Submit abstract

Senast ändrad: 27 februari 2024

There are two steps in the process to submit an abstract. The first step is to submit a preliminary title and a short description of the content of your contribution. After acceptance of your preliminary abstract, you should submit a full conference abstract, step two in the process. 

Intention to submit abstract

The text should be in English and should start with a preliminary title, the name of the author(s) and affiliation followed by 2-3 sentences describing the content of your contribution. Please also state if you contribution fits best in the positive welfare section, negative welfare section or the policy section. The information you provid here is only for the editorial board’s use and not to be published.

Note that the number of oral presentations will be limited by the organizers. We aim to get a balanced program covering our three main focus areas. 

Please send us your contribution by e-mail to with “AWScience content contribution” in the subject line, with deadline 27th of March 2024. 

Full conference abstract

Please follow the intructions in our template for conference abstract
Send your contribution by e-mail to, with “AWScience abstract” in the subject line, with deadline the 8th of May 2024.

Please state if you are a student or an early stage researcher (max 3 years after PhD). If you are an early stage researcher also state if you are interested in taken part in the "best presentation award". 

All accepted contributions for the Annual Animal Welfare Science Symposium will be put into an abstract book that will be handed out at the conference. 


For more infomation please contact: