
Eveline Krab

Eva Krab
I am a soil ecologist interested in understanding how environmental changes affect soil organism communities and soil processes in cold ecosystems. I study to what extent these changes affect soil fauna, microbes and plants, and if (and how) altered interactions between these organisms affect carbon and nitrogen cycling.


My main interests are to understand how environmental changes may induce changes in soil organism communities and assess the consequences of community changes for soil processes. More specifically, I am interested to what extent environmental changes affect interactions between soil fauna, microorganisms and plants, and if changed interactions lead to changes in carbon and nitrogen cycling. Most of my current projects are situated in arctic ecosystems, but I am  expanding my research into boreal forests as well.

I try to answer my research questions using different approaches at different scales, e.g. in the laboratory, using mesocosms and small scale field experiments, and by larger-scale field sampling campaigns. Recent work includes studying how biotic interactions may alter the fate of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in thawing permafrost and how earthworm invasions may lead to dramatic changes in biogeochemical processes in arctic tundra.


I am course coordinator for, and teacher in the MSc course: 'Soil Biology and Biogeochemistry (15 ECTS)' that runs from January-March every year

I am study director for the PhD graduate school 'Focus on Soils and Water'


2023- present: VR: Invasive earthworms in northern Scandinavia; effects on soil microorganisms and carbon dynamics
2019-present: Naturvårdsverket. A Swedish inventory of biodiversity in  forest soils 
2018 - present: ALTER (Abisko Long-term Tundra Experimental Research)
2018-2022: FORMAS:  Living soils in a future arctic, Impacts of decomposer interactions on carbon emissions from a micro- to landscape scale    


In my current projects I collaborate with researchers at Umeå University, VU University Amsterdam, University of Tromsö, EPFL (Lausanne), University of Copenhagen and University of Oulu.

I am an affiliated researcher with the Climate Impacts Research Centre (CIRC) in Abisko, Sweden (Umeå University)


  • 2013: PhD in Systems/Animal Ecology, VU University, the Netherlands; Amsterdam 
  • 2007: Master of Science in Ecology, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • 2005: Bachelor of Science in Biology, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands


I am main supervisor to PhD student Péter Garamszegi at the department of Soil and Environment (June 2023- present)

I have been co-supervisor to PhD student Tarquin Netherway at the department of Ecology, SLU Uppsala (2018-2023)

I have been supervisor of postdoc Dr. Sylvain Monteux (2019-2021)

Publikationer i urval

G Blume-Werry; J Klaminder; EJ Krab; S Monteux (2023); Ideas and perspectives: Alleviation of functional limitation by soil organisms is key to climate feedbacks from northern soils. (2023) Biogeosciences Discussions

M Väisänen; J Klaminder; H Ylänne; L Teuber; E Dorrepaal; EJ Krab (2023) Tundra cryogenic land surface processes and CO2–C balance in sub-Arctic alpine environment withstand winter and spring warming. Environmental Research: Climate 2 (2), 21001

J Klaminder; EJ Krab; M Larsbo et. al  (2023)  Holes in the tundra: Invasive earthworms alter soil structure and moisture in tundra soils . Science of the Total Environment DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160125

S Monteux; J Marien; EJ Krab. (2022)  Dispersal of bacteria and stimulation of permafrost decomposition by Collembola. Biogeosciences  DOI:10.5194/bg-19-4089-2022

EJ Krab;  EJ Lundin; SJ Coulson et. al  (2022)  Experimentally increased snow depth affects high Arctic microarthropods inconsistently over two consecutive winters Scientific Reports. DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-22591-5

G Blume-Werry, EJ Krab, J Olofsson, MK Sundqvist, M Väisänen, J Klaminder, (2020) Invasive earthworms unlock arctic plant nitrogen limitation. Nature Communications 11 (1), 1-11. 

S Monteux, F Keuper, S Fontaine, K Gavazov, S Hallin, J Juhanson, EJ Krab, S Révaillot, E Verbruggen, J Walz, J Weedon, E Dorrepaal (2020) Carbon and nitrogen cycling in Yedoma permafrost controlled by microbial functional limitations. Nature Geoscience 13(12) 794-798.  

F Keuper, B Wild, M Kummu, C Beer, G Blume-Werry, S Fontaine, K Gavazov, N Gentsch, G Guggenberger, G Hugelius, M Jalava, C Koven, EJ Krab, P Kuhry, S Monteux, A Richter, T Shahzad, JT Weedon & E Dorrepaal, (2020). Carbon loss from northern circumpolar permafrost soils amplified by rhizosphere priming. Nature Geoscience, 13(8)

EJ Krab, S Monteux, JT Weedon, E Dorrepaal (2019) Plant expansion drives bacteria and collembola communities under winter climate change in frost-affected tundra. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 138, 107569





Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för mark och miljö; Markbiologi
Telefon: +4618672470, +46725115379
Institutionen för mark och miljö
Box 7014
750 07 Uppsala
Besöksadress: Lennart Hjelms väg 9, Uppsala