, read more here


Master's degree in Earth Sciences from the University of Stockholm. Courses in biology, chemistry and environmental science are also a part of the degree. Master of Sciences thesis performed at the Royal Institute of Technology, "Road salt affected private groundwater wells - a pilot study in central Sweden"

Environment and Health. One-year education at the University of Stockholm.
Thesis "Environmental inventory of primary schools in the Spaanga-Tensta District of Stockholm"

Bee Diseases, University of Education in Copenhagen (Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, BeeNOVA).

Selected publications

Scientific publications:

Morawetz, L., Fabricius Kristiansen, L., Brus, J., Dahle, B., Danihlík, J., Diéguez-Antón, A., … Brodschneider, R. (2024). COLOSS B-RAP Expert Evaluation of Beekeeping Advice From ChatGPT, Part 1. Bee World, 1–3.

Holland, John M, Dirk Albach, Jojanneke Bijkerk, Lucy Capstick, Iain Fraser, Jendrik Holthusen, Jan Jensen, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen, Hans Kroodsma, Jan-Willem van Kruyssen, Helle Mathiasen, Ivan Meeus, Lene Sisgaard, Arjen Strijkstra, Frank Stubbe, Thomas van Loo, Atle Wibe (2022) “The BEESPOKE Project: Increasing Wild Pollinators and Crop Pollination.” Landscape Management for Functional Biodiversity IOBC-WPRS Bulletin Vol. 156, 2022 pp. 51-55

Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen, Preben Kristiansen, Flemming Vejsnæs & Linde Morawetz (2022) Is COLOSS an Ivory Tower of Beekeeping Science? Efforts to Bridge Research and Practice (B-RAP), Bee World, 99:1, 5-7, DOI: 10.1080/0005772X.2021.1993612

Victor Henrique Silva de Oliveira, Anna Nilsson, Hyeyoung Kim, Gunilla Hallgren, Jenny Frössling, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen & Eva Forsgren (2021) Honey bee pathogens and parasites in Swedish apiaries: a baseline study, Journal of Apicultural Research, 60:5, 697-706, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2021.1902679

Raffaele Dall’Olio, Tjeerd Blacquiere, Maria Bouga, Robert Brodschneider, Norman L. Carreck, Panuwan Chantawannakul, Vincent Dietemann, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen, Anna Gajda, Ales Gregorc, Aslı Ozkirim, Christian Pirk, Victoria Soroker, Geoffrey R. Williams & Peter Neumann (2020) COLOSS survey: global impact of COVID-19 on bee research, Journal of Apicultural Research, 59:5, 731-734, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2020.1799646

Ms Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen (Beekeeping Advisor) & Dr Nguyen Van Niem (2013) Development of Apis ceranaBeekeeping in Rural Areas of Northern Vietnam 2009–2012, Bee World, 90:4, 85-87, DOI: 10.1080/0005772X.2013.11417559

Other publications:

EIP-AGRI Focus Group Bee health and sustainable beekeeping, Final report (2020) Read more here

Fabricius Kristiansen, L. (2013). Spana efter den invasiva sammetsgetingen Vespa velutina. Fauna och flora. 108 (4), 12 - 15.


Hälsa från bikupan, Alexandra DePaoli och Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen (2019) 

Drottningodling, steg för steg, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen (2017)

Säker Honung, Calle Regnell, Anders Lignell och Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen (2017)

Mina första år som biodlare, grunderna i biodling, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen (2016)

Min biodling, arbetsbok, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen och Preben Kristiansen (2016)

Min biodling, cirkelledarhandbok, Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen och Preben Kristiansen (2016)


Research Assistant at the Department of People and Society
Telephone: +4651167116, +46730577151
Postal address:
Ortskansli, Skara
Box 234
532 32 Skara
Visiting address: Gråbrödragatan 7, Skara, Skara