
Alessia Uboni


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Nuvarande tjänst:

Postdoktor, finansieras genom ett personligt 4-års utbytesstipendium som delas ut av Svenska Forskningsrådet Formas. 


Utbildning och examina

2005, BSc, Trieste Universitet, Italien

2007, MSc, Torino Universitet, Italien

2012, PhD, Michigan Technological University, USA


2017-för närvarande: Gästforskare, Oslo Universitet, Norge

2016-för närvarande: Postdoktor, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sverige

2013-2015: Postdoktor, Umeå Universitet, Sverige

2009-2012: Doktorand, Michigan Technological University, USA

2008: Graphic Information System (GIS) Intern, Spatial Analysis Center, Yellowstone National Park, USA

Publikationer i urval

Fem utvalda publikationer:

  1. Uboni A, Smith DW, Stahler DR & Vucetich JA. 2017. Selecting habitat to what purpose? The advantage of exploring the habitat-fitness relationship. Ecosphere 8(4): e01705
  2. Uboni A, Horstkotte T, Kaarlejärvi E, Sévêque A, Stammler F, Olofsson J, Forbes BC & Moen J. 2016. Long-term population dynamics of Eurasian reindeer: trends, synchrony, and the role of large-scale climate. PlosOne 11(6): e0158359.
  3. Uboni A, Smith DW, Mao JS, Stahler DR & Vucetich JA. 2015. Long- and short-term temporal variability in habitat selection of a top-predator. Ecosphere 6(4): 51.
  4. Uboni A, Vucetich JA, Stahler DR & Smith DW. 2015. Interannual variability: a crucial component of space use at the territory level. Ecology 96(1): 62-70.
  5. Uboni A, Bagneres AG, Christides J-P & Lorenzi MC. 2012. Cleptoparasites, social parasites and a common host: Chemical insignificance for visiting host nests, chemical mimicry for living in. Journal of Insect Physiology 58(9): 1259-1264.




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