Arne Fjälling
My present research mainly concerns three areas, (a) fish migration in rivers and streams in relation to technologies for passages, (b) selective and lenient methods for commercial fisheries for salmonids, and (c) improved and new sampling methods for fisheries research. A common aspect for these areas is behavior of fish in natural and disturbed environments. Some of my time is also spent on follow-up work of two earlier research areas, (a) seals and fisheries interactions, especially mitigation technologies, and (b) freshwater crayfish. An important earlier task was designing the system for the experimental installations (aquarium house and ponds) at the Institute of Freshwater Research. In my work I often pursue the full way from identifying a problem or need, via theoretical analysis, brainstorming and pilot experiments to the main study, and then to the presentation of results at conferences and in scientific papers. Communication of advice to national and/or regional authorities, NGOs and stakeholders is always central. In several cases in the past, results were turned over to commercial actors in the fishing industry for production of fishing gear, or other implementation of results. I deem it important to have a thorough knowledge of, and master the practical details of, each subject area. For this I have, besides usual academic training, put several years of effort into gathering technical and other problem solving skills. I have also built a strong personal network among Swedish small scale commercial fishers.
2019. Licentiate. Behaviour of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and their prey in and near set traps. Linda Calamnius, SLU. Assist. Supervisor.
2015. Master. 30p. Barriers effect on lotic fish fauna / Barriärers påverkan på fiskfauna i rinnande vattendrag. Johan Rudin, SLU. Supervisor.
2015. Master. 30p. Fish sampling in lotic water – A study of the efficiency of the novel Nordic multi-mesh Stream Survey Net. Anders Eidborn, SLU. Supervisor.
2013. Master. 30p. Fish type recognition from underwater images for sustainable fishing. Fritjof Jonsson, CBA. Supervisor.
2013. Master. 30p. Stream channelization effects on fish abundance and species composition. Ulf Johansson, LiTH. Supervisor.
2010. Civ. Ing. 30p. Eel population monitoring using conductivity measurement. Jonathan Beck, KTH. Supervisor.
2009. Master. 30p. Aversion learning in grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) when taking fish from a static fishing gear by using electric shocks. Annika Strömberg, LU. Supervisor
2007. Master. 30p. Försök med olika selekteringsmetoder i lax/sikfälla med push-up fiskhus. Mikael Lundin, SLU. Supervisor.
2007. Fil Mag. 30p. Födosammansättning hos gråsäl (Halichoerus grypus) samt test av flotte för insamling av sälfekalier. Christian Lagström, HiK. Supervisor.
2006. Fil Mag. 30p. Försök med olika selekteringsmetoder i lax/sikfälla med push-up fiskhus. Mikael Lundin, MH. Supervisor.
2005. Fil Mag. 30p. Obstacles to prevent grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from entering static fishing gear. Gustav Björnstad, LU. Supervisor.
2005. Master. 60p. Do grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) use above water olfactory stimuli in foraging?. Magdalena Beszczyńska, LiU. Assist. Supervisor.
2005. Master. 60p. Do grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) use their vision to find fishing gears?. Jenny Kleiner, LiU. Assist. Supervisor.
2003. Fil Mag. 30p. The detection of fish in experimental fish traps by harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) - is vision more important than hearing and touch? Petra Brembeck, GU. De facto Supervisor.
2003. Fil Mag. 30p. The detection of fish in experimental fish traps by harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) - is vision more important than hearing and touch? Malin Hultgren, LiU. De facto Supervisor.
2001. Fil Mag. 30p. Reactions in individual fish to strobe light. Field and aquarium experiments performed on whitefish (Coregonus larvaretus). Sara Königson, GU. De facto Supervisor.
1987. MRT. 20p? Introduction of Standardized test fishing to African waters. Niklas Mattson, SIDA. Supervisor.
Publikationer i urval
Leonardsson, K., Jeuthe, H., Fjälling, A., Hellström, G., Leander, J., Nyqvist, D., Calles, O. & Östergren, J. 2017. Hydrauliska förutsättningar och ålens beteende i kraftverksintag. Krafttag Ål. Stockholm, Sweden: Energiforsk. 56pp.
Jeuthe, H. & Fjälling, A. 2017. Utvärdering av sonar som varningssystem för nedströms ålvandring. Krafttag Ål. Energiforsk. 38pp.
Fjälling, A. 2014a. Test av nytt koncept till förbipassage för nedströms vandrande blankål. Elforsk Rapport, 14, 30pp.
Fjälling, A. 2014b. Slutrapport till Krafttag Ål för projektet ”Test av nytt koncept till förbipassage för nedströms vandrande blankål” - Appendix 1: Fördjupat underlag. Stockholm: SLU Aqua. 13pp.
Fjälling, A. 1985. Fiskredskap för kraftverksmagasin. Information från Sötvattenslaboratoriet, 2, 32 pp.
Calamnius, L., M. Lundin, A. Fjälling and S. Königson. 2018. Pontoon trap for salmon and trout equipped with a seal exclusion device catches larger salmons. PLoS ONE 13(7): e0201164.
Engdahl, F., A. Fjälling, A. Sandström, Bohman, P., Edsman, L., 2013. A Trial of Natural Habitat Enclosure Traps as a Sampling Tool for Juvenile Crayfish. Freshw. Crayfish 19, 137-144.
Fjälling, A. 1991. Crayfish traps in Swedish Fisheries. In: Freshwater Crayfish 8. Papers from the Eight International Symposium on Freshwater Crayfish, Baton Rouge. Ed R. Romaire. 201-214.
Fjälling, A. 2005. The Estimation of hidden seal-inflicted losses in the Baltic Sea set trap salmon fisheries. ICES J Marine Sci 62, 1630-1635.
Fjälling, A. 2011. The enclosure trap, a new tool for sampling juvenile crayfish. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems 401. 5pp.
Fjälling, A., E. Degerman and U. Johansson. 2015. Norden multimesh gill net for fish sampling in lotic environments. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 20:182-186.
Fjälling, A. and M. Fürst. 1987. The Development of a Fishery for the crayfish Pacifastacus Leniusculus in Sweden 1960-86. In: Freshwater Crayfish 7. Papers from the Seventh International Symposium on Freshwater Crayfish, Lausanne. Ed. P. Goeldlin. pp 223-230.
Fjälling, A., J. Kleiner and M. Beszczyńska. 2007. Evidence that grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) use above-water vision to locate baited buoys. NAMMCO Sci. Publ. Vol. 6. 215-227.
Fjälling, A., Wahlberg, M. and Westerberg, H. 2006. Acoustic harassment devices reduce seal interaction in the Baltic salmon-trap, net fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 63: 1751-1758.
Hemmingsson, M., A. Fjälling and S-G. Lunneryd. 2008. The pontoon trap: Description and function of a seal-safe trap-net. Fisheries Res. 93:357-359.
Königson S, A. Fjälling and S-G. Lunneryd. 2002. Reactions to stroboscope light in whitefish (Coregonus albula). Fourth Congress on Telemetry in Europé. Hydrobiologia 483: 39-44.
Königson S, A. Fjälling and S-G. Lunneryd. 2007. Grey seal induced catch losses in the herring gillnet fisheries in the Gulf of Bothnia.. NAMMCO Sci. Publ. Vol. 6: 203-213.
Königson, S., A. Fjälling, M. Berglind and S-G Lunneryd. 2013. Male grey seals specialize in raiding salmon traps. Fisheries Research. 117-123.
Lundin, M., Calamnius, L. & Fjalling, A. 2015. Size selection of whitefish (Coregonus maraena) in a pontoon trap equipped with an encircling square mesh selection panel. Fisheries Research, 161, 330-335.
Lunneryd S-G, A. Fjälling and H. Westerberg. 2003. A large-mesh salmon trap: a way of mitigating seal impact on a coastal fishery. ICES J. of Marine Science, 60:1194-1199.
Shapiro, A. D., J. Tougaard, P. B. Jørgensen, L. A. Kyhn, J. D. Balle, C. Bernardez, A. Fjälling, J. Karlsen and M. Wahlberg. 2008. Transmission loss patterns from acoustic harassment and deterrent devices do not always follow geometrical spreading predictions. Mar. Mam. Sci. 25(1):53-67.
Svärdson G, M. Fürst and A. Fjälling. 1991. Population Resilience in Signal Crayfish. Finnish Fisheries Research 12:1991, 165-177.
Westerberg, H. S-G. Lunneryd, M. Wahlberg and A. Fjälling. 2007. Reconciling fisheries activities with the conservation of seals through the development of new fishing gear: a case study from the Baltic