Eva Johansson

Currently, I am holding a permanent position as Professor at the Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Crop Production Sciences, SLU in Alnarp. As professor, I am heading a division, “Plant Product Quality” of 35 persons, including me, one additional professor, four technicians, two senior researchers, six researchsers, and more than 20 PhD-students. Further, at SLU, I am also coordinating "SLU Grogrund" a collaborative inititative with the industry, including ca 15 projects with ca 75 researchers and industrial partners. I am also the program leader of “C4F”, the strategic research environment grant from the government; Forests and other plants. TC4F is a collaborative research initiative including around 150 scientists over three faculties at SLU. Additionally, I am the initator of the "Plant Proteins Factory", a Vinnova UDI, collaborating with ca 15 industrial partners to use the white protein an other components from the green biomass for novel food products. My professional training is in biology at undergraduate level and in plant breeding at graduate level, with a PhD-degree in 1995. Thereafter, I continued as post-doc and assistant professor within the research area of combining agronomy, environment and plant breeding to obtain quality in food plants. As associate professor the focus turned more and more also into the area of biomass uses for industrial applications. A specific interest has been the opportunities to use plant proteins for various applications and their behaviour during processing. The main focus of my group today is to combine agronomy, environment and plant material in a way to obtain the most suitable crop based biomass for production of food, feed, material, chemicals and biogas. Furthermore, the Bioeconomy aspects of crop based biomass uses including economy and environmental calculations of crop based biomass uses as well as socioeconomic values has become an increasingly important aspect in our work. In order to evaluate biomass for various aspects, we collaborate with technical universities and with the Maxlab facility in Lund. A strength of the group is also a long tradition of international collaboration and co-education of students at different levels.
Pedagogic experience:
Responsible for, organiser of and teacher at the 3p PhD course: How to write and publish a scientific paper, at the Department of Crop Science and LTJ-faculty 1997, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010.
Responsible for, organiser of and teacher at the 5p PhD-course: The use of molecular genetical methods within crop science, at the Department of Crop Science, 2002.
Responsible for, organiser of and teacher at the 1p (1.5 HEC) PhD-course: Introductory course for PhD-students, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Responsible for, organiser of and teacher at the 5p PhD-course: Product quality and marketing aspects, 2004.
Responsible for, organiser of and teacher at the 2p (3 HEC) PhD-course: Popular scientific writing, at the faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Science, 2001, 2007, 2009
At present I am supervising 13 PhD/Lic students, 11 as main supervisor and 4 as assistant supervisor, at least two of the PhD-students are supposed to defend thesis in 2020. Additionally two PhD-students are within the acceptance procedure.
The below mentioned students have defended their thesis under my supervision;
Main supervisor:
Phil Dr Alphonsine Mukamuhirwa, 2019, Grain yield and quality traits of rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars under intermittent drought and contrasting temperatures.
Phil Dr Bahromiddin Husenov, 2018, Towards an impact on food security in Tadjikistan.
Phil Dr Mahbubjon Rahmatov, 2016, Genetic characterisation of novel resistance alleles to stem rust and stripe rust in wheat-alien introgression lines.
Phil Dr William Newson, 2015, Bio-based materials from crambe and carinata industrial oilseed meals
Phil Dr, Faiza Rasheed, 2015, Tailoring the structure-function relationship in wheat gluten
Phil Dr, Michael Vagiri, 2014, Phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid in black currant (Ribes nigrum L.). Variation due to genotype, ontogenetic stage, harvest date and location.
Phil Lic, Elsa Grip, 2013, På spaning efter styrmedel: Kommunal fysisk planering och hållbarhetsmålet
Phil Dr, Ali Malik, 2012, Governing grain protein concentration and composition in wheat and barley: use of genetic and environmental factors
Phil Dr, Nur Ahmed, 2012, Pesticide use in periurban areas. Farmers’ and neighbours’ perceptions and attitudes, and agricultural field influences on pests in nearby garden plants
Phil Dr, Abrar Hussain, 2012, Quality of organically produced wheat from diverse origin.
Phil Dr, Faris Hailu, 2011, Genetic diversity and grain protein composition of tetraploid wheat (Triticum durum Desf) germplasm from Ethiopia.
Phil Dr , Gunãrs Lãcis, 2010, Characterisation of the Latvian Swedish Sweet and Sour Cherry Genetic Resources.
Phil Dr, Staffan Andersson, 2009, Carotenoids, Tocochromanols and Chlorophylls in Sea Buchthorn Berries (Hippophae rhamnoides) and Rose Hips (Rosa sp.): Variation during Riepning and among Cultivars/Species and Years.
Phil Lic, Christer Wretfors, 2008, Hemp fibre and reinforcements of wheat gluten plastics
Phil Dr, Ibrahim Tahir, 2006, Control of Pre- and Postharvest Factors to Improve Apple Quality and Storability.
Agron Dr, Hans Larsson, 2005, Aphids and thrips: The dynamics and bio-economics of cereal pests.
Agron Dr, Allan Andersson, 2005, Nitrogen redistribution in spring wheat: root contribution, spike translocation and protein quality.
Phil Dr, Ramune Kuktaite, 2004, Protein quality in wheat: changes in protein polymer composition during grain development and dough processing.
Assistant supervisor:
Agron Dr Lars Kjellenberg, 2016, Polyacetylenes – in organic and biodynamic carrots.
Phil Dr Carolin Menzel, 2014, Starch structures and their usefulness in the production of packaging materials.
Phil Dr, Anna A Adevi, 2012, Supportive nature- and stress: wellbeing in connection to our inner and outer landscape.
