
Jean Agustin Velasquez Pinas

Jean Agustin Velasquez Pinas
Scientist interested in anaerobic digestion, energy conversion of biomass co-products and by-products, biorefinery, crops residues, GHG reduction strategies, techno-economic analysis, life cycle assessment, circular bioeconomy and rural development.


I am a chemical engineer with a strong background in bioenergy. My research focuses on the analysis of different biomass residues streams to harness them for energy production, value-added products or fertilizer, exploring their various applications and uses. Over the years, I have worked across different areas, with a primary focus on anaerobic digestion for biogas production. Initially, my research involved traditional substrates such as cattle and swine manure, later expanding to dedicated energy crops and now I am exploring the potential of crop residues and agro-industry by-products and co-products, pivoting my research between biorefineries, circular economy, sustainable low-carbon production, sistems analysis, among others.

I believe that there are different options for the use of residual biomass, whether for the production of biogas or for the production of value-added products/bio-based products, this depends on the context, process economics, sustainability, legislation among others. In some cases, converting residual biomass only into biogas may not be the most suitable option, highlighting the need for a tailored approach to maximize its potential for integration into biorefinery schemes.

I am also deeply interested in working with rural communities in the Andean and Amazonian regions to explore opportunities for emissions trading and offsetting through the development of models for the proper utilization of livestock waste and agricultural residues, with a focus on biogas production. My previous experience outside the academic and scientific fields allows me to combine scientific research with practical applications, bridging the gap between theory and aplication for real-world problem-solving.


Lecturer of the Master course "Environmental Biotechnology". Master program in environmental engineering at the National University of San Cristobal de Huamanga,

Guest lecturer in the Master course "Development of Renewable Energies": Master program in Environmental Sciences, National Agrarian University La Molina.

Lecturer for undergraduate courses in chemical engineering: Thesis seminar; Experimental physical chemistry; Experimental chemistry; Mass transfer II; Design and selection of equipment.


Biochar as a strategy to intensify the production of biogas and biomethane from food industry waste: experimental study and life cycle assessment based on the
concept of biorefinery (4Bio) - Process: 2023/05067-8 (2023-2024)

Biorefineries in the context of food industries and their approach to sustainability: Energy, technical-economic and environmental analysis based on biogas and biomethane production (ZeWaFFI) - Process: 2021/08696-0 (2022-2024)

Use of the by-products and co-products from sugarcane for the conversion into renewable energy in fuel cells activated by sunlight (2016-2020)

Anaerobic digestion in centralized and decentralized systems in Brazil (2014-2016)


Applied research projects 

Biosinergy project: "Access to energy and inclusive business promotion with biogas in the Peruvian amazon" (2011-2013)

Small-scale biodiesel production in isolated areas of the Amazon rainforest (2009)

Small-scale biofuel production for energy self-sufficiency of small producers in the Peruvian Amazon (2008-2009)


We currently have close collaboration with the Biogas Solutions Research Center, Sweden (BSRC) and Linköping University (LIU) to develop research related to the sustainable use of residual flows from agricultural production and their integration into biorefinery schemes, as well as the possibility of using intermediate crops in biogas production with a focus on systems analysis.

Throughout my research career, I have built strong collaboration networks including the Federal University of Itajuba (NEST Reseach group), Technical University of Denmark (BioConversion Research group), Peruvian Amazon Research Institute, La Molina National Agrarian University (Renewable Energy Laboratory), San Cristobal de Huamanga National University, Federal University of Uberlandia, These collaborations have facilitated joint research efforts, knowledge exchange, and interdisciplinary projects at various stages.


  • PhD in Bioenergy. Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil
  • MsC in Energy Engineering. Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
  • Chemical Engineer. National University of San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Peru

Before transitioning into the scientific and academic field, I worked with international technical cooperation organizations. At the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV), I served as an advisor for rural development projects, promoting biogas solutions in isolated communities of the Amazon. I also collaborated with Practical Action and Green Empowerment as a renewable energy specialist and consultant, conducting studies on alternative uses of wastewater from the coffee industry through anaerobic digestion and developing small-scale energy programs along the Peruvian coast. Additionally, I have hands-on experience in the construction and installation of household and medium-scale biodigesters (tropical biodigesters). 

