
Anders Kiessling

Anders Kiessling


My reseach area includes nutrition, product quality and welfare in farmed fish. At present my main focus is sustainable animal feed sources, including microbial, insects and feed mussel sources. My interests also includes closed integrated and multi trophic farming systems.


  • 2011- Professor in Aquaculture (SLU)
  • 2003- 2011- Associate Professor (SLU)
  • 2003- 2011- Professor in Aquaculture Nutrition (Norway)
  • 1999- 2003- Associate Teaching Professor (SLU)
  • 1998- 2003- Senior researcher (Inst. of Marine Research, Norway)
  • 1995- 1998- Research director (Mistra)
  • 1992- 1998- Faculty research position (SLU)
  • 1990- 1992- Postdoc (Dep. of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada)
  • 1986- 1990- PhD (SLU)
  • 1983- 1985- PhD (Dep. of Zoophysiology, Gothenburg University)


Professor vid Institutionen för tillämpad husdjursvetenskap och välfärd; Aquakultur
Telefon: +4618672003, +46703919399
BOX 7024
750 07 Uppsala
Besöksadress: Ulls väg 26, Uppsala