PROC SGPLOT - Categorical data
Import the file jobdata.xlsx to SAS or use the SAS-file The data set consists of a variable job (A,B or C) a varaible city (1, 2 or 3) and a variable answer (Yes, No).
Bar charts
We are interested how the answer varies with jobs.
proc sgplot data=jobdata;
vbar job / group=answer;
or the other way round, depending on what we want to highlight:
vbar answer / group=job;
To set the different bars side-by-side (in SAS 9.3 or above):
proc sgplot data=categ;
bar job / group=answer groupdisplay=cluster;
Display percentages in plots
Start by computing the percentages:
proc freq data=categ;
tables answer*job / out=Freq1Out;
Then use the percentages in the plot:
proc sgplot data=Freq1Out;
vbar job / group=answer groupdisplay=cluster respone=percent;
Now, the labeling of the plot does not look very good. To change to percentage values we need to use a formatting:
data freq2Out;
set freq1out;
format pct percent7.1;
percent7.1 is a percent format with one decimal place. The value we format needs to be between 0 and 1. Now try the plot again:
proc sgplot data=freq2Out;
vbar job / group=answer groupdisplay=cluster response=pct ;
yaxis label="Percentage";