Elizabeth Marcheschi

MSc in clinical and community Psychology, PhD and Postdoctoral training in the field of Environmental Psychology and Healthcare Architecture. Also, I am a Psychosynthesis' therapist and I work with the symbolism and actual contact with nature to support self-awareness, self-discovery and realization. This eclectic background is blended in both my teaching and my research. The focus of my work is on human-environment dynamic interplay, with specific attention on users’ experience of place, and how that affect health and environmental sustainable issues. In both, teaching and research attention is therefore given to those psychosocial processes that intercede between the environment and people’s health and well-being.
I am used to work with laboratory investigations and field studies at different units of environmental analysis, encompassing therefore transdisciplinary approaches of research (from micro, the individual- to macro, the overall community and policies implications).
I am the program director of studies of the Master education about outdoor environments for health and well-being (OHW). I work therefore across the different courses in an ongoing dialogue with all the teachers to ensure quality and progression of our learning outcomes. I teach in several of the courses provided by this Master education but also at other institution within SLU. I am responsible specifically for three courses within the OHW Master, respectively; environmental perception and experience, place activity and human development and research methods for people and environment studies.
I am involved in different research projects which have in common health and well-being outcomes and environmental sustainability.
Among the most recent projects;
Sustainable and livable neighborhoods (car-free districts)
Walking among vulnerable groups of society and physical environmental quality of neighborhoods settings.
Art, identity and care in hospital public spaces
Rehabilitation and architecture in persons' home (continuity of care from hospital to home settings among patients with stroke)
Evidence based design for healthcare architecture (EBD)
Publikationer i urval
Marcheschi, Elizabeth; Vogel, Nina; Larsson, Anders, Koglin, T. (2022). Residents’ acceptance towards car-free street experiments: focus on perceived quality of life and neighborhood attachment. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
(14). DOI:10.1016/j.trip.2022.100585
Marcheschi, E., Sigurjonsson, A.; Ulrich, R. S.; Elf, M. (2021). The physical environment and its effect on health outcomes: a systematic review. SINTEF Academic Press.
Setola, N., Bellini, E., Marcheschi, E. (2021). Interdisciplinary approach to evaluate environmental users' perceived restoration in hospital public spaces. SINTEF Academic Press.
Marcheschi, E., Ståhl, A., Almén, M., and Johansson, M. (2020). A Theoretical Model for Urban Walking Among People With Disabilities. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 156.
Elf, M, Kylén, M. Marcheschi, E., (2020). The home as a place for rehabilitation: What is needed? Architecture for Residential Care and Ageing Communities. DOI: 10.4324/9780429342370-23
Mattsson, P., Johansson, M., Almén, M., Laike, T., Marcheschi, E., and Ståhl, A. (2020). Improved Usability of Pedestrian Environments after Dark for People with Vision Impairment: an Intervention Study. Sustainability, 12 (3), 1096. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12031096
Elf, M, Anåker, A, Marcheschi, E, Sigurjónsson, Á, Ulrich, RS (2020). The built environment and its impact on health outcomes and experiences of patients, significant others and staff—A protocol for a systematic review. Nursing Open; 00: 1– 5. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.452
Kylén, M., von Koch, L., Pessah-Rasmussen, H., Marcheschi, E., Yetterberg, C., Heylighen, A., & Elf, M. (2019). The importance of the built environment in person-centred rehabilitation at home: study protocol. Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 46, 1 – 15.
Marcheschi, E., von Koch, L., Pessah-Rasmussen, & Elf, M. (2017). Home setting after stroke, facilitators and barriers: a systematic literature review. Health and Social care in the community, 19, 1-9. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/hsc.12518
Marcheschi, E., Johansson, M., Laike, T., & Brunt, D. (2016). Housing design and people with severe mental illness. An observational approach to the investigation of supported housing facilities. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 12-21.
Marcheschi, E. (2015). The housing environment of people with severe mental illness. A study of supported housing facilities in Sweden. (Doctoral Thesis), Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Lund University, E-huset Tryckeri.
Hagerhall, C., Laike, T., Taylor, R., Küller, M., Marcheschi, E., & Boydston, C. (2015). Human physiological benefits of viewing nature: EEG responses to exact and statistical fractals pattern. Nonlinear Dynamics Psychology and Life Sciences, 19 (1), 1-12.
Marcheschi, E., Johansson, M., Brunt, D., Hansson, L., & Laike, T. (2015). Quality of life and place attachment among people with severe mental illness. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 41, 145-154.
Marcheschi, E., Johansson, M., Brunt, D., & Laike, T. (2014). Physical environmental qualities of supported housing facilities for people with severe mental illness. Journal of Architecture and Planning research, 31 (2), 128- 142.
Marcheschi, E., Brunt, D., Hansson, L., & Johansson, M. (2013). The influence of physical environmental qualities on the social climate of supported housing facilities for people with severe mental illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34 (2), 117-123, http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/01612840.2012.731137.