Leif Andersson
Current position
Professor, Functional Genomics(2006-), Uppsala University
Guest Professor, Molecular AnimalGenetics (2006-) SwedishUniversity of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
Academic history
1979 B.Sc (Chemistry, Biology), University ofStockholm, Stockholm
1984 Ph.D. (Animal Breeding and Genetics), SLU,Uppsala
1986 Docent (Animal Breeding and Genetics), SLU, Uppsala
1986 Research leader, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, SLU,Uppsala
1992 Professor (Animal Genetics), SLU, Uppsala
2003 Guest professor (Functional Genomics), UppsalaUniversity
2006 Professor (Functional Genomics), UppsalaUniversity
2006 Guest Professor (Animal Genetics), SLU, Uppsala
Academic milestones
>320 scientificpublications (>270 original and >50 review articles).
Six granted patent familiesand two filed patent applications.
Twenty-five students mentoredto doctorate or licentiate degree (lic=#4 and 7) as main supervisor:
1. Sunna Sigurdardottir. Studies of the class II genes ofthe major histocompatibility complex in cattle June 6, 1991.
2. AnneLundén. Marker genes and production traits in domestic animals: an associationstudy with special reference to major histocompatibility complex genes. Dec. 11, 1991.
3. Hans Ellegren. Genome analysis withmicrosatellite markers. June 11, 1993.
4. Paola Mariani. Genetic mapping of economic trait lociin the pig. Sept. 29, 1995.
5. Maria Johansson Moller. Comparative genome analysis inthe pig. Dec. 15, 1995.
6. SofiaMikko. A comparative analysis of genetic diversity at Mhc DRB loci in someruminant species. May 16,1997.
7. MagnusLindersson. Genome analysis of milk production traits in cattle. Sept. 30, 1997.
8. Lena Marklund. Genome analysis of quantitative traitloci in the pig. Oct. 24, 1997.
9. Stefan Marklund. Applied molecular genetics indomestic animals with particular focus on the horse. Dec. 19, 1997.
10.Anna Törnsten.Physical mapping of important trait loci in the pig. Dec. 15, 2000.
11.Örjan Carlborg.New methods for mapping quantitative trait loci. March 22, 2002.
12.Susanne Kerje.Mapping genes affecting phenotypic traits in chicken. Dec. 16, 2003.
13.Hee-Bok Park.Genetic analysis of quantitative traits using domestic animals: a candidategene and genome scanning approach. Oct. 28, 2004.
14.Gerli Pielberg.Molecular coat colour genetics. Dominant white in pigs and Greying with age inhorses. Dec. 16, 2004.
15.Anne-Sophie VanLaere. From QTL to QTN: Identification of a Quantitative Trait Nucleotide influencingmuscle development and fat deposition in the pig. Feb. 11, 2005.
16.Lina Jacobsson.Genetic dissection of growth and fatness using divergent intercrosses inchicken, May 27, 2005.
17.CarolynFitzsimmons. Exploring the realm of gene expression differences between WhiteLeghorn and red junglefowl chickens. February 13, 2006.
18.Frida Berg.Genetic analysis of fat metabolism in domestic pigs and their wild ancestor.Sept. 29, 2006.
19.Per Wahlberg.Chicken genomics – linkage and QTL mapping. Jan. 9, 2009.
20.Ellen Markljung.QTL analysis in the pig. From the identification of Quantitative Trait Loci tothe understanding of molecular mechanisms. March 13, 2009.
21.UlrikaGunnarsson. Genetic studies of pigmentation in chicken. April 3, 2009.
22.AndersHellström. Dissecting phenotypic variation in pigmentation using forward andreverse genetics. November 12, 2010.
23.ElisabethSundström. Molecular genetics and mechanisms of pigmentation and melanoma.December 10, 2010.
24.Jonas Eriksson.Genetic and genomic studies in chicken – assigning function to vertebrategenes. February 3, 2012
25.Lin Jiang.Functional studies of genes associated with muscle growth in pigs and hairgreying in horses. December 14, 2012.
Post-doctoral students:
1. JinTae-Jeon. 1997-2000
2. James Kijas. 1997-2001
3. Elisabetta Giuffra.1998-2001
4. Valerie Amarger. 1999-2001
5. Martin Braunschweig. 2001-2003
6. Robert Fredriksson.2004-2005
7. Meiying Fang. 2004-2007
8. Emmanuelle Bourneuf.2004-2006
9. Xavier Tordoir. 2006-2007
10. Greger Larson 2006-2008
11. Anna Golovko 2006-2008
12. Dominic Wright 2006-2008
13. Jennifer Meadows 2008-2010
14. Carl-Johan Rubin 2009-2012
15. Alvaro Martinez Barrio2010-
16.Elizabeth Gilbert 2010-2011
17.Ben Dorshorst 2010-2012
18. Elisabeth Sundström 2012-
19. Marta Promerova 2012-
20. Rajesh Gupta 2012-
Member of the review panel for ERC startinggrants (2011-)
Member of The Roslin Institute ScientificAdvisory Board (2008-)
Member of the international jury for theFrancqui price 2005 and 2008, Belgium
Director,Uppsala Centre for Comparative Genomics (UCG) (2004-2008)
Member of theScientific Advisory Board of The Institute of Genomic Biology, University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign (2005-2012)
Board member,Functional genome research (FUGE), Norwegian Research Council (2004-2007)
Chairman for the organizationcommittee for the 2nd Wennergren symposium “Phenotypic Diversity andEvolution”, Kristineberg June 1 – June 4, 2005.
Member of theeditorial boards of Animal Genetics, Mammalian Genome, Animal Biotechnology,Molecular & General Genetics, Annual Review of Animal and VeterinaryBiology.
Co-founder and board member of the biotechcompany Arexis AB (bought by Biovitrum AB 2005)
Co-founder of FunboGen AB (established 2007)
Co-founder and managing director forBiocistronics AB (established 2009)
Co-founder of Capilet Genetics AB (established2011)
More than 100 invited lectures have been givenat international meetings or symposia. In addition numerous invited lectureshave been given at national universities, industries and academic institutions.
Some recent key-note and invited lectures:
Genetic dissection ofphenotypic variation in domestic animals.Plenary talk at XIX InternationalCongress of Genetics, Melbourne, July 2003 (~6,000 delegates)
Animal Genomics: Where are we and where are we going.2005 AAAS annual meeting, Washington, February 2005. (~5,000 delegates)
Domestic animals: a resource to understand biology.Frontiers in Biology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, March 15, 2006.
Cis-acting regulatory mutations playa prominent role for shaping phenotypic diversity in domestic animals. Symposium talk at XX InternationalCongress of Genetics, Berlin, July 2008 (~4,000 delegates)
Domestic animals – unique models forunderstanding the genetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic evolution. Evolution– the experience. 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin. Melbourne, February2009 (~300 delegates)
Phenotypic evolution in domestic animals – walkingin the footsteps of Charles Darwin. Evolution – The molecular landscape. 74th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on QuantitativeBiology, Cold Spring Harbor, May 2009 (~1,000 delegates)
How selective sweeps in domestic animals inform human medicine. Nobelsymposium Genetics in Medicine, Stockholm, June 2010 (~500 delegates)
Structuralvariation underlying phenotypic diversity in domestic animals. Keystonesymposium, Steamboat Springs, January 2011 (200 delegates)
Howdomestic animals can teach us about the molecular mechanisms underlyingphenotypic evolution. Keynote speech at 6th international conferenceon “Advances in Canine and Feline Genomics and Inherited Diseases, Visby,Sweden, June 2012
Member of the RoyalSwedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (2001)
Member of the RoyalSwedish Academy of Sciences (2002)
Member of the RoyalPhysiographic Society in Lund (2004)
Member of the RoyalSociety of Sciences in Uppsala (2007)
Member of theEuropean Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) (2008)
Foreign associate ofthe National Academy of Sciences (USA) (2012)
Doctor honoris causa, University of Liége(2009)
Wallenberg Scholar,The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (2012)
The Karl Johan Öbrinklecture 2005, Uppsala Biomedical Centre
The Osborne Memorial Lecture, University of Edinburgh (2009)
Lilly and SvenThuréus price in Natural History and Medicine 2004, Royal Society of Sciences,Uppsala
Rosén’s Linné-pricein Zoology 2004, Royal Physiographic Society in Lund
Hilda and Alfred Eriksson’s prize in medicine 2012. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Reviewer for a number ofinternational scientific journals including Nature, Science, Nature ReviewGenetics, Nature Genetics, PLoS Medicine, PLoS Genetics, Genetics, Genomics,Genome Research, Bioinformatics and Trends in Genetics.
Publikationer i urval
Milan,D., Jeon,J.-T., Looft,C.,Amarger,V., Thelander,M., Robic,A., Rogel-Gaillard,C., Paul,S., Iannuccelli,N.,Rask,L., Ronne,H., Lundström,K., Reinsch,N., Gellin,J., Kalm,E., Le Roy,P.,Chardon,P. and Andersson,L. 2000. Amutation in PRKAG3 associated with excess glycogen content in pig skeletalmuscle. Science 288:1248-1251.
Van Laere,A.S., Nguyen,M.,Braunschweig,M., Nezer,C., Collette,C.,Moreau,L., Archibald,A., Haley,C.S., Buys,N., Tally,M.,Andersson,G., Georges,M. and Andersson,L.2003. A regulatory mutation in IGF2causes a major QTL effect on muscle growth in the pig. Nature 425:832-836.
Markljung,E., Jiang,L., Jaffe,J.D., Mikkelsen,T.S.,Wallerman,O., Larhammar,M., Zhang,X., Wang,L., Saenz-Vash,V., Gnirke,A.,Lindroth,A.M., Barrés,R., Yan,J., Strömberg,S., De,S., Pontén,F., Lander,E.S.,Carr,S.A., Zierath,J.R., Kullander,K., Wadelius,C., Lindblad-Toh,K.,Andersson,G.,Hjälm,G., and Andersson,L.2009. ZBED6, a novel transcription factor derived from adomesticated DNA transposon regulates IGF2 expression and muscle growth. PLoS Biology 7: e1000256.
Rubin,C.-J., Zody,M.C., Eriksson,J., Meadows,J.R.S., Sherwood,E.,Webster,M.T., Jiang,L., Ingman,M., Sharpe,T., Ka,S., Hallböök,F., Besnier,F.,Carlborg,Ö., Bed’hom,B., Tixier-Boichard,M., Jensen,P., Siegel,P.,Lindblad-Toh,K. and Andersson,L.2010. Whole genome resequencing reveals loci under selection during chickendomestication. Nature 464:587-591.
Andersson LS, LarhammarM, Memic F, Wootz H, Schwochow D, Rubin CJ, Patra K, Arnason T, Wellbring L,Hjälm G, Imsland F, Petersen JL, McCue ME, Mickelson JR, Cothran G, Ahituv N,Roepstorff L, Mikko S, Vallstedt A, Lindgren G, Andersson,L*, KullanderK. 2012. Mutations in DMRT3 affectlocomotion in horses and spinal circuit function in mice. Nature.488:642-646. (corresponding author).