Kani Ava Lind

(Former name: Kani Abu-Bakr) My area of interest is the human perspective and social sustainability within urban/landscape planning and design. The working title of my PhD project is “The Place of Body in Space”.
Background: M.Sc. in Landscape Architecture, SLU Alnarp (2007) and Landscape Architect LAR/MSA. Currently: PhD candidate at the division of landscape architecture, contributing to the development of theory and method of landscape architecture.
Teaching part time on undergraduate level in different courses (bachelor and master level) as well as supervising master students with their master thesis.
In my PhD project I’m developing an understanding of our bodily experiences of spaces (as opposed to only visual aesthetics). One of the angles I use to do so is by the aid of modern dance. I study how design affect human experience, movement, behavior and actions within spaces, and in turn how architects can make use of that better understanding to create qualitatively richer environments. For further reading, see attached pdf document.
Landscape architect by training and practice: M.Sc. in Landscape Architecture, SLU Alnarp (2007), followed by practice in the private sector as a designing landscape architect at Sweco Architects in Malmö (2007-2013). There I worked mainly with medium to small size design projects. Those that interested me the most dealt with social sustainability aspects by way of participatory design, safety & gender-improving projects, elderly living & kindergartens.
In order to further my knowlege in those areas I re-entered the academic field to continue working upon the findings from my master thesis. In it I had examined (human) bodily movement and actions in an urban context (see publication & link below).
Publikationer i urval
Abu-Bakr, Kani, 2007. Tre dimensioner av rörelse : om koreografins bidrag till stadsplaneringen. SLU, Dept. Of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, Alnarp. Alnarp.
Non scientific publications:
Abu-Bakr, Kani; Fagerström, Jennie. 2012. ”Programmering av mötesplatser Lund NE/Brunnshög”. Mötesplats Lund NE. Region Skåne, TITA-projektet samt Lunds kommun.
Abu-Bakr, Kani; Eriksson, Johanna. 2009. Trygghet i Kävlinge Centrum. Rapport till Länsstyrelsen i Skåne.