Nina Lind Ranneberg
Nina är kursansvarig för Grundläggande företagsekonomisk metodkurs (FÖ0447) samt handleder studenter på kandidat-, master- och doktorandnivå.
Ninas forskningsintresse ligger inom fältet för beslutsfattande och tvärvetenskapen mellan psykologi och ekonomi där hon har ett särskilt fokus på mjölkbönders beslutsfattande kopplat till djurhälsa. Hon arbetar tvärvetenskapligt inom ett antal olika forskningsprojekt, finansierat av Formas och SLF. Nina använder bland annat psykologiska teorier för att studera vad som styr beslutsfattandet och som kan motivera lantbrukaren att arbeta förebyggande för förbättrad djurhälsa.
Nina samarbeter bland annat tillsammans med Uliana Gottlieb, Helena Hansson och Carl-Johan Lagerkvist vid Institutionen för ekonomi och Ulf Emanuelson, Lisa Ekman, Nils Fall och Lena-Mari Tamminen vid Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper.
Nina disputerade i psykologi 2015 vid Umeå universitet och har sedan augusti 2015 arbetat vid Institutionen för ekonomi. Hon har en bred bakgrund inom både experimentella och kvantitiva studier inom psykologi genom deltagande i ett antal olika projekt rörande miljöns påverkan på den psykiska hälsan, från astma och allergi, upplevelsen av kemikalier bland känsliga personer till luftföroreningars påverkan på demens, se publikationslista
Sedan 2014 är Nina en aktiv del i Svensk beteendemedicinsk förening ett nätverk för forskare och kliniker inom psykologi, medicin, sociologi, socialt arbete och vårdvetenskap.
Publikationer i urval
Lind, N. (2015). Comorbidity, distress, coping and social support in asthma and allergy. Institutionen för psykologi, Umeå University. Supervisors: Professor Steven Nordin, FD Anna-Sara Claeson & Professor Eva Millqvist.
Lind, N., Nordin, M., Palmquist, E., & Nordin, S. (2014). Psychological distress in asthma and allergy: The Västerbotten Environmental Health Study. Psychology, Health and Medicine.
Lind, N., Nordin, M., Palmquist, E., Claeson, A.-S., Millqvist, E., & Nordin, S. (2014). Coping strategies and social support in asthma and allergy: The Västerbotten Environmental Health Study. Journal of asthma.
Lind, N., Söderholm, A., Palmquist, E., Andersson, L., Millqvist, E., & Nordin, S. (2017). Comorbidity and Multimorbidity of Asthma and Allergy and Intolerance to Chemicals and Certain Buildings. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59(1), 80-84.
Lind, N., Hansson, H., & Lagerkvist, C. J. (2019). Development and validation of a measurement scale for self-efficacy for farmers’ mastitis prevention in dairy cows. Preventive veterinary medicine, 167, 53-60.
Lind, N., Hansson, H., Emanuelson, U., & Lagerkvist, C. J. (2020). A combination of differentiation and consolidation theory and risk-benefit analysis to examine decisions on mastitis prevention. Journal of Risk Research, 23(2), 194-209.
Lind, N., Hansson, H., Emanuelson, U., & Lagerkvist, C. J. (2023). Explaining farmers’ adoption of mastitis control practices using psychological constructs from the theory of planned behavior. Livestock Science, 277, 105341.
Ahmed, H., Ekman, L., & Lind, N. (2023). Planned Behavior, Social Networks, and Perceived Risks: Understanding Farmers' Behavior toward Precision Dairy Technologies. Journal of Dairy Science.
Andersson, L., Claeson, A-S., Meinertz Dantoft, T., Skovbjerg, S., Lind, N., & Nordin, S. (2015). Chemosensory perception, symptoms and autonomic responses during chemical exposure in multiple chemical sensitivity. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.
Claeson, A-S., & Lind, N. (2016). Human exposure to acrolein: Time-dependence and individual variation in eye irritation. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology, 45, 20-27
Claeson, A-S., Palmquist, E., Lind, N., & Nordin, S. (2016). Symptom-trigger factors other than allergens in asthma and allergy. Journal of Environmental Health Research.
Dantoft, T. M., Skovbjerg, S., Andersson, L., Claeson, A. S., Engkilde, K., Lind, N., Nordin, S., & Hellgren, L. I. (2017). Gene expression profiling in persons with multiple chemical sensitivity before and after a controlled n-butanol exposure session. BMJ open, 7(2), e013879.
Meinertz Dantoft, T., Skovbjerg, S., Andersson, L., Claeson, A-S., Lind, N., Nordin, S., & Brix, S. (2015) Inflammatory mediator profiling on n-butanol exposed upper airways in individuals with multiple chemical sensitivity. PLOS ONE, 10 (11).
