Christina Lunner Kolstrup

I have in my teaching career taugth bachelor and masters students on different courses such as Scientific methods, tools & thesis writing, Social sustainability, Global production systems, Research methods for people and environment studies. Animal production I, Leadership and organisation; and Ethics and Philosophy of Science at PhD level.
My research focus have been adressing the physical and psychosocial work enviroment and health among farmers and farm employees working with different types of production animals. Other research projects I have done concerned work environment, health and safety among the Sami indigenous people with focus on reindeer herders and their families, awareness and need for knowledge of health and safety among dairy farmers in Uganda and development of training tools for Smart Phone and iPad on work and safety in agriculture.
Supervised students at bachelor-, masters- and PhD level.
Publikationer i urval
Peer-reviewed articles:
Guzhva, O., Janice M Siegford, J.M., Lunner Kolstrup, C. The Hitchhiker's Guide to Integration of Social and Ethical Awareness in Precision Livestock Farming Research. Front. Anim. Sci., 19 August 2021.
Krafft, J., Höckert, J., Ljung, M., Lundberg, S., Lunner Kolstrup, C. Delivering too much, too little or off target—possible consequences of differences in perceptions on agricultural advisory services. Agric Hum Values (2021).
Lunner-Kolstrup C, Hörndahl T, Karttunen JP. 2018. Farm operators’ experiences of advanced technology and automation in Swedish agriculture: a pilot study. Journal of Agromedicine, 23:3, 215-226.
Kumaraveloo KS, Lunner Kolstrup C. 2018. Agriculture and musculoskeletal disorders in low- and middle-income countries, Journal of Agromedicine, 23:3, 227-248.
Kallioniemi MK, Kaseva J, Lunner Kolstrup C, Simola A, Kymäläinen H-R. 2018. Job Resources and Work Engagement among Finnish Dairy Farmers, Journal of Agromedicine, 23:3, 249-261,
Tienhaara A, Pouta E, Lunner Kolstrup C, Stefan Pinzke S, Janmere L, Järvinen M. 2017. Consumer preferences for riding lessons in Finland, Sweden and Latvia. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.
Lunner-Kolstrup C and Ssali TK. 2016. Awareness and Need for Knowledge of Health and Safety among Dairy Farmers Interviewed in Uganda. Front. Public Health 4:137. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00137.
Karttunen JP, Rautiainen RH and Lunner-Kolstrup C. 2016. Occupational health and safety of Finnish dairy farmers using automatic milking system. Front. Public Health 4:147. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00147.
Lunner Kolstrup C & Jakob M. 2016. Epidemiology of musculoskeletal symptoms among milkers and dairy farm characteristics in Sweden and Germany. Journal of Agromedicine 21:1, 43-55, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2015.1106373
Leppälä J, Kolstrup C, Pinzke S, Rautiainen R, Saastamoinen M, Särkijärvi S. Development of a safety management web tool for horse stables. Animals 2015, 5, 1136-1146; doi:10.3390/ani5040402.
Hultgren J, Wiberg S, Berg C, Cvek K, Lunner Kolstrup C. 2014. Cattle behaviours and stockperson actions related to impaired animal welfare at Swedish slaughter plants. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 152 (2014) 23–37.
Douphrate DI, Hagevoort RG, Nonnenmann MW, Lunner Kolstrup C, Reynolds SJ, Jakob M & Kinsel M. 2013. The Dairy Industry: A Brief Description of Production Practices, Trends, and Farm Characteristics Around the World. Journal of Agromedicine 18(3):187-197.
Douphrate DI, Lunner Kolstrup C, Nonnenmann MW, Jakob M & Pinzke S. 2013a. Ergonomics in Modern Dairy Practice: A Review of Current Issues and Research Needs. Journal of Agromedicine 18(3): 198-209.
Lunner Kolstrup C, Kallioniemi M, Lundqvist P, Kymäläinen H-R, Stallones L & Brumby S. 2013. International Perspectives on Psychosocial Working Conditions, Mental Health, and Stress of Dairy Farm Operators. Journal of Agromedicine 18(3): 244-255.
Douphrate DI, Stallones L, Lunner Kolstrup C, Nonnenmann MW, Pinzke S, Hagevoort RG, Lundqvist P, Jakob M, Xiang H, Xue L, Jarvie P, McCurdy SA, Reed S & Lower T. 2013b. Work-Related Injuries and Fatalities on Dairy Farm Operations—A Global Perspective. Journal of Agromedicine 18(3): 256-264.
Lindahl C, Lundqvist P, Hagevoort RG, Lunner Kolstrup C, Douphrate DI, Pinzke S & Grandin T. 2013. Occupational Health and Safety Aspects of Animal Handling in Dairy Production. Journal of Agromedicine 18(3): 274-283.
Lunner Kolstrup C. 2012a. What factors attract and motivate dairy farm employees in their daily work? Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41:1, 5311-5316.
Lunner Kolstrup C. 2012b. Work-related musculoskeletal discomfort of dairy farmers and employed workers. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 7:23 (Open Access).
Lunner Kolstrup C & Hultgren J. 2011. Perceived Physical and Psychosocial Exposure and Health Symptoms of Dairy Farm Staff and Possible Associations with Dairy Cow Health. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 17(2):111-125.
Kolstrup C, Lundqvist P, Pinzke S. 2008. Psychosocial work environment among employed Swedish dairy and pig farm workers. Journal of Agromedicine, vol 13, nr 1, 23-36
Kolstrup C, Stål M, Pinzke S, Lundqvist P. 2006. Ache, Pain, and Discomfort: The Reward for Working with Many Cows and Sows? Journal of Agromedicine, vol 11, nr 2, 45-55
Stål M, Pinzke S, Kolstrup C, Hansson G-Å. 2003. Highly repetitive work operations in a modern milking system. A case study of wrist positions and movements in a rotary system. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, vol 10, 67 - 72
Book chapter:
Lunner Kolstrup, C and Lundqvist, P. 2016. Section C Agricultural Medicine in: The European Community. In: Donham, K.J and Thelin, A (ed). Agricultural Medicine: Rural Occupational and Environmental Health, Safety, and Prevention, 2nd Edition.
Lunner Kolstrup C. 2014. Good health and a safe work environment – a requirement for sustainable livelihood and food security among Ugandan farmers. In: The SLU Global Food Security Research and Capacity development Programme 2012-2014 – A Swedish Government Initiative. SLU-Global report 2014:6. Pp 98-101.
Doctoral Thesis:
Kolstrup C. 2008. Work environment and health among Swedish livestock workers. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae, nr 2008:43.
Reports and fact sheets:
Smidvik H, Planting Mollaoglu E, Bergeling E, Olsson F. 2020. Digital solutions replacing academic travel during the corona pandemic – what can we learn? A mixed methods study of experiences at SLU. Editors (SLU): Lunner Kolstrup C, Johansson L, Lundhagen A, Herrman A. Publicer: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet (SLU). ISBN 978-91-576-9794-3.
Bergström Nilsson S, Lans Bergström H, Lunner Kolstrup C. 2020. Byråkratin i lantbruket belastar och kostar (The burden and cots of agricultural bureaucracy). SLU, LTV Rapport 2020:7. ISBN 978-91-576-8980-1.
López Hösel S, Carlsson G, Lunner Kolstrup C, Steen Jensen E (2019). Becoming an agroecologist – fostering social learning and responsible action for sustainable food systems. Policy brief, published by SIANI, SLU.
Lunner Kolstrup C, Lavesson L, Zachrison M. 2019. Arbetsmiljö, hälsa och säkerhet bland renskötare i svenska Sapmí. SLU, LTV Rapport 2019:8. ISBN 978-91-576-8967-2.
Göransson E, Lunner Kolstrup C. Utveckling av utbildningsverktyg för Smart Phone och Surfplatta om arbete och säkerhet i mjölkproduktion. SLU, LTV Rapport 2019:3, ISBN 978-91-576-8962-7,
Bååth Jakobsson S, Lans Strömblad H, Bergström-Nilsson S, Lunner Kolstrup C. Lantbrukets kostnad före regelhantering. LTV-fakultetens Faktablad 2019:4. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Lans Strömblad H, Bergström-Nilsson S, Lunner Kolstrup C. Mängden och tillämpningen av lagkrav oroar och begränsar företagandet på landsbygden. LTV-fakultetens Faktablad 2018:12. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Bergström-Nilsson S, Lans Strömblad H, Lunner Kolstrup C. Kontroll av lantbruk – orimliga konsekvenser oroar. LTV-fakultetens Faktablad 2018:11. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Lavesson L, Lunner Kolstrup C. Råd om arbetsställningar och arbetsteknik i arbetet som renskötare. LTV-fakultetens Faktablad 2017:22. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Lavesson L, Lunner Kolstrup C. Stress och stresshantering. LTV-fakultetens Faktablad 2017:21. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Lunner Kolstrup C, Bergström Nilsson S, Lans Strömblad H. Kraftigt ökat antal lagkrav för lantbruksföretag. LTV-fakultetens Faktablad 2017:20. Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
Pinzke S & Lunner Kolstrup, C. 2015. Arbetsbelastning vid mjölkning i parallell- och fiskbensystem. SLU, LTV Fakultetsrapport; 2015:5
Lunner Kolstrup C. 2014. Lantbrukares psykosociala arbetsvillkor, psykiska hälsa och stress i ett svenskt och internationellt perspektiv - kunskapssammanställning. SLU, LTV Fakultetsrapport; 2014:28.
