Brendan Mckie

Sjöar och vattendrag tillhör de mest utsatta och hotade av våra naturliga resurser. Detta trots deras fundamentala betydelse för livet på jorden samt ett stort antal centrala ekosystemtjänster för människan (transport, rening, fiske, rekreation, vattenförsörjning för konstbevattning, industri och för hemmabruk). På en global skala försvinner biologisk mångfald i sötvatten snabbare även än i de mest utsatta landekosystemen och det finns en bred vetenskaplig konsensus vad gäller sårbarheten hos dessa ekosystem visavi globala och lokala förändringar som näringsbelastning, andra organisk och oorganisk förorening, hydromorfologisk påverkan (t. ex. kanalisering, vattenreglering), ökad grumlighet, försurning, och invasiva arter. Alla dessa påverkansfaktorer, även kallade ”stressfaktorer”, kan interagera med varandra, något som ofta resulterar i starkare negativa effekter på ekosystemen än när faktorerna verkar isolerade från varandra.
Jag fokuserar på hur stressfaktorer påverker artmångfålden på olika organismgrupper (främst bottenfauna, men även akvatiska svamp, kiselalg, makrofyter och fisk). Jag även undersöker hur interaktioner bland stressfaktorer kan påverka viktiga ekosystemprocesser, såsom löv nedbrytning, tillväxten av alger, och upptag av närsalter, samt ekosystem tjänstår som direkt gynnar samhället, t.ex. fiske och leverans av rent dricksvatten.
Jag är kontaktpersonen för frågor kring restaureringsfrågor. Jag sitter som ordförande på fakultetens docentnämnd.
- Miljöanalys MX0159 (Grundutbildning)
- Ecosystem Functioning: From Theory to Application (Forskarutbildning)
Lärare (återkommande):
- Miljöanalys MX0152 (Avancerad nivå)
- Environmental Management in Europe MX0160 (Avancerad nivå - online)
- Markanvändning och vattenvård för att minska övergödning MV0217 (Avancerad nivå)
CROSSLINK: Att öka förståelsen för kopplingar mellan grön och blå infrastruktur för att optimera förvaltningen av biologisk mångfald, ekosystem tjänster, och mänsklig nytta
- CROSSLINK project website med publikationer, protokol mm:
YouTube Video
Mikroplast i sötvattensekosystem:
AquaBioEx How to protect what we do not know we have: Identifying, understanding and managing aquatic biodiversity in intensively managed forests and under an increasingly extreme climate (2023-28). Project leader: Lenka Kuglerova
PuddleJump - Förbättrar länken mellan dammar, multifunktion och förvaltning
DESTRESS: Utredning av interaktioner emellan multipla stressfaktorer och deras ekologiska effekter på vattendrag
EXTREAM: Invasiva arter i svenska vattendrag: utvärdering och analys av deras ekologiska och ekonomiska effekter
Inom WATERS: Påverkan av skogsbruk, jordbruk och vattenkraft på ekosystem struktur och funktion i sötvatten
VRL RESTORE: Restaurering av Vindelälvens avrinningsområde: uppföljning av biologiska effekter
Andra projekt:
REFORM REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management
EKOLIV Ekologiska och ekonomiska strategier för optimering av vattenkraftsrelaterade miljöåtgärder
Skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014 - Utvärdering av effekter på vattenkvalitet och vattenlevande organismer i och runt brandområdet
DREAM: Utveckling av indikatorer för ekologisk resiliens
Grundutbildning: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS), Australian National University (1991-96)
Forskarutbildning: DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (ECOLOGY), James Cook University (JCU), Townsville, Australia (1997-2002).
Post-dok tjänster
1) Inst. Ekologi och Geovetenskap, Umeå University: 2002-2008.
a) 2006 – 08: Project BioCycle (European Science Foundation).
b) 2002-05: project RIVFUNCTION (EU FP5).
2) Inst. för Entomologi, University of California Davis, USA, 2002.
Docent: December 2010
Universitetslektor i sötvattensekologi sedan 2021
Forskarutbildning: utexaminerade
- 11 total som huvud eller bi-handledare. Här listas utexaminerade doktorander där min roll var som huvudhandledare:
- Ze Hui Kong: Microplastics in freshwater food webs: Effects and drivers (PhD September 2024)
- Sophia Renes (main supervisor): Resilience in microbial communities (PhD March 2021)
- Dr. Amélie Truchy (main supervisor): Ecosystem functioning in streams under pressure: Understanding the roles of biotic, abiotic and spatial drivers (PhD February 2018).
- Dr. Kristina Tattersdill (main supervisor): Exotic invaders in boreal lakes: Assessing impact on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. (PhD January 2018).
- Dr. André Frainer, Umeå University (main supervisor): Ecosystem functioning in streams: Disentangling the roles of biodiversity, stoichiometry, and anthropogenic drivers (PhD, December 2013)
Forskarutbildning: pågående
- 6 total som huvud eller bi-handledare. Här listas doktorander där jag har huvudhandledare rollen:
- Joel Segersten (main supervisor 2022): Quantifying impacts of hydropower on riverine ecosystems and assessing efficacy of mitigation measures
Dr. Amélie Truchy (2018-20): Analysis of multiple stressors in existing data
Dr. Francis Burdon (2017-21): Connectivity in stream-riparian networks
Dr Emma Göthe (2015-17): Disentangling multiple stressors in stream ecosystems
Dr. André Frainer (2014-15): Species traits and ecosystem functioning
Dr. Ryan Burrows, SLU Umeå (2013-15): Forest management and stream functioning
Masters- och Kandidatstudenter
13 total som huvud eller bi-handledare. Här listas utexaminerade studenter där min roll var som huvudhandledare:
- Sophia Bergström: Buffering in the Riparian Zone: Which attributes of forest buffers contribute to improving health of agricultural streams? (Bachelors, 2024)
- Yasmin Screech: How does the presence of microplastics affect feeding choices and resource consumption of detritivores (Masters, 2023)
- Ossian Nordell: Restaureringsarbetets utbredning i Sverige: En utvärdering av databasen Åtgärder i Vatten (Bachelors, 2021, translation: Restoration in Sweden: an evaluation of the database management measures in water)
- Martina Strangl: Evaluating impacts of pollution from surgical masks on ecosystem functioning: an in situ test (Masters, 2021)
- Sabrina Zabalgiotta: Systematic review of the sorption potential of microplastics (Masters, 2020)
- Ellinor Ramberg: Effects of riparian buffer strips on connectivity between aquatic and terrestrial foodwebs using polyunsaturated fatty acids as biomarkers (Masters, 2018-19)
- Asa White: Beaver activity in boreal streams: does colonisation history affect downstream resources and ecosystem functioning? (Masters, 2014-15)
- Maisam Ali: Assessment of changes in algal biomass accrual and leaf decomposition along a gradient of increasing agricultural disturbance (Masters, 2013-14)
- Mohab Dawoud: Multiple pesticide stressors and ecosystem functioning in stream detrital food webs (Masters,2011)
Publikationer i urval
Granskade publikationer i vetenskapliga tidskrift: 50 utvalde
RSS feed med mina senaste publikationer hittas längst ner på sidan
Se också: Google scholar page
*corresponding author
- Tiegs, S.D., et al. (149 authors including B.G. McKie) (2024) Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers. Science, 384(6701): 1191-1195.
- Ring, E., S. Löfgren, L. Högbom, M. Östlund, M-L Wiklund McKie, & B.G. McKie (2013). Long-term effects on water chemistry and macroinvertebrates of selective thinning along small boreal forest streams. Forest Ecology & Management 548, 121459
- *McKie, B.G., K. Tattersdill, F. Ecke, A. Frainer, R. Sponseller (2023) A long-established invasive species alters the functioning of benthic biofilms in lakes. Freshwater Biology 68: 2068-83
- Haase, P., Bowler, D.E., Baker, N.J. … McKie B.G. et al.(96 coauthors) (2023) The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. Nature 620, 582–588
- Land, M., M. Bundschuh, R.J. Hopkins, B. Poulin, B.G. McKie (2023) Effects of mosquito control using the microbial agent Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems – A systematic review. Environmental Evidence 12: 26
- *McKie B.G., A. Taylor, T. Nilsson, A. Frainer, W. Goedkoop (2023) Ecological effects of mosquito control with Bti: Evidence for shifts in the trophic structure of soil- and ground-based food webs. Aquatic Sciences 85 (2): 47
- Kong, Z. H., F. J. Burdon, A. Truchy, M. Bundschuh, M. N. Futter, R. Hurley and B. G. McKie (2023). Comparing effects of microplastic exposure, FPOM resource quality, and consumer density on the response of a freshwater particle feeder and associated ecosystem processes. Aquatic Sciences 85(3): 70.
- Witing, F., M. A. E. Forio, F. J. Burdon, B. McKie, P. Goethals, M. Strauch and M. Volk (2022). Riparian reforestation on the landscape scale: Navigating trade-offs among agricultural production, ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (6), 1456-1471
- Choudhury, M. I., S. Hallin, F. Ecke, V. Hubalek, J. Juhanson, A. Frainer and B. G. McKie (2022). Disentangling the roles of plant functional diversity and plaint traits in regulating plant nitrogen accumulation and denitrification in freshwaters. Functional Ecology 36(4): 921-932.
Truchy, A., R. A. Sponseller, F. Ecke, D. G. Angeler, M. Kahlert, M. Bundschuh, R. K. Johnson and B. G. McKie (2022). Responses of multiple structural and functional indicators along three contrasting disturbance gradients. Ecological Indicators 135: 108514.
Frainer, A., A. Bruder, F. Colas, V. Ferreira and B. G. McKie (2021). Plant Litter Decomposition as a Tool for Stream Ecosystem Assessment. The Ecology of Plant Litter Decomposition in Stream Ecosystems. C. M. Swan, L. Boyero and C. Canhoto. Cham, Springer International Publishing: 483-509.- Frainer, A. and B. G. McKie (2021). The legacy of forest disturbance on stream ecosystem functioning. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(7): 1511-1522.
- Marbuah, G., L. Buisson, B. G. McKie and I.-M. Gren (2021). Economic Activity and Distribution of an Invasive Species: Evidence from Night-time Light Satellite Imagery Data. Ecological economics 185: 107037.
- Sarremejane, R., A. Truchy, B. G. McKie, H. Mykrä, R. K. Johnson, A. Huusko, R. A. Sponseller and T. Muotka (2021). Stochastic processes and ecological connectivity drive stream invertebrate community responses to short-term drought. Journal of Animal Ecology 90(4): 886-898.
- Truchy, A., R. Sarremejane, T. Muotka, H. Mykrä, D. G. Angeler, K. Lehosmaa, A. Huusko, R. K. Johnson, R. A. Sponseller and B. G. McKie (2020). Habitat patchiness, ecological connectivity and the uneven recovery of boreal stream ecosystems from an experimental drought. Global Change Biology 26(6): 3455-3472.
- Truchy, A., E. Göthe, D.G. Angeler, F. Ecke, R.A. Sponseller, M. Bundschuh, R.K. Johnson, and B.G. McKie, Partitioning spatial, environmental, and community drivers of ecosystem functioning. Landscape Ecology, 2019. 34(10): p. 2371-2384
- Burdon, F. J., E. Ramberg, J. Sargac, M. A. Forio, N. De Saeyer, M. P.T., T. F. Moe, M. O. Pavelescu, V. Dinu, C. Cazacu, F. Witing, B. Kupillas, U. Grandin, M. Volk, G. Risnoveanu, P. Goethals, N. Friberg, R. K. Johnson and B. G. McKie (2020). Assessing the benefits of forested riparian zones: A qualitative index of riparian integrity is positively associated with ecological status in European streams. Water ›4):
- *Göthe E, Degerman E, Sandin L, Segersten J, Tamario C, McKie BG. (2019) Flow restoration and the impacts of multiple stressors on fish communities in regulated rivers. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 1687-1702
- *McKie B.G., Sandin L., Carlson P.E. and Johnson R.K. (2018). Species traits reveal effects of land use, season and habitat on the potential subsidy of stream invertebrates to terrestrial food webs. Aquatic Sciences 80: 15
- Frainer A., McKie B.G., Amundsen P.-A. Knudsen R. and Lafferty K.D. (2018). Parasitism and the Biodiversity-Functioning Relationship. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 33: 260-58
- Pilotto F., Nilsson C., Polvi L.E. and McKie B.G. (2018). First signs of macroinvertebrate recovery following enhanced restoration of boreal streams used for timber floating. Ecological Applications 28: 587-597
- Frainer A, Polvi L., Jansson R., McKie B.G. (2018) Enhanced ecosystem functioning following stream restoration: the roles of habitat heterogeneity and invertebrate species traits. Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 377-85
- Weber C., Åberg U., Buijse A.D., Hughes F.M.R., McKie B.G., Piégay H., Roni P., Vollenweider S. and Haertel-Borer S. (2018). Goals and principles for programmatic river restoration monitoring and evaluation: collaborative learning across multiple projects. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 5: e1257-n/a
- Tattersdill K., Ecke F., Frainer A. and McKie B.G. (2017). A head start for an invasive species in a strongly seasonal environment? Growth of Elodea canadensis Michx. in boreal lakes. Aquatic Invasions 12: 487-98
- Johnson R, Angeler D.G., Hallstan S, Sandin L., McKie BG (2017) Decomposing multiple pressure effects on invertebrate assemblages of boreal streams. Ecological Indicators, 77: 293-303
- *Dawoud M., Bundschuh M., Goedkoop W. and McKie B. G. (2017). Interactive effects of an insecticide and a fungicide on different organism groups and ecosystem functioning in a stream detrital food web. Aquatic Toxicology 186: 215-221.
- Burrows RH, Laudon H, McKie BG, Sponseller RA (2017) Seasonal resource limitation of heterotrophic biofilms in boreal streams. Limnology & Oceanography. 62:164-176
- *Gardeström J, Ermold ME, Goedkoop W and McKie BG (2016) Disturbance history influences stressor impacts: effects of a fungicide and nutrients on microbial diversity and litter decomposition. Freshwater Biology 61: 2171-2184
- Bundschuh M. & McKie BG (2016) An ecological and ecotoxicological perspective on fine particulate organic matter in streams. Freshwater Biology 16: 2063-74
- *Carlson P.E., Brendan G. McKie, Leonard Sandin, Richard K. Johnson (2016) Strong land-use effects on the dispersal patterns of adult stream insects: implications for transfers of aquatic subsidies to terrestrial consumers. Freshwater Biology 61: 848-61
- Bjelke U, Boberg J, Oliva J, Tattersdill K. & McKie BG (2016) Dieback of riparian alder caused by the Phytophthora alni complex: projected consequences for stream ecosystems. Freshwater Biology 61: 565-79
- Frainer, A., Jabiol, J., Gessner, M.O., Bruder, A., Chauvet, E. & McKie, B.G. (2016) Stoichiometric imbalances between detritus and detritivores are related to shifts in ecosystem functioning. Oikos, 125, 861-871
- *Truchy A., David G. Angeler, Ryan A. Sponseller, Richard K. Johnson, Brendan G. McKie (2015) Linking biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services, and ecological resilience: Towards an integrative framework for improved management. Advances in Ecological Research, 53: 55-96
- *Frainer A & McKie BG (2015) Shifts in the diversity and composition of consumer traits constrain the effects of land use on stream ecosystem functioning. Advances In Ecological Research 52: 169-200
- Marbuah G, Gren IM, McKie BG (2014) Economics of Harmful Invasive Species: A Review. Diversity 6: 500-523
- Kahlert M & McKie BG (2014) Comparing new and conventional methods to estimate benthic algal biomass and composition in freshwaters. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16: 2627-2634
- Handa IT, Aerts R, Berendse F, Berg M, Bruder A, Butenschoen O, Chauvet E, Gessner MO, Jabiol J, Makkonen M, McKie BG, Malmqvist B, Peeters ET, Scheu S, Schmid B, van Ruijven J, Vos VC, Hättenschwiler S (2014) Consequences of biodiversity loss for litter decomposition across biomes. Nature 509: 218-21
- Frainer, A, McKie BG.and Malmqvist, B (2014) When does diversity matter? Species functional diversity and ecosystem functioning across habitats and seasons in a field experiment. Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 460-69
- Jabiol J, McKie BG, Bruder, A, Bernadet C, Gessner, MO, Chauvet E (2013) Trophic complexity enhances ecosystem functioning in a detritus-based stream foodweb Journal of Animal Ecology 82: 1042-51
- Carlson PE, Johnson RK, McKie BG (2013) Optimizing stream bioassessment: Habitat, season and the impacts of landuse on benthic macroinvertebrates Hydrobiologia 704: 363-73
- Woodward G, Gessner MO, Giller PS, Gulis V, Hladyz S, Lecerf A, Malmqvist B, McKie BG, Tiegs SD, Cariss H, Dobson M, Elosegi A, Ferreira V, Graça MAS, Fleituch T, Lacoursière JO, Nistorescu M, Pozo J, Risnoveanu G, Schindler M, Vadineanu A, Vought L B-M, Chauvet E (2012) Continental-scale effects of nutrient pollution on stream ecosystem functioning. Science 336: 1438-40
- Gessner MO, Swan CM, Dang CK, McKie BG, Bardget RD, Wall DH, Hättenschwiler S (2010) Diversity Meets Decomposition. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25: 372-80
- *McKie BG, Schindler M, Gessner MO & Malmqvist B (2009). Placing ecosystem functioning in context: effects of biodiversity change & abiotic perturbations in a stream field experiment. Oecologia 160: 757-770
- *McKie BG & Malmqvist B (2009). Assessing ecosystem functioning in streams affected by forest management: increased leaf decomposition occurs without changes to the composition of benthic assemblages. Freshwater Biology 54: 2086-2100
- *McKie BG, Woodward G, Hladyz S, Nistorescu M, Preda E, Popescu C, Giller P & B Malmqvist (2008) Ecosystem functioning in stream assemblages from different regions: contrasting responses to variation in detritivore richness, evenness & density. Journal of Animal Ecology. Journal of Animal Ecology 77: 495-504
- *McKie BG & Pearson RG (2006) Environmental variation & the predator-specific responses of tropical stream insects: effects of temperature & predation on survival & development of Australian Chironomidae (Diptera). Oecologia 149: 328-339
- *McKie BG., Petrin Z & Malmqvist B (2006). Mitigation or disturbance? Effects of liming on macroinvertebrate assemblage structure & leaf-litter decomposition processes in the humic streams of northern Sweden. Journal of Applied Ecology 43: 780-791.
- *McKie BG & Cranston PS (2005) Size matters: systematic & ecological implications of allometry in the responses of midge (Diptera: Chironomidae) morphological ratios to experimental temperature manipulations. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83:553-568
- *McKie BG, Pearson RG & Cranston PS (2005) Does biogeographical history matter? Diversity & distribution of lotic midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) in the Australian Wet Tropics. Austral Ecology 30: 1-13
- *McKie BG, Cranston PS & Pearson RG (2004) Gondwanan mesotherms & cosmopolitan eurytherms: effects of temperature on the development & survival of Australian Chironomidae (Diptera) from tropical & temperate populations. Marine & Freshwater Research 55: 759-768
- *McKie BG (2004) Disturbance & investment: developmental responses of tropical lotic midges to repeated tube destruction in the juvenile stages. Ecological Entomology 29: 457-466
- *McKie BGL. & Cranston, PS (2001) Colonisation of experimentally immersed wood in south-eastern Australia: responses of feeding groups to changes in riparian vegetation. Hydrobiologia 452: 1-14
- *McKie BGL. & Cranston, PS (1998) Keystone coleopterans? Community response to wood-feeding elmids on experimentally-immersed woods in south-east Australia. Marine & Freshwater Research 49: 79-88
Popular Publications & Government Reports:
McKie, B.G., Z. Hui Kong, T. Schmidt, M.N. Futter, R. Hurley, M. Bundschuh (2023). Evaluating the properties, fate And individual-to-ecosystem level mpacts of contrasting microplastics in freshwaters. Report prepared for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. 62 pages
Köhler, S., McKie, B.G., Granath, G. & Wallman, K. (2018) Skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014: Slutrapport (The Västmanland forest fire: Final report). 96 pages. Report for the Swedish Agency for Marine & Water Management
McKie, B.G. and Johnson, R.K. (2016) Integrated assessment and responses in inland waters. In: Ecological Assessment of Swedish Water Bodies: development, harmonization and integration of biological indicators (Lindegarth M. et al. eds), pp80-91. Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment, Gothenburg.
McKie B, Taylor A, Nilsson T, Goedkoop W (2015) Quantification of the ecosystem-level impacts of mosquito biocontrol. Report prepared for the Swedish EPA. NV-05266-13.
Baattrup-Pedersen, A et al. (2015) Guidance on how to identify impacts of hydromorphological degradation on riparian ecosystems. Deliverable 3.4 of REFORM (REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management), European Commission within the 7th Framework Grant Agreement 282656
Mckie BG & Goedkoop W. (2011) Development of alternative approaches for monitoring the effects of the mosquito control agent Bti on ecosystems of the Dalälven catchment. Report for the Swedish EPA, diary number 802-0095-10.
McKie BG, Hoffsten P-O, Malmqvist B (2005) Compilation & analysis of benthic macroinvertebrate data from limed & reference sites, collected as part of the Integrerad Kalknings Effekt Uppföljning (IKEU) program. Report prepared for the Swedish EPA. Institutionen för tillämpad miljövetenskap, Stockholms Univ., Report 150
McKie BG (2002) Keeping cool when the heats on: aquatic insects in rainforest streams. Using Rainforest Research publication series, the Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology & Management, Cairns, Australia
·Connolly NM & McKie BG (2001) An investigation of nuisance midges at The Lakes Stage 1. ACTFR Report No. 01/06, Townsville City Council, Queensland, Australia
Gullan PJ, Cranston PS, McKie BG & Colloff M.J. (1996) The distribution, species richness & abundance of gall-forming insects of Apiomorpha & other scale insects (Coccoidea) at Danggali Conservation Park, SA. Australian Nature Conservation Agency