
Göran Spong

Göran Spong
Lektor Molekylär Ekologi. Studierektor forskarutbildningen S-FAK.


I den MolekylärEkologiska Gruppen (MEG) använder vi molekylära metoder för att studera processer i vilda vertebratpopulationer av ekologisk eller ekonomisk betydelse. Mycket av forskningen sker i nära samarbete med andrauniversitet och myndigheter inom och utom Sverige.


Scientific Writing (7.5ECTS)- PhD course offered every other year.


PhD Uppsala Universitet 2002.


I MEG finns ett varierande antal post-docs, doktorander och examensarbetare. För tillfället finns följande personer:

Eric Capo, post-doc. Fish community studies and eDNA.

Ida-Maria Blåhed, doktorand. Large scale population genetics and dispersal. 
Ingela Jansson, doktorand. Land use and conservation.
Julia Jansson, doktorand. Interspecific competition and risk effects.

Måns Näsman, Masterstudent. Eagle population genetics.

Publikationer i urval

1.         Creel S, Spong G, Creel N. Interspecific competition and the population biology of extinction-prone carnivores. In: Gittleman JL, Funk SM, Macdonald DW, Wayne RK, editors. Carnivore Conservation. Conservation Biology Series. 52001. p. 35-60.

2.         Creel S, Spong G, Sands JL, Rotella J, Zeigle J, Joe L, et al. Population size estimation in Yellowstone wolves with error-prone noninvasive microsatellite genotypes. Molecular Ecology. 2003;12(7):2003-9.

3.         Csillery K, Johnson T, Beraldi D, Clutton-Brock T, Coltman D, Hansson B, et al. Performance of marker-based relatedness estimators in natural populations of outbred vertebrates. Genetics. 2006;173(4):2091-101.

4.         Culver M, Driscoll C, Eizirik E, Spong G. Genetic applications in wild felids. In: Macdonald DW, Loveridge AJ, editors. Biology and conservation of wild felids. Oxford: Oxford university press; 2010. p. 107-24.

5.         Nichols RV, Cromsigt J, Spong G. DNA left on browsed twigs uncovers bite-scale resource use patterns in European ungulates. Oecologia. 2015;178(1):275-84.

6.         Nichols RV, Konigsson H, Danell K, Spong G. Browsed twig environmental DNA: diagnostic PCR to identify ungulate species. Molecular Ecology Resources. 2012;12(6):983-9.

7.         Norman AJ, Spong G. Single nucleotide polymorphism-based dispersal estimates using noninvasive sampling. Ecology and Evolution. 2015;5(15):3056-65.

8.         Norman AJ, Street NR, Spong G. De Novo SNP Discovery in the Scandinavian Brown Bear (Ursus arctos). Plos One. 2013;8(11).