24 maj

Lennart Kennes sal, Biocentrum, Uppsala

Spatial and temporal dynamics of seedborne, airborne, and foliar fungal communities in Swedish forest nurseries

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Rebecca Larsson försvarar sin avhandling "Spatial and temporal dynamics of seedborne, airborne, and foliar fungal communities in Swedish forest nurseries" den 24 maj 2024.

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Länk till avhandlingen: https://publications.slu.se/?file=publ/show&id=128756
Respondent: MSc Rebecca Larsson
Opponent: PhD, Senior scientist Eeva Terhonen, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Forest Health and Biodiversity
Tid: 2024-05-24 09:00
Ort: Uppsala
Lokal: Lennart Kennes sal, Biocentrum
Arrangör: Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi
