David Gilljam
I’m an ecologist with a background in computer engineering that have found my perfect scientific niche within the field of theoretical ecology. I have a broad interest in the ecological and evolutionary processes that governs the ‘tangled bank’ and underpins the ‘balance of nature’ in natural ecosystems. My research focuses on the effects of environmental variation and within and between species interactions on the dynamics, stability and functioning of ecological networks. To gain a detailed, mechanistic and applied understanding, I use study systems where theoretical and experimental approaches can be combined to investigate the effects of, for example, climate change on the ecology and evolution of fish communities and insect-natural enemy dynamics and interactions.
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Mugabo, M., Gilljam, D., Petteway, L.H, Yuan, C. Fowler, M., Sait, S.M. (2019) Environmental degradation amplifies species’ responses to temperature variation in a trophic interaction. Journal of Animal Ecology, in press.
Gilljam, D., Knape, J., Lindén, A., Mugabo, M., Sait, S.M. & Fowler, M.S. (2019) The colour of environmental fluctuations associated with terrestrial animal population dynamics. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28, 118–130.
Gilljam, D., Curtsdotter, A. & Ebenman, B. (2015) Adaptive rewiring aggravates the effects of species loss in ecosystems. Nature Communications, 6, 8412.
Gilljam, D., Thierry, A., Edwards, F.K., Figueroa, D., Ibbotson, A.T., Jones, J.I., Lauridsen, R.B., Petchey, O.L., Woodward, G. & Ebenman, B. (2011) Seeing double: size-based and taxonomic views of food web structure. Advances in Ecological Research, 45, 67–133.
Gilljam, D. (2016) Structure and Stability of Ecological Networks : The role of dynamic dimensionality and species variability in resource use. PhD-Thesis, Linköping University Electronic Press.