Former volunteer: Caritas Denmark, Center of excellence in rehabilitation and oriented work Brazil, COVID-19 volunteers Brazil. 


Co-supervisor of the master's thesis. "Technical-economic and environmental analysis of alternatives for using green hydrogen to increase methane production in biodigestion systems". Katia Yesica Tineo Canales. Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil

Co-supervision of bachelor's thesis "Evaluation of the technical and economic potential of electrical energy generation based on the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) from waste heat from boilers using sugarcane bagasse biomass". Leandro Manuel Mariñes Delgado & Jhony Joffer Mendocilla Ulloa. National University of Santa, Peru.

Program of mentorship "Doctor Cool": Mentoring, teaching and research support to undergraduate students of the Chemistry Institute at the Federal University of Uberlandia, Brazil (2017-2018)

Publikationer i urval

Cientific publications

Barros, R. M., Velasquez-Pinas, J. A., Lora, E. E S., Vaz, A., (2025). Biochemical conversion: Biogas. In Lora, E. E. S., Perez, M. G., & Venturini, O. J. (Eds), From crops and wastes to bioenergy: current status and challenges. Elsevier 2025. DOI:

Jean Agustin Velasquez-Pinas, Larissa Castro Ampese, Henrique Di Domenico Ziero, Ricardo Luís Radis Steinmetz, Christian Belt, Tânia Forster-Carneiro. Circular bioeconomy of coffee industries: Energy and techno-economic approach based on biogas and biomethane production. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 418, 2023. DOI:

J.A. Velásquez Piñas, O.J. Venturini, E.E. Silva Lora, O.A. del Olmo, O.D. Calle Roalcaba, An economic holistic feasibility assessment of centralized and decentralized biogas plants with mono-digestion and co-digestion systems, Renew. Energy. 139 (2019) 40–51. DOI: 

J.A. Velásquez Piñas, O.J. Venturini, E.E. Silva Lora, O.D. Calle Roalcaba, Technical assessment of mono-digestion and co-digestion systems for the production of biogas from anaerobic digestion in Brazil, Renew. Energy. 117 (2018) 447–458. DOI:

Velásquez-Piñas, J. A. ., Calle-Roalcaba, O. D. ., Miramontes-Martínez, L. R. ., & Alonso Gómez, L. A.. Economic and environmental evaluation of biogas technologies use and perspectives of multi-criteria analysis. Journal ION, 36(1), 29–47, 2023. DOI: 

Ampese, L.C., Ziero, H.D.D., Velásquez, J., Sganzerla, W.G., Martins, G. and Forster-Carneiro, T. (2023), Apple pomace management by anaerobic digestion and composting: a life cycle assessment. Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref., 17: 29-45. doi: 

F.F. Freitas, A.C. Furtado, J.A.V. Piñas, O.J. Venturini, R.M. Barros, E.E.S. Lora, Holistic Life Cycle Assessment of a Biogas-based Electricity Generation Plant in a Pig Farm Considering Co-digestion and an Additive, Energy, Volume 261, Part B (2022), DOI:

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Popular science publication

J. Velasquez, A. Pezo, F. Acosta, Organization and management of the biomass power generation system. Lima: SNV, Netherlands Development Organization / Practical Action. 16p., 2013. ISBN: 9789972970559

J. Velasquez, A. Pezo, F. Acosta, Operation of the biomass power generation system. Lima: SNV, Netherlands Development Organization / Practical Action. 16p., 2013. ISBN: 9789972970542

J. Velasquez, A. Pezo, F. Acosta, Energy and its efficient use in our community. Lima: SNV, Netherlands Development Organization / Practical Action. 16p., 2012. ISBN: 9789972970535

J. Coello, F. Acosta, J. Velasquez, "Options for small-scale biodiesel production to self-supply the energy needs of isolated communities in Amazonia", HEDON Household Energy Network Boiling Point, vol. 1, n.56, pp.12–15, 2009.

Pilot rural electrification using biogas

Biosinergy project: "Access to energy and inclusive business promotion with biogas in the Peruvian amazon"


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