Aktiviteter fr o m 2024 (engelska)
För att stärka samverkan med andra universitet och omgivande samhälle skapar SLU Future One Health mötespunkter för forskare och andra aktörer inom området. Aktiviteterna nedan har helt eller till en del finansierats med medel från plattformen.
Konferenser, seminarier och workshops från 2024
Vi listar aktiviteter här från och med 2024. Informationen kommer från vår engelska webbsida.
One Health Day
Date: 2024-10-15
For the second year, One Health Day was organised to present a broad palette of topics – from biodiversity, environmental pollution, comparative medicine, and infectious diseases to climate change – and how these relate to our interconnected health. The day aimed to bring together researchers interested in the interdisciplinary concept of One Health, to be inspired by each other’s research and to find new collaboration opportunities.
Read more about: One Health Day
Climate Conversations
11 September 2024: How can we produce food throughout Sweden in the shadow of climate change? On this occasion, SLU Global and the Future Platforms organized an internal scientific dialogue with a focus on the possibilities to produce food in all of Sweden in the shadow of climate change.
12 February: "Towards a transformative Science? – responsibilities, credibility and value systems". SLU Global and the Future Platforms organized an internal scientific dialogue on transformative science –responsibilities, credibility and value systems. Keynote speakers were Erik Hysing, SLU & Madalina Vlasceanu, New York University and director of the Collective Cognition Lab.
The One Health Breakfast Club
Date: 2022->
In 2022, SLU Future One Health started a series of breakfast seminars; "The One Health Breakfast Club". We offer short inspiring lectures on various One Health topics and breakfast mingles in order to stimulate interdisciplinary discussions between SLU researchers related to One Health.
5 november 2024: Social determinants of health perspective for One Health: epidemiological evidence focusing on mental health in Japanese farming communities with Mariko Kanamori, Stockholm University.
1 October 2024: Bees and One Health: On-going initiatives on food security, livelihoods, and disaster risk reduction with Paul Egan and Lotta Fabricius Kristiansen, SLU
3 September 2024: Strengthening capacity for the detection of emerging zoonoses in Asia through a One Health approach with Åsa Fahlman, SLU Swedish Biodiversity Centre (CBM).
5 June 2024: Healthy ageing and food security for indigenous elderly in Sweden and India with Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Department of Urban and Rural Development, SLU and Monalisha Sahu, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, India.
7 May 2024: Ongoing international One Health activities with Susanna Sternberg Lewerin, Department of Animal Biosciences.
9 April 2024: Nature Based Solutions with Marina Treskova, Heidelberg Institute for Global Health, Heidelberg, affiliated to Umeå University.
12 March 2024: The International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists with Igshaan Samuels, Specialist scientist at Agricultural Research Council, City of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa.
6 February 2024: An ethicists view of One Health with Henrik Lerner, Senior lecturer at the Department of Health Care Sciences at Marie Cederschiöld University, Stockholm.
22 January 2024: Urban Health – Diverse perspectives on health in urban settings. How do we define, understand, and relate to health? What tendencies or changes can we observe in today’s urban contexts? SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future One Health organized this Urban Health webinar.
Forskarutbildningskurser från 2024
A multidisciplinary PhD course in One Health - concept, cases and methodology
Datum: 2024-03-11 - 2024-03-22
SLU Future One Health and the Department of Animal Biosciences, together with the GS-VMAS graduate school, organized a PhD course in One Health. The course was aimed to PhD students in animal science, biology, veterinary medicine, food science, nutrition, nursing, or other one health related subjects, or a residency program in veterinary science.
Utlysningar och beviljade medel från 2024
Researcher residency at Philipssonska gården - 20-21 August 2024
For the third time, the four Future Platforms (SLU Future One Health, SLU Future Forests, SLU Urban Futures and SLU Future Food) invited senior as well as junior SLU researchers for two days of discussions on interdisciplinary research, at Philipssonska gården in Strängnäs. The purpose was to strengthen the inter- and transdisciplinary research at SLU and to identify new links and research collaborations between our fields. Focuses were on sustainability combined with forestry, food production, urban landscapes and one health. This year 13 researcher from different disciplines participated.
A researcher residency in the spirit of interdisciplinarity
Call for project funds 2024
Funds for activities such as pilot studies, feasibility studies, literature reviews, consortium meetings or consults (illustrators, communicators, mentoring) to improve project proposals to be submitted to Formas, VR, Forte, Horizon EU or other relevant funding bodies.
Date of decision: April 9.
Maximum amount per application: 150 000 SEK.
Total granted: 721 539 SEK
- Drivers of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Re/emergence and Spread in Mountain Ecosystems: A Transdisciplinary One Health Study
- Building more nutritionally secure rural landscapes for humans and livestock through ecosystem restoration
- Establishing the pet-human health model – sentinels and forecasters under one roof
- PharmaBat: Investigating Bat-Mediated Transfer of Aquatic Pharmaceuticals to Terrestrial Ecosystems and Implications for Bat Health
- Tropical forest restoration from a one-health perspective - the important interplay between fungus, frogs, flies and folk
Call to write a report on One Health and the environment 2024
The environmental aspect of One Health is more recent, and less specified, than human/animal health. SLU Future One Health commission a report on previous and current SLU research in environmental issues linked to One Health, and future perspectives of this research (both within SLU and on a global scale).
Date of decision: April 9.
Maximum amount per application: 400 000 SEK.
Total granted: 799 942 SEK (two applications).