Lena Bergström

Lena Bergström is Associate professor (Docent) at SLU Aqua, Institute of coastal research, where she is head of the Ecosystem Analysis unit.
International expert groups
Chair of HELCOM Expert Group on Foodwebs (EG FOODWEB)
Swedish national member of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM)
Member and ToR lead of ICES Working Group on Offshore Renewable Energy (WGORE)
Member and former chair of ICES Working Group on Integrated Assessment of the Baltic Sea (WGIAB)
Member of HELCOM Expert group of coastal fish
WIND4COCO: Wind farms in marine ecosystems - towards a sustainable expansion in coexistence with conservation and fisheries. Swedish Environmental Agency and Vattenfall, 2024-2027
MPA4 Sustainability: Enhancing the role of MPAs in restoring biodiversity while maintaining access to ecosystem services. PI. Led by DTU Aqua - Biodiversea 2022-2025
Implementation of Ecosystem-Based Marine Management in pilot areas - Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. 2019- 2024
Integrated ecosystem analyses - Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management 2019-
Vindval: Effekter av havsbaserad vindkraft på marint liv - Naturvårdsverket och Energimyndigheten. 2020-2021
ECOCOA (Environmental compensation in coastal areas) - Swedish environmental Protection Agency 2018-2021
Pan Baltic Scope - Cofunded by the European maritime and fisheries fund for the European Union 2018-2019, WP-lead
HELCOM HOLAS II (Second holistic assessment of the ecosystem health of the Baltic Sea) - Baltic Sea Environment Protection Commission 2015-2018, Project coordinator
2011-ongoing: SLU, Department of Aquatic Resources (SLU Aqua)
2006-2011: Swedish Board of Fisheries, researcher and head of unit
2005-2006: Stockholm University, Department of Botany. Postdoctoral researcher
2005: PhD Umeå University, Sweden
Publikationer i urval
A full list is available at my SLU library profile
Ruskule, A., J. Kotta, C. R. Saha, P. Arndt, D. Ustups, S. Strāķe, L. Bergström (2022) Testing the concept of green infrastructure at the Baltic Sea scale to support an ecosystem-based approach to management of marine areas. Marine Policy 147. doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2022.105374
Naddafi, R., Ö. Östman, L. Bergström, N. Mustamäki, M. Appelberg, J. Olsson (2022) Improving assessments of coastal ecosystems – Adjusting coastal fish indicators to variation in ambient environmental factors. Ecological Indicators (145):109604. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109604
Kraufvelin, P., L. Bergström, F. Sundqvist, M. Ulmestrand, H. Wennhage, A. Wikström, U. Bergström (2022) Rapid re-establishment of top-down control at a no-take artificial reef. Ambio. DOI 10.1007/s13280-022-01799-9
Koehler, B., Erlandsson, M., Karlsson, M., Bergstrom, L. (2022) Species richness and functional attributes of fish assemblages across a large-scale salinity gradient in shallow coastal areas. Biogeosciences, 19, 2295–2312. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-19-2295-2022
Bryhn, A.C., A Grände, M Setzer, K-M Johansson, L Bergström (2021) Ecosystem-based fisheries management is attainable, affordable, and should be viewed as a long-term commitment: Experiences from Lake Vättern, Sweden, Journal of Great Lakes Research
Cole, S., P-O Moksnes, T Söderqvist, SA Wikström, G Sundblad, L Hasselström, U Bergström, P Kraufvelin, L. Bergström. (2021) Environmental compensation for biodiversity and ecosystem services: a flexible framework that addresses human wellbeing. Ecosystem Services
Depellegrin, D., H.S. Hansen, L. Schrøde, L. Bergström, G. Romagnoni, J. Steenbeek, M. Gonçalves, G. Carneiro, L. Hammar, J. Pålsson, J. Schmidtbauer Crona, D. Hume, J. Kotta, M. Fetissov, A. Miloš, J. Kaitaranta, S. Menegon (2021) Current status, advancements and development needs of geospatial decision support tools for marine spatial planning in European Seas. Ocean and Coastal management.
Korpinen, S., Laamanen, L., Bergström, L. et al. (2021) Combined effects of human pressures on Europe’s marine ecosystems. Ambio. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-020-01482-x
Recent reports
Roux, M. J., Pedreschi, D. (eds.). (2024) ICES Framework for Ecosystem-Informed Science and Advice (FEISA). ICES Cooperative Research Reports Vol. 359. 39 pp.
HELCOM (2023) State of the Baltic Sea. Third HELCOM holistic assessment 2016-2021. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings n°194
Bartolino, V., Koehler, B., Bergström, L. (2023). Climate effects on fish in Sweden – Species Climate Information Sheets for 32 taxa in marine and coastal waters. Aqua notes 2023:17
Bartolino, V., Bergström, L., Erlandsson, M., Koehler, B. (2023) Potential future climate change effects on Swedish fish and fisheries. Aqua reports 2023:9
Bergström, L., M. C Öhman, C. Berkström, M. Isæus, L. Kautsky, B. Koehler, A. Nyström Sandman, H. Ohlsson, R. Ottvall, and H. Schack (2022) Effekter av havsbaserad vindkraft på marint liv: En syntesrapport om kunskapsläget 2021. Naturvårdsverket Rapport 7049
- Bergström, L, P Borgström & HG Smith (Eds) (2020) Klimatförändringar och biologisk mångfald – Slutsatser från IPCC och IPBES i ett svenskt perspektiv. (Climate change and biodiversity – conclusions from the IPCC and IPBES in a Swedish perspective - in Swedish) SMHI och Naturvårdsverket. Klimatologi Nr 56
SLU Aqua, SLU Environmental monitoring and assessment program Coastal and Sea Areas
See also my profile at Research gate