Den gröna revolutionens mörka skugga
Den åttonde april hade vi besök av den norska antropologen Anna Marie Nicolaysen som berättade om arbetet som ledde till hennes avhandling: The dark shadow of the green revolution - empowering small farmers in India through organic farming and biodiversity conservation.
Engelsk presentation:
Anna Marie Nicolaysen, part of the Agroecology Group at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, has studied how local farming organizations work to enable and empower small farmers to become independent and self-sufficient through conversion to and development of organic agriculture while preserving biodiversity. She explored the philosophy of these organizations; the agricultural and political ideas they transmit and the challenges they face. This research contributes to the growing understanding among farmers, researchers and international human rights and farming-focused organizations, of how reinvestment in sustainable agriculture is vital to the realization of the right to food, and to rural economic development.