Elham Ahmadi Moghaddam
Contributions in teaching in LCA courses at SLU (Uppsala), and Dalarna University, (Borlänge).
- MSc. Sustainable technology, Industrial ecology (2008-2010, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)), Sweden_Thesis: Ahmadi Moghaddam, E. (2010). Comparison of Biogas and Bioethanol for Sweden Transportation Fleet.
See publication at: http://www.diva portal.org/smash/get/diva2:471463/FULLTEXT01.pdf
- BSc. in soil chemistry (2001-2006, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran) with a focus on smart nutrient delivery to crops under poor alkaline soil conditions with aid of natural polymers.
Publikationer i urval
Journal publications:
Moghaddam, E. A., Ahlgren, S., & Nordberg, Å. (2016). assessment of novel routes of Biomethane Utilization in a life cycle Perspective. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 4.
Moghaddam, E. A., Ahlgren, S., & Nordberg, Å. (2016). assessment of novel routes of Biomethane Utilization in a life cycle Perspective. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 4.
Moghaddam, E. A., Ahlgren, S., Hulteberg, C., & Nordberg, Å. (2015). Energy balance and global warming potential of biogas-based fuels from a life cycle perspective. Fuel Processing Technology, 132, 74-82.
Sattari, A., Ahmadi Moghaddam, E., & Sandberg, M. (2012). Industrial nanoparticles health risks and advantages of a decent industrial ventilation system in reducing the related risks. In The 10th international conference on industrial ventilation.
Pre-study of biogas production from low-temperature production of biogas. Martin Bojler Görling, Elham Ahmadi Moghaddam, Stefan Grönkvist, Per-Anders Hansson, Mårten Larsson, Åke Nordberg : f3 - The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transport Fuels, 2013. - 129 s.
See publication at: http://www.f3centre.se/projects/RD-Pyrolysis
Biofuels and land use in Sweden: an overview of land-use change effects.
Jonas Höglund ; Serina Ahlgren ; Maria Grahn; Cecilia Sundberg ; U. Martin Persson; Pål Börjesson; Christel Cederberg ; Mathias Gustavsson ; Karin Hansen ; Julia Hansson ; Jan-Olof Helldin ; Elham Ahmadi Moghaddam Göteborg : f3 - The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transport Fuels, 2013. - 129 s.
See publication at: http://www.f3centre.se/projects/RD-biofuels-land-use