Nordin, M., Bucher, R., Lind, N., & Nordin, S. (2016). Is there a bidirectional relationship between sleep and asthma and allergy in a general population?. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 85, 75-76.
Nordin, S., Tsiakiris, G., Neely, G., & Lind, N. (2016). Comorbidity in allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis: Functional somatic syndromes and psychiatric conditions. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 85, 76.
Oudin, A., Forsberg, B., Adolfsson Nordin, A., Lind, N., Modig, L., Nordin, M., Nordin, S., Adolfsson, R., & Nilsson, L-G. (2016). Traffic Air Pollution is Associated with Dementia Incidence – A Longitudinal Study from Northern Sweden. Environmental health perspectives.
Oudin, A., Forsberg, B., Lind, N., Nordin, S., Oudin Åström, D., Sundström, A., & Nordin, M. (2017). Is Long-term Exposure to Air Pollution associated with Episodic Memory? A Longitudinal Study from Northern Sweden. Scientific reports. 7 (1), 12789.
Svensson, C., Lind, N., Reyher, K., Bard, A., & Emanuelson U. (2019). Reasons for adherence and non-adherence with veterinary advice among Swedish dairy farmers. Journal of Dairy Science.
Lind, N., Nordin, M., Palmquist, E., & Nordin, S. (2013, Juli). Psychological distress in asthma and allergy: The Västerbotten Environmental Health Study. Poster presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Lind, N., Nordin, M., Palmquist, E., Claeson, A.-S., Millqvist, E., & Nordin, S. (2014, Augusti) Coping strategies and social support in asthma and allergy: The Västerbotten Environmental Health Study. Poster presented at the International Conference of Behavioral Medicine (ICBM) 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Lind, N., Hansson, H., Lagerkvist, C-J., & Emanuelson, U. (2016, May) Working paper: Post-Decision Justification and Domain-Specific Attitude in Mastitis Control Operation among Swedish Dairy Farmers. Working paper presented at Animal Welfare Science Symposium, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden.
Lind, N., Hansson, H., Lagerkvist, C-J., & Emanuelson, U. (2018, March) Farmers' evaluation of udder infections in their dairy herd: a direct linkage to farmer’s wellbeing? 8th scientific meeting, One Health Sweden, Sigtuna, Sweden
Lind N., Hansson, H., & Lagerkvist, C-J. (2019, February) Development and Validation of a Measurement Scale for Self-Efficacy for Farmers Managing Mastitis in Dairy Cows. Behavioural Perspectives in Agricultural Economics and Management, 168th EAAE seminar, Ultuna, Sweden.
Lind, N (2018, September) Farmers wellbeing and animal health. Seminar on Nordic Mastitis Research ongoing projects and future research needs Nordic mastitis meeting, SVA, Uppsala
Lind, N., Hansson, H., Emanuelson, U., & Lagerkvist, C-J. (2017, June) Explaining farmers adoption of preventive measures against mastitis: - an application of Theory of Planned Behavior, 2017 ADSA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Lind, N., Kokko, S., Svensson, C., Hansson, H., Emanuelson, U., & Lagerkvist, C-J., (2023) Behavioral adaptations to handle mastitis outbreaks in dairy production: Usage of mastitis preventive measures and changes due to negative and positive feedback. ISESSAH 2023 Understanding stakeholder behaviour and socio-economic implications of practices and policies of animal health, Helsinki, Finland.
Nordin, M., Bucher, R., Lind, N., & Nordin, S., (2016, June) Is there a bidirectional relationship between sleep and asthma and allergy in a general population? Poster presented at European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine 2016, Luleå, Sweden.
Nordin, S., Tsiakiris, T., Neely, G., & Lind, N. (2016, June) Comorbidity in allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis: Functional somatic syndromes and psychiatric conditions. Poster presented at European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine 2016, Luleå, Sweden.
Claeson, A-S & Lind, N (2013, April) Human exposure to acrolein - time dependence on TRPA1 agonists. Poster presented at The Association for Chemoreception Sciences 35th Annual Meeting, Huntington Beach, CA, USA.
Forsberg, B., Lind, N., Modig, L., Nordin, M., Nordin, S., Oudin, A., & Nilsson, L-G. (2013, Augusti) Vehicle exhaust level at home and incidence of diagnosed dementia. Presented as a Hot topic session at the Environment & Health conference, Basel, Switzerland.
Lind, N., Nordin, M., Palmquist, E., & Nordin, S. (2013, Juli). Psychological distress in asthma and allergy: The Västerbotten Environmental Health Study. Poster presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Lind, N., Nordin, M., Palmquist, E., Claeson, A.-S., Millqvist, E., & Nordin, S. (2014, Augusti) Coping strategies and social support in asthma and allergy: The Västerbotten Environmental Health Study. Poster presented at the International Conference of Behavioral Medicine (ICBM) 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands.