Lars Östlund

Undervisning inom olika kurser inom jägmästarprogrammet och är kursansvarig för kurserna Forest History 7,5hp samt forskarutbildningskursen Forest history, biodiversity and dynamics.
Hanna Lundmark
Gudrun Norstedt
Sarah Cogos
Publikationer i urval
Urval av vetenskapliga publikationer 2011-
Gudrun Norstedt, G., Rautio, A-M. & Östlund, L (2017) Fencing the forest: early use of barrier fences in Sami reindeer husbandry. Rangifer, in press.
Axelsson Linkowski, W., Kvarnström, M., Westin, A., Moen, J. & Östlund, L. (2017) Wolf and bear depredation on livestock in northern Sweden 1827–2014: combining history, ecology and interviews. LAND 2017, 6, 63; doi:10.3390/land6030063.
Liedgren, L., Hörnberg, G., Magnusson, T., & Östlund, L. (2017). Heat impact and soil colors beneath hearths in northern Sweden. Journal of Archaeological Science, 79, 62-72,
Lundmark, H., Josefsson, T., Östlund, L. (2017). The introduction of modern forest management and clear-cutting in Sweden: Ridö State Forest 1832–2014. European Journal of Forest Research; 1-17,
Buergi, M., Östlund, L., & Mladenoff, D. (2017) Legacy Effects of Human Land Use: Ecosystems as time-lagged systems. Ecosystems, 20:94-103
Rautio, A-M., Axelsson-Linkowski, W & Östlund, L. (2016) “They followed the power of the plant”: Historical Sami harvest and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of Angelica Archangelica in northern Fennoscandia. Journal of Ethnobiology, 36(3): 615–634.
Norstedt, G & Östlund L. (2016) Fishing vs reindeer herding: The Relation between Subsistence Patterns and Settlement Patterns among the Forest Sami. Arctic Anthropology, 53(1): 22-36.
Simonsson, P., Östlund, L. & Gustafsson, L. (2016) Conservation values of certified-driven voluntary forest set-asides. Forest Ecology and Management, 375, 249-258.
Östlund L, Hörnberg, G, Liedgren, L, DeLuca , T, Zackrisson, O., Josefsson, T. (2015) Intensive land use in the Swedish mountains between AD 800 and 1200 led to deforestation and ecosystem transformation with long-lasting effects. Ambio, 44:508–520
Rautio, A-M, Josefsson, T., Axelsson, A-L. & Östlund, L. (2015) People and pines 1555–1910: integrating ecology, history and archaeology to assess long-term resource use in northern Fennoscandia. Landscape Ecology. 31(2), 337-349 DOI 10.1007/s10980-015-0246-9
Garcia Gil. R, Floran, V, Östlund, L., Mullin, T-J. Andersson Gull, B (2015) Genetic diversity and inbreeding in natural and managed populations of Scots pine. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 11: 28
Hörnberg, G., Josefsson, T., Liedgren, L., Bergman, I. & Östlund, L (2015) Indications of shifting cultivation west of the Lapland border: multifaceted land use in northernmost Sweden since AD 800. Holocene DOI: 10.1177/0959683615574894
Bergman, I, Zackrisson, O & Östlund, L (2014) Travelling in the boreal forest: routes of communication in pre-industrial northern Sweden. Fennoscandia Archaeologica, XXXI:45-60. Simonsson, P, Gustafsson, L & Östlund, L (2014) Retention forestry in Sweden: driving forces, debate and implementation 1968-2003, Scand J For Res, 30 (2) 154-173
Norstedt, G, Axelsson, A-L & Östlund, L. (2014) Exploring Pre-Colonial Resource Control of Individual Sami Households. Arctic, 67(2) 223-237
Rautio, A-M., Josefsson, T, Östlund, L. (2014) Sami Mobility Patterns and Resource Utilization: Harvesting Inner-Bark in northern Sweden. Human Ecology, 42 (1):137-147
Freschet, G., Östlund, L., Kichenin, E, Wardle, D. (2014) Aboveground and belowground legacies of native Sami land-use on boreal forest in northern Sweden 100 y after abandonment. Ecology, 95(4):963-977
Rautio, A-M., Norstedt, G. and Östlund, L. (2013) Nutritional content of Scots pine inner bark in northern Fennoscandia: analyzing its role in the traditional Sami diet. Economic botany. 67(4)
Lundmark, H., Josefsson, T. & Östlund, L. (2013) The history of clear-cutting in northern Sweden – driving forces and myths in boreal silviculture. Forest Ecology and Management 307:112-122
Östlund, L., Liedgren, L, Josefsson, T. (2013) Surviving the Winter in Northern Forests: an Experimental Study of Fuelwood Consumption and Living Space in a Sami Tent Hut. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 45 (3): 372–382
Björklund, J., Gunnarson, B., Krusic, P., Grudd, H., Josefsson, T., Östlund, L. and Linderholm, H (2013) Advances towards improved low-frequency tree-ring reconstructions, using an updated Pinus sylvestris L. MXD network from the Scandinavian Mountains. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 113 (3-4):697-710
Gunnarson B.E., Josefsson T., Linderholm H.W., Östlund L. (2012) Can legacies of past human forest use bias modern tree-ring climate reconstructions? Climate Research 53: 63-76
Rautio, A-M., Östlund, L. (2012) Starvation Strings and the Public Good: An Investigation into the Development of a Swedish Bike Trail Network in the Early Twentieth Century. Journal of Transportation History, 33:42-63
Josefsson, T, Sutherland, E., Arno, S. & Östlund, L. (2012) Ancient Bark-peeled Trees in the Bitterroot Mountains, Montana: Legacies of Native Land Use and Implications for Their Protection. Natural Areas Journal, 32: 54-64.
Kivinen, S., Berg A., Moen, J., Östlund, L. and Olofsson. (2012) Forest fragmentation and landscape transformation in a reindeer husbandry area in Sweden. Environmental management, 49: 295-304.
Liedgren, L & Östlund, L. (2011) Heat, smoke and fuel consumption in a high-mountain stállo-hut, northern Sweden - Experimental burning of fresh birch wood during winter. Journal of Archaeological Science 38: 903-912