Göran Bostedt

My graduate studies were mainly focused on valuing environmental amenities in the forest through the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), and environmental policy to take these amenities into consideration. Empirical data came from surveys of forest related tourism and the benefits of conserving the Swedish wolf population. My PhD thesis was defended in September 1997 and contained six papers, were the first four papers presented empirically oriented work based on CVM, while the remaining two were theoretical and policy oriented. Of these six papers five have been published in peer-reviewed journals, while one is published as a book chapter.
In November 2003 I held my docent lecture and became Associate professor (docent) in December the same year. More recently I have worked in projects concerning policy mechanisms to handle carnivore related conflicts with researchers at ETH, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, and on conflicts in natural resource management, with the specific aim of analysing the transaction costs in the mandated negotiations between the forest industry and the Sami villages. I have also an ongoing collaboration with Chinese researchers at the Beijing Forestry University on forest policy in China. Since January 2014 I work 25 % for EFINORD, the North European Regional Office of the European Forest Institute. I have also initiated a collaboration with the research platform Triple L, which involves research on how to improve the livelihood of poor farmers in western Kenya. Since 2016 I work part-time in a project entitled “Landscape planning for Forest Biodiversity and Diverse Forestry”, and part-time on funding from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management to analyze data on recreational fishing.
As most of my research is in the field of environmental, natural resource or forest economics, it is, as a consequence, interdisciplinary. It is often impossible to do policy relevant work in the above mentioned fields without working closely with researchers from natural science fields. At least a third of my refereed journal articles are co-authored with one or several researchers from the natural sciences, mainly wildlife ecologists and biochemists.
Course responsibility:
Undergraduate course (B-level) Natural Resource Economics , 7.5 ECTS, on the Master of Forestry Programme, SLU. Teaching on this course since 1991, responsible since 1996. Course language English on certain years.
Doctoral student course Natural Resource Economics, 7.5 ECTS, at the Dept. of Forest Economics, SLU. Teaching on this course since 2005. Course language English.
Doctoral student course State of the Art in Payments for Environmental Services and Market-Based Instruments, 7.5 ECTS, at the Dept. of Forest Economics, SLU, in 2015. Course language English.
Undergraduate course (A-level) in Basics in Economics for High School Teatchers, 7.5 ECTS, at the Dept. of Economics, Umeå University, Teaching on this course since spring 2015-.
Undergraduate course (A-level) in International Economics for High School Teatchers, 7.5 ECTS, at the Dept. of Economics, Umeå University, Teaching on this course since spring 2015-.
Project: "Landscape planning for Forest Biodiversity and Diverse Forestry" (funded by Swedish EPA)
Analysis of recreation fishing in Sweden (funded by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management)
Main supervisor for:
Sandra Schüsser, Ph.D.-student at the Dept. of Forest Economics, SLU, Umeå.
Assistant supervisor for:
Stephan Moonsammy, Ph.D.-student at the Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago.
Publikationer i urval
Journal articles 2014-2016:
Jiang, X, Gong, P., Bostedt, G., Xu, J. (2014): Impacts of Policy Measures on the Development of State Owned Forests in Northeast China – Theoretical Results and Empirical Evidence. Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 19, pp. 74-91.
Ekvall, H., Löfgren, S. & Bostedt, G. (2014): Ash Recycling – A Method to Improve Forest Production or to Restore Acidified Surface Waters? Forest Policy and Economics, Vol. 45, pp. 42-50.
Geijer, E., Andersson, J., Bostedt, G., Brännlund, R., & Hjältén, J. (2014): Safeguarding Species Richness vs. Increasing the use of Renewable Energy – The Effect of Stump Harvesting on Two Environmental Goals. Journal of Forest Economics, Vol. 20, pp. 111-125.
Zabel, A., Bostedt, G. & Engel, S. (2014): Performance Payments for Groups: The Case of Carnivore Conservation in Northern Sweden. Environmental & Resource Economics, Vol. 59, pp. 613-631.
Bostedt, G., Widmark, C., Andersson, M. & Sandström, C. (2015): Measuring Transaction Costs incurred by Pastoralist Users in Multiple Land-use Situations: The Case of Reindeer Husbandry in Northern Sweden. Land Economics, Vol. 91(4), pp. 704-722.
Håkansson, C., Östberg, K. & Bostedt, G. (2016): Estimating Distributional Effects of Environmental Policy in Swedish Coastal Environments – A Walk along different Socio-economic Dimensions. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, Vol. 5, pp. 49-78.
Bostedt, G., Mustonen, M. & Gong, P. (2016): Increasing Forest Biomass Supply in Northern Europe – Countrywide Estimates and Economic Perspectives. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 31, pp. 314-322.
Bostedt, G., Hörnell, A. & Nyberg, G. (2016): Agroforestry Extension and Dietary Diversity – An Analysis of the Importance of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in West Pokot, Kenya. Food Security, Vol. 8, pp. 271-284.