Martin Melin
Martin is the coordinator of NextFood, a project finansed by the European Uniom (H2020), with 19 partners in Europe, South Asia, Africa and South America.
NextFood aims at a transformation towards a more sustainable agrifood and forestry production, by bringing together university students, academics, field professionals, farmers and other stakeholders in order to create a community of action learning and research. Farmers, students and advisers are placed on the driving seat of this project, as it seeks to affect a paradigm shift in European universities, away from the usual linear, top-down, teaching approach and towards a cyclical, participative, action oriented system of learning.
At the heart of the project lay twelve pilot case studies that will offer insights into supporting and hindering forces towards such a shift in education. The development and evaluation of new innovative curricula will play a pivotal role in fulfilling this ambitious aim of the consortium partners; curricula that will allow students to emerge as facilitators of an economically, socially and ecologically more sustainable agrifood and forestry sector.
Co-supervision of PhD-students
Vera Sadovska. Title of Doctoral Project: Transforming agrifood systems towards sustainability. Preliminary dissertation December 2022.
Lisa Germundsson. Title of Doctoral Project: Knowledge, skills and innovation in horticulture business development.
Publikationer i urval
Nybom, J., Hunter, E., Micheels, E. Melin, M. Farmers’ strategic responses to competitive intensity and the impact on perceived performance. SN Bus Econ 1, 74 (2021).
Drottberger, A.; Melin, M.; Lundgren, L. Alternative Food Networks in Food System Transition—Values, Motivation, and Capacity Building among Young Swedish Market Gardeners. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4502.
Melin, M., Lieblein, G., Rosenlund Hansen, S., Kristensen, N.H., Francis, C. 2020. NEXTFOOD: transforming education to develop sustainable food systems. European Network of Organic Agriculture Teachers. Conference Proceedings.
Melin, M. and Barth, H. (2020) ‘Value stream mapping for sustainable change at a Swedish dairy farm’, Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp.130–140.
Barth, H., and Melin, M. 2018. A Green Lean approach to global competition and climate change in the agricultural sector – A Swedish case study. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 204, Pages 183-192.
Melin, M & Barth, H. 2018. Lean in Swedish agriculture: strategic and operational perspectives, Production Planning & Control, DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1479784
Lieblein, G., Breland, T.A., Nicolaysen, A.M, Melin, M., Francis, C. 2018. Educational approaches - future curriculum, education and training. Nextfood report D3.1.
Germundsson, L., Gonzalez, R., Jönsson, H., Kristensen, N.H., Květoň, V., Lehejček, J., Lehejček, J., Melin, M., Moudrý jr, J., Moudrý sr, J. 2018. Review of existing standards and criteria for evaluation of action learning education and applied research. Nextfood report D5.1.
Melin, M., Rydberg, A., Sundström, B. och Östergren, K. 2013. Lean för konkurrenskraftig och klimateffektiv mjölkproduktion. JTI-rapport 414.
Rydberg, A, Melin, M., Sundström, B., Östergren, M.2011. Konkurrenskraftigare grisföretag med Lean. JTI-rapport 399, Institutet för jordbruks och miljöteknik, Uppsala.
Melin, M., Lundberg,S., Ståhl, Y. 2010. Lantbrukets husdjur i ett förändrat klimat – konsekvenser för utfodring, djurhälsa och stallbyggnader. HS Halland.