Lunner Kolstrup, C and Pinzke, S (2013). Förebyggande av belastningsbesvär vid arbete i mjölkproduktion. SLU, LTV Fakultetsrapport; 2013:19
Lunner Kolstrup C & Hörndahl T. 2013. Teknisk utrustning och automatisering – en möjlig stressfaktor i lantbruket? SLU, LTJ Fakultetsrapport 2013:26. Pp 62.
Lunner Kolstrup C, Pinzke S, Löfqvist L, Järvinen M, Korpa V, Paula L & Kursītis A.2013. Current Status of the Equine Sector in the Central Baltic Region (Finland, Latvia and Sweden). SLU, LTJ Fakultetsrapport 2013:17. Pp 65. In English.
Lunner Kolstrup C, Pinzke S, Löfqvist L, Järvinen M, Korpa V, Paula L & Kursitis A. 2013. Hästsektorns aktuella status i mellersta Östersjöområdet – Finland, Lettland, Sverige. Arbetsvetenskap, Ekonomi, Miljöpsykologi, SLU LTJ-rapport 2013:29, Alnarp, ISSN-1654-5427, ISBN-978-91-87117-60-2.
Lunner Kolstrup C (red.), Paula L, Järvinen M, Karhu K, Pyysiäinen J, Pinzke S, Löfqvist L & Bostad E. 2013. Möjligheter och hinder i hästsektorn - aktuella trender i Finland, Sverige och Lettland. Arbetsvetenskap, Ekonomi, Miljöpsykologi, SLU LTJ-rapport 2013:30, Alnarp, ISSN-1654-5427, ISBN-978-91-87117-61-9.
Paula L, Järvinen M, Karhu K, Pyysiäinen J, Lunner Kolstrup C, Pinzke S, Löfqvist L. 2013. Good practices and innovations in the equine sector: Current trends and future opportunities - Focus group report on situation in Finland, Sweden and Latvia. 2013. Digitalt i Epsilon. In English
Lunner Kolstrup C (red.), Korpa V, Zēverte-Rivža S, Paula L, Janmere L, Järvinen M, Rantamäki-Lahtinen L, Pouta E, Pinzke S & Herzon, I. 2013. Innovation och inspiration i hästsektorn - en guidebok med goda exempel från Finland, Sverige och Lettland. Arbetsvetenskap, Ekonomi, Miljöpsykologi, SLU LTJ-rapport 2013:31, Alnarp, ISSN-1654-5427, ISBN-978-91-87117-62-6.
Korpa V, Zēverte-Rivža S, Paula L, Janmere L, Järvinen M, Rantamäki-Lahtinen L, Pouta E, Lunner Kolstrup C, Pinzke S & Herzon I. 2013. How to be Innovative in the Equine sector? A Guidebook on Practices and Inspiration from Central-Baltic. Arbetsvetenskap, Ekonomi, Miljöpsykologi, SLU LTJ-report 2013:33, Alnarp, ISSN-1654-5427, ISBN-978-91-87117-64-0.
Bariss V, Korpa V, Kursītis A, Zēverte-Rivža S, Rantamäki-Lahtinen L, Lunner Kolstrup C, Bostad E, Pinzke S. 2013. Policy Recommendations for the Development of Entrepreneurship Related to Equine Industry. Digitalt i Epsilon. In English.
Pinzke S (red.), Järvinen M, Kettunen K, Lunner Kolstrup C, Leppälä J, Löfqvist L, Myllymäki M, Rautiainen R, Reilas T, Saastamoinen M & Särkijärvi S. Säkerhet i häststallet [Horse stable safety]. Arbetsvetenskap, Ekonomi, Miljöpsykologi, SLU LTJ-rapport 2013:32, Alnarp, ISSN-1654-5427, ISBN-978-91-87117-63-3.
Lunner Kolstrup C & Lundqvist P. 2013. Lantbrukets & landsbygdens psykosociala puls Screening av psykosociala arbetsförhållande, psykisk hälsa och sociala nätverk bland lantbrukare och landsbygdsföretagare. SLU, LTJ Fakultetsrapport 2013:20. Pp 66.