Techn Dr, Thomas Blomfeldt, 2012, Freeze-dried wheat gluten-based foams
Techn Lic, Thomas Blomfeldt, 2010, Gluten protein-based microcellular foams and composites: Development and functional properties.
Agron Dr, Lars Wiik, 2009, Control of fungal diseases in winter wheat: evaluation of long-term field research in southern Sweden.
Phil Lic, Hans Arne Jönsson, 1998, Selection for seedling traits in Timothy (Phleum pratense).
Phil Lic, Göran Engqvist, 1997, Common root rot caused by Aphanomyces euteiches on peas.
Publikationer i urval
1. Capezza AJ, Glad D, Özeren HD, Newson WR, Olsson RT, Johansson E, Hedenqvist MS (2019) Novel sustainable super absorbents: a one-pot method for functionalization of side-stream potato proteins. ACS Sust Chem Eng. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b04352
2. Mukamuhirwa A, Persson Hovmalm H, Bolinsson H, Ortiz R, Nyamangyoku O, Johansson E (2019) Concurrent drought and temperature stress in rice – A possible result of the predicted climate change: effects on yield attributes, eating characteristics and health promoting compounds. Int J Environ Res Publ Health 16:1043.
3. Das O, Rasheed F, Kim NK, Johansson E, Capezza AJ, Kalamkarov AL, Hedenqvist MS (2019) The development of fire and microbe resistant sustainable gluten plastics. J Clean Prod 222:163-173.
4. Capezza A, Newson W, Olsson R, Hedenqvist M, Johansson E (2019) Advances in the use of protein-based materials: towards sustainable naturally sourced absorbent materials. ACS Sust Chem Eng 7: 4532-4547.
5. Rahmatov M, Otambekova M, Muminjanov H, Rouse MN, Hovmoller MS, Nazari K, Steffenson BJ, Johansson E (2019) Characterization of stem, stripe and leaf rust resistance in Tajik bread wheat accessions. Euphytica 215:55
6. Das O, Hedenqvist MS, Johansson E, Olsson RT, Loho TA, Capezza AJ, Raman RKS, Holder S (2019) An all-gluten biocomposite: Comparisons with carbon black and pine char composites. Comp Part A: Appl Sci Manufact 120:42-48.
7. Muneer F, Johansson E, Hedenqvist MS, Plivelic TS, Kuktaite R (2019) Impact of pH modification on protein polymerization and structure-function relationships in potato protein and wheat gluten composites. Int J Mol Sci 20:58.
8. Vazquez D, Berger A, Prieto-Linde ML, Johansson E (2019) Can nitrogen fertilization be used to modulate yield, protein content and bread-making quality in Uruguayan wheat? J Cereal Sci. 85:153-161.
9. Ceresino EB, Kuktaite R, Sato HH, Hedenqvist MS, Johansson E (2019) Impact of gluten separation process and transglutaminase source on gluten based dough properties. Food Hydrocolloids 87:661-669.
10. Holm L, Malik AH, Johansson E (2018) Optimizing yield and quality in malting barley by the governance of field cultivation conditions. J Cereal Sci 82:230-242.
11. Mukamuhirwa A, Persson Hovmalm H, Ortiz R, Nyamangyoku O, Johansson E (2018) Quality and grain yield attributes of Rwandan rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars grown in a biotron applying two NPK levels. J Food Quality. Article ID 5134569. 12 pages.
12. Rasheed F, Plivelic T, Kuktaite R, Hedenqvist M, Johansson E (2018) Unravelling the structural puzzle of the giant glutenin polymer – An interplay between protein polymerization, nanomorphology, and functional properties in bioplastic films. ACS Omega 3: 5584-5592.
13. Alander B, Capezza AJ, Wu Q, Johansson E, Olsson RT, Hedenqvist MS (2018) A facile way of making inexpensive rigid and soft protein biofoams with rapid liquid absorption. Ind Crops Prod 119:41-48.
14. Chawade A, Armoniené R, Berg G, Brazauskas G, Frostgård G, Geleta M, Gorash A, Henriksson T, Himanen K, Ingver A, Johansson E, Jorgensen LN, Koppel M, Koppel R, Makela P, Ortiz R, Podyma W, Roitsch T, Ronis A, Svensson JT, Vallenback P, Weih M (2018) A transnational and holistic breeding approach is needed for sustainable wheat production in the Baltic Sea region. Physiol Plant https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.12726.
15. Muneer F, Johansson E, Hedenqvist MS, Plivelic TS, Markedal KE, Petersen IL, Sorensen JC, Kuktaite R (2018) The impact of newly produced protein and dietary fiber rich fractions of yellow pea (Pisum sativum L.) on the structure and mechanical properties of pasta-like sheets. Food Res Int. 106:607-618.
16. Ceresino EB, de Melo RR, Kuktaite R, Hedenqvist MS, Zucchi TD, Johansson E, Sato HH (2018) Transglutaminase from newly isolated Streptomyces sp. CBMAI 1617: production optimization, characterization and evaluation in wheat protein and dough systems. Food Chem 241:403-410.
17. Labuschagne M, Mkhatywa N, Johansson E, Wentzel B, van Biljon A (2017) The content of tocols in South African wheat; impact on nutritional benefits. Foods 6:95
18. Husenov B, Asaad S, Muminjanov H, Garkava-Gustavsson L, Yorgancillar A, Johansson E (2017) Evaluation and managing wheat seed-borne diseases: options and suggestions from the case of Tajikistan. Cereal Res Commun doi: 10.1556/0806.44.2016.045
19. Vagiri M, Johansson E, Rumpunen K. (2017) Phenolic compounds in black currant leaves – an interaction between the plant and foliar diseases? Journal of Plant Interactions 12:193-199.