Ann-Mari Fransson
Publikationer i urval
Fransson AM. 2019. May silver and the heavy metal concentrations in leaves be used in order to identify tree root intrusion into sewage systems and storm-water drains? Arboricultural Journal. Accepted
Fransson, AM. 2018 A Single Incident of Soil P Leaching in a Mature Forest Corresponds to 10 Years of Average Leaching. Preprints 2018, 2018100410 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201810.0410.v1).
Levinsson A, Fransson AM, Emilsson T 2017. Investigating the relationship between various measuring methods for determination of establishment of urban trees. (Urban forestry urban greening 28; 21-27.)
Mårtensson LM, Fransson AM and Emilsson T 2016. Exploring the use of edible and evergreen perennials in living wall systems in the Scandinavian climate (Urban forestry and urban greening, 15: 84-88).
Levinsson A, Konijnendijk van den Bosch C, Öxell C, Fransson AM 2015. Visual assessment and morphological characteristics of urban Prunus avium (L.) and Quercus rubra (L.) during the establishment phase in relation to water status. (Urban forestry urban greening 14: 2, 218-224)
Mårtensson LM, Wuolo A, Fransson AM and Emilsson T. 2014. Plant performance in living wall systems in the Scandinavian climate (Accepted Ecological Engineering).
Levinsson A, Saebö A, Fransson AM 2014. Production method affects water uptake and stress response of newly planted urban trees. (Accepted Scientia Horticulturae).
Lankinen Å, Fransson AM, Larsson M. 2013 Allocation to pollen competitive ability vs. seed production in Viola tricolor as an effect of plant size, soil nutrients and presence of a root competitor (Oikos 122:779-789)
Östberg J, Ståhl Ö, Martinsson M and Fransson AM 2012. Risk of root intrusion by trees and shrub species into sewer pipes in Swedish urban areas. (Urban forestry & urban greening 11 (1) 65-71)
George, T.S., Fransson, A-M, Hammond, J. and White, P 2011. P nutrition: Rhizosphere processes, plant response and adaptations in Phosphorus in action – biological processes in soil phosphorus cycling Edited by Buenemann, E., Oberson, A., and Frossard, E.
Blanck Y-L, Gowda J, Sandberg J, and Fransson AM 2011. Phosphorus and moisture affect species richness more than nitrogen in Matoral forests, Argentina. (Plant and Soil 345, 11-21)
Pedersen J, Fransson A-M, and Olsson PA. Performance of Bromus tectorum and Rumex acetosella in sandy calcareous soils Flora 206:276-281
Sandberg J, Jones D, and Fransson A-M. 2009. Extensive utilisation of soil P by plants adapted to acidic conditions. Nordic Journal of Botany 27:444-448
Akselsson C, Fransson A-M, Thelin G, and Westling O. 2008. Will N or P be limiting for growth in Swedish forests in the future? (Science of the Total Environment 404:284-289)
Göransson H, Fransson A-M, Jönsson U. 2007 Do oaks have different strategies for uptake of N, K and P depending on soil depth? (Plant and Soil 297: 119-125)
Rousk J, Bååth E, Göransson H, and Fransson A-M. 2007 Competition between plants and microorganisms for 33P using uptake into phospholipids to estimate soil microbial P. (Applied Soil Ecology36(2-3):233-237)
Fransson A-M and Jones D. 2007 Phosphatase activity does not limit the microbial use of low molecular weight organic-P substrates in soil (Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39:1213-1217)
Göransson H, Rosengren U, Wallander H, Fransson A-M, Thelin G. 2006. Nutrient acquisition from different soil depths in a mixed stand of Norway spruce and Pedunculate oak (Trees 20:292-298 )
Fransson A-M, Valeur I., and Wallander H. 2004 Wood-decaying fungi increases P availability in acid forest humus soil and N addition hampers this effect. (Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry 36:1699-1705).
Fransson A-M, Vinogradoff S, Goodbold D, Jones DL and van Heese P. 2004 Aluminium complexation of citrate suppresses organic acid degradation by acid forest soil microorganisms. (Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry 36:353-357)
Fransson A-M., van Aarle I.M., Olsson P.A., and Tyler G. 2003 Differences between Plantago lanceolata L. and Rumex acetosella in utilisation of soil phosphorus. Plant & Soil, Vol. 248, 1-2, 285-295.
Mahmood S, Finlay RD, Fransson A-M, Wallander H. 2002. Effects of hardened wood ash on microbial activity plant growth and nutrient uptake by ectomycorrhizal spruce seedlings. FEMS Microbiology Ecology1430:1-11.
Fransson A-M. 2001. Evaluation of Oxalate/Oxalic acid for extracting plant available phosphorus in unfertilised acid soils. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 32: 2469-2484
Fransson, A-M. and Bergkvist, B. 2000. Phosphorus fertilisation causes durable enhancement of soluble phosphorus concentrations in forest soil. For. Ecol. Manage. 130 (1-3):69-76.
Fransson, A-M., Bergkvist, B. and Tyler, G. 1999. Phosphorus solubility in an acid forest soil as influenced by form of applied phosphorus and liming. Scand. J. For. Res. 14:538-544