
Linda Andersson

Linda Andersson


Leg. Vet, DVM, Lic.-student

Department of Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU).


I graduated from SLU 2008 with a Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine. After some years in small animal practice in animal hospitals and smaller clinics, I started my current position as a veterinary advisor at the Swedish Kennel Club (SKC), Department for breeding and health. In July 2017, my graduate studies on body weight in dogs started at the Department of Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry at SLU and I will thereby share my two employments between SLU and SKC. 

I live with my family on the beautiful countryside of Uppsala and love gardening and reading books.




Adult body weight is influenced by environmental and genetic factors and vary between dogs both within and between breeds. In people, as well as in dogs, overweight is an increasing problem, playing an important role in development and outcome of other diseases as well as being an important factor for welfare. Human studies have shown that overweight and obesity in early life tend to persist later in life.

The majority of dogs in Sweden are registered in the SKC database. In addition to demographic information on individual dogs, the database also contains results from screening for hip- and elbow dysplasia, developmental joint diseases that mostly affect large-breed dogs. When screening for hip dysplasia, body weight data is mandatory and the database thereby contains details on body weight on dogs of different breeds in early adulthood.

Research project

The overall goal of my licentiate project is to study body weight in dogs, its related factors and potential association between body weight and developmental joint diseases.

Project 1

Evaluation of factors associated with body weight in a large population of Swedish dogs of different breeds including change of body weight over time.

Project 2

Assessment of association between body weight, hip- and elbow dysplasia in Swedish dogs of different breeds.


Associate Professor Katja Höglund, SLU

Post Doctor Sara Ringmark, SLU

Professor Ulf Emanuelson, SLU

Professor Charlotte Björnvad, Copenhagen University

Senior advisor Professor Åke Hedhammar, SLU


Doktorand vid Institutionen för husdjurens biovetenskaper (HBIO); HBIO, Anatomi och fysiologi
Telefon: +4618672123
Institutionen för husdjurens biovetenskaper (HBIO)
Box 7023
750 07 UPPSALA
Besöksadress: Ulls väg 26, Uppsala