Jozefine Nybom

(In english below)
Bedriver forskarstudier som fokuserar på att identifiera faktorer för att utveckla företagsledning inom svenskt lantbruk. Förändrade och ökade krav inom livsmedelsproduktion ställer nya krav på lantbrukaren som företagare. De aspekter jag tittar närmare på innefattar strategi, värderingar, hållbarhet och familjens inverkan. Delar av forskningen bedrivs i samarbete mellan institutionerna för Människa och samhälle (MS), Biosystem och teknologi (BT), samt Kompetenscentrum Företagsledning (KCF) vid SLU Alnarp.
Conducts research studies that focus on identifying factors to develop management in Swedish agriculture. Changing and increased demands in food production place new demands on the farmer as an entrepreneur. My focus is business management practices that include to evaluate strategy, values, sustainability and family influence. In parts, this research have been conducted in collaboration between the Departments of Human and Society (HS), Bio system and Technology (BT), and Agricultural Competence Management Centre (KCF) at SLU Alnarp.
(In english below)
Marknadsföring del 1 (6 hp) inom kursen "Företagsekonomi tillämpad inom den agrara näringen, del I, 15 hp"
Marknadsföring del 2 (6 hp) inom kursen "Företagsekonomi tillämpad inom den agrara näringen, del II, 20 hp"
Gästföreläser inom ämnet "Hållbar utveckling och CSR"
In english:
Marketing, within the course of "Business Economics for Rural Enterprises, Part I" (year one students)
Marketing, within the course of "Business Economics for Rural Enterprises, Part 2" (year two stundents)
Guest lecturers within the area of "Sustainability and CSR"
Pågågende projekt (Current projects):
- Svenskt lantbruk och hållbarhet (Swedish agriculture and sustainability).
- H2020 SUPER-G: SUstainable PERmanent Grassland systems and policies (SFS-27-2017 call).
Avslutade projekt:
- Faktorer för framgångsrik företagsledning inom svensk animalieproduktion (Identifying key business management success factors in Swedish livestock production).
- Benchmarkingverktyg för framgångsrik företagsledning inom lantbruksföretag (Development of benchmark tool for successful agriculture business)
H2020 project SUPER-G, aims to co-develop sustainable permanent grassland systems and policies with farmers and policy makers that will be effective in optimising productivity, whilst supporting biodiversity and delivering a number of other public goods and services.
SUPER-G is a 5-year, multi-actor project under the Horizon 2020 SFS-27-2017 call. The project will benchmark & synthesise data on permanent grassland performance by means of: evidence reviews, field experimentation, expert elicitation and modelling.
Outputs and impacts from SUPER-G include:
- Better understanding of the importance and functioning of permanent grasslands
- Increased availability and uptake of grassland management options & technologies
- Improved competitiveness of farming systems based on or including permanent grassland
- Development of agricultural and environmental policies that support optimal management of permanent grasslands
(In english below)
- Dokumenterad praktisk erfarenhet från lantbruket, samt rådgivning och försäljning mot lantbruk.
- Lantmästarexamen
- Kandidatexamen i Företagsekonomi
- Master i Environmental Economics (SLU Ultuna)
- MSc Environmental Managment for Business (Cranfield University, England)
- Projekt fas 1 "Strategisk Utveckling inom den agrara näringen" SLU Skara
In english:
- Documented experience from farm work in Sweden and Australia
- Documented experience as an agriculture advisor (mainly crops) and as an sales represenative
- University Diploma in Agricultural and Rural Managment (2 years)
- BSc in Business Administration
- MSc Environmental Managment for Business (Cranfield University, UK)
- MSc in Environmental Economics SLU Ultuna
- Project "Development of strategic business tools in the agricultre sector." SLU Skara
Publikationer i urval
Nybom, J. (2012). An investigation of decisions that drive socially responsible investment. Cranfield University/SLU Ultuna (Master thesis).
Nybom, J., Hunter, E., Melin, M. (2018). Faktablad "Företagsledning inom Animalieproduktion". LTV-fkultetens faktablad 2018:17.
Nybom, J., Hunter, E., Micheels, E. T., & Melin, M. (2019). Farm Capabilities and Performance in Swedish Agriculture.
Hunter, Erik; Johansson, Karl; Nybom, Jozefine; et al. (2020). The effectiveness of policies promoting sustainable permanent grasslands across five European countries (representing five biogeographic regions): Mapping, understanding, and key stakeholder perceptions. SUPER-G (Sustainable Permanent Grassland Systems and Policies).
Nybom, J., Hunter, E., Micheels, E., & Melin, M. (2021). Farmers’ strategic responses to competitive intensity and the impact on perceived performance. SN Business & Economics, 1(6), 1-22.
Hunter, E., Nybom, J., Micheels, E., & Klyver, K. (2022). Farmers that engage in entrepreneurship for the “wrong” reason and the moderating role of cultural intolerance. The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, p. 1-11.
2022: Theme: Economy & Market “A new world situation & reevaluation of trade routes” (Tidningen Lantmästaren).
2020: “The Law of Jante affects advice in agriculture” (Land Lantbruk)
2018: “Entrepreneurship in Swedish Agriculture” Podcast with Länsförsäkringar Bank.
2018: “New research can develop agricultural advice” (SLU External News).
2018: “She research on the future systems of farming” (Tidningen Lantmästaren).
2018: “Farmers ‘good luck’ is a myth” on leadership in farming (Tidningen Chef).
2018: “Good leaders get good results” and “Good leaders take responsibility for their own mistakes” (Tidningen Land Lantbruk).
2017: “Future Farming Systems and Benchmarking in Agriculture” (SLU External News).
2019: Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
2018: Alnarp Conference 2018 – Consumer trends and entrepreneurship, SLU Alnarp.
2017: Widening Interdisciplinary Sustainability Education (WISE): Implementing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Higher Education, SLU Ultuna.
2017: Presenting Benchmark for Successful Farming in Sweden at the International Farm Management Congress (IFMA 21), Edinburgh (Scotland).
2017: Ten years with LUPP Committee presenting at Seminar on Strategies and decision-making in agriculture, SLU Ultuna.
Super-G (H2020):
Kompetenscentrum Företagsledning, Alnarp:
Partnerskap Alnarp:
Cranfield University: