Haseeb Ahmed

My research interests lie at the intersection of applied econometrics and economics of animal health. I use survey and quantitative methods to examine the relationships between the wellbeing of farmers, animals and societies. My on-going work focuses on the linkages between investment in disease management, animal health and household wellbeing in smallholder farmers of east Africa. I am also examining the impact of animal welfare improvements in Swedish beef and dairy cattle on farmer and societal wellbeing; a topic at the forefront of animal welfare science and policy.
On going projects include:
1) Good Animal Welfare in Beef Cattle: Gains for Farmer and Society
2) Assessing the Impact of Memory Constraints on Livestock Disease Management Decisions
3) Extreme Weather - Health and Productivity of Dairy Cows
Papers in Progress
Ahmed H & Yoder J (2021). Relationships between Livestock Vaccinations, Herd Introductions and Livestock Losses in Northern Tanzania. R&R at Agricultural and Resource Economics Review .
Manian, S., Giffin, E. and Ahmed, H (2021). Impact of Memory Constraints in Livestock Vaccine Adoption: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial.
Ahmed, H et al. (2021). Impacts of Extreme Weather on Milk Production and Quality: Evidence from Sweden.
Kanjilal K. & Ahmed H (2021). Transboundary Antibiotic Resistance Management and Firm Preferences for Regulation.
PhD in Economics (2018), School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University.
MSc in Applied Economics (2014), School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University
BSc in Economics (2012), Lahore University of Management Sciences
Publikationer i urval
Delmond, A. & Ahmed, H. (2021). Optimal Antimicrobial Use under Countervailing Externalities. Forthcoming at Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (senior authorship is shared)
Ahmed, H., Alvasen, K., Berg, L., Hansson, H., Hultgren, J., Rocklinsberg, H., Emanuelson, U. (2021). Assessing Economic Consequences of Improved Animal Welfare in Swedish Cow-Calf Operations using a Stochastic Partial Budgeting Approach. Forthcoming at Animals
Ahmed, H., & Cowan, B. (2021). Mobile Money and Healthcare Use: Evidence from East Africa. World Development . Volume 141, 105392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105392
Ahmed, H., Alvasen, K., Berg, L., Hansson, H., Hultgren, J., Rocklinsberg, H., Emanuelson, U. (2020). Assessing Economic Consequences of Improved Animal Welfare in Swedish Cattle Fattening Operations using a Stochastic Partial Budgeting Approach. Livestock Science . 232, 103920. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2020.103920
Ahmed, H., Yoder, J., de Glanville, W., Davis, A., Kibona, T., Lankester, F., Swai, E., & Cleaveland, S. (2019). Economic burden of livestock disease and drought in northern Tanzania. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics . 11 (6), 140-151. http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/JDAE2018.1028
Ahmed, H., Call, D., Quinlan, R., & Yoder, J. (2018). Relationships between livestock grazing practices, disease risk, and antimicrobial use among East African Agropastoralists. Environment and Development Economics , 80-97. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1355770X17000341