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No. 31 Kamal Prasad Aryal Uncultivated Plants: an option for livelihood support of the people in mid-hills of Nepal
No. 32 Dragos Cocos Effects of introduced salmonids on amphibian distribution and abundance in Retezat National Park
No. 33 Evgheni Ermolaev Research on conservation possibilities for Astragalus dasyanthus Pall. in the Republic of Moldova
No. 34. Jean Rwihaniza Gapusi Regeneration of indigenous species in Nyungwe bufferzone for biodiversity conservation and local people's livelihood in Rwanda
No. 35 Mashaer Goda Diversity of local genetic resources of watermelon Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai, in Sudan
No. 36 Sukanda Jotikapukkana Wildlife, human, and domestic animal use of buffer zone area Consequences for management strategies, Huai Kha Kaeng Wildlife Sanctuary (Thailand)
No. 37 John Ian Kanthungo An assessment of biodiversity contribution to rural livelihood security and protected area governance in Malawi: A case of communities along Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve
No. 38 Leonard Manda Status and uses of Oldfieldia dactylophylla (Euphorbiaceae) in Malawi
No. 39 Lourance Njopilai David Mapunda Edible orchids in Makete district, the southern highlands of Tanzania : distribution, population and status
No. 40 Yeshitila Mekbib Phenotypic variation and local customary use of Ethiopian potato (Plectranthus edulis (Vatke) Agnew)
No. 41 Javier Eduardo Mendoza Effects of landscape pattern and resource distribution on frugivorous bird species in the Central Andes of Colombia: setting ecological thresholds
No. 42 Matsikoane Motloli Determination of farmers'practices for on-farm conservation of locally adapted maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars in traditional-type agricultural systems in Lesotho
No. 43 Kinga Öllerer Local and landscape determinants of breeding pond use by amphibians in central Târnava Mare Valley, Romania
No. 44 Shiva Shankar Pandey Tree species diversity in existing community based forest management systems in central mid-hills of Nepal
No. 45 Dragana Pecanac Conceptions of sustainability in the medicinal and aromatic plants sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina
No. 46 Dang Thi Kim Phung Rural livelihoods in the buffer zone of Lo Go-Xa Mat National Park and their impacts on local forest biodiversity Impacts of rural livelihoods on forest biodiversity
No. 47 Marina Radun Conservation and utilisation of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) in Herzegovina
No. 48 Parmananda Ragen Tree diversity and alien encroachment in the nativeforest of Black River Gorges National Park, Mauritius
No. 49 Freddie Sayi Siangulube Local vegetation use and traditional conservation practices in the Zambian rural community: implications on forest stability
No. 50 Dukagjin Zeka Inventory of Phenotype Diversity of Landraces of Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Kosova for a National Gene Bank
No. 51 Ana Katnic Vascular plants as indicators of pollution in Lake Skadar
No. 52 Théobald Bizimana Underutilized crop diversity, seed systems, management and their implication on food security: The case of roots and tubers in South-Western Rwanda