Research for sustainable organic farming – System perspectives, stakeholder cooperation and communication

Forskning för ett hållbart ekologiskt lantbruk – Systemperspektiv, aktörssamverkan och kommunikation. EPOK höll den 9/12 2015 ett seminarium för forskare, doktorander och andra intresserade om ekologiskt lantbruk från jord till bord.
Resilient and healthy organic farming systems – concepts, measurements and applications, Thomas Döring, ORC & Humboldt University, Berlin
Research needs from practitioners perspective – relevance and impact, Maria Dirke, Ekologiska Lantbrukarna
Research on sustainable production – Systems perspectives and principles for sustainable developments, Erik Steen Jensen, SLU, Departement of Biosystems and Technology
Multi-actor research – strengths and weaknesses : Danish organic research with stakeholder involvement, Lizzie Melby Jespersen, ICROFS
Development of organic apple production – cooperation between farmers, advisors and researchers, Weronika Swiergiel, SLU, Departement of Crop Protection Biology
European Innovation Partnership, EIP-Agri, Nilla Nilsdotter-Linde, SLU, Departement of Crop Protection Biology
Stakeholder involvement and impact focus, Johanna van Schaik Dernfalk, The Swedish Research Council Formas