Nina Vogel

Nina Vogel is leading SLU's Urban Futures platform and affliliated to the Governance and Management theme group at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, SLU Alnarp.
She is trained as urban planner and holds a PhD in Planning & Development with focus on sustainable urban development and mobility transitions.
Her current research engages with transformation of urban sites, temporary uses and local democracy, car-free city districts, alternative governance approaches, the notion of urban commons as well as living labs/campus labs. Inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations are at core of her work. She is also co-founding member of the Urban Transitions and Transformations Group at STRN an international network for sustainable transitions.
Involved in following courses at SLU:
- Environmental Discourses & Communication, Course at Bachelor Program Forest & Landscape/ SLU, Alnarp
- Planning Project: Driving Forces & Contemporary Tendencies / SLU, Alnarp
- HSU Teorikurs / SLU, Alnarp
- Planning project – large scale structures, analysis and EIA / SLU, Alnarp
- Stadens Utmaningar / SLU, Alnarp
Courses at other institutions:
- Advanced Design / LTH, Lund (2017)
- DIS - Study Abroad in Scandinavia (Cph/DK); External Lecturer at the Urban Studies in Europe Program (2017)
- Teaching within philosophy of science course with focus on futures studies and scenarios at Aalborg University (AAU), Aalborg/DK. (2011-2015)
Innovation Arenas Markaryd Vinnova project (2021-2023) This project is about co-creative testing of prototypes for outdoor work and studies. The project is a collaboration between Markaryd municipality, local actors in Markaryd and researchers at SLU.
Car-free urban districts - an inter- and transdisciplinary research project.
Vinnova project 2018-2021. The Vinnova funded project ‘Car-free urban districts’ is an inter- and transdisciplinary research project that develops, tests and synthesizes conceptual approaches and practices towards car-free urban development. The city of Malmö and Gothenburg are collaborative partners and serve as case study ground.
Mo-Bo | Mobilitetstjänster banar väg för nytänkande arkitektur. Viable Cities project (2018-2019). Mo-Bo is a housing concept with mobility services that solves the residents' transport in a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable way. In particular, the car-parking free concept allows for innovative and qualitative housing. Mo-Bo offers a transformative change towards a ‘new normal’. This transition includes new inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration, new professional roles and capacity building.
New space cooperatives: Governing and transforming future urban sites. Postdoctoral research project within FUSE at SLU Alnarp, 2015-2017. This research facilitates knowledge about perceptive planning and governing urban sites alternatively, thus animates people to think beyond their professional boundaries and/or personal bias and may also view qualities of spaces differently. The project engages with effective and improved planning practice, which comprises an ethical and critical component in regards to current sustainability rationales embedded in often growth-led planning practice. Here applying and exploring a critical sustainability notion in form of e.g. commons will link to the possible challenge of generating and maintaining sustainable environments.
Transition in the making: Acritical dispute on urban transition processes toward sustainable mobility. PhD project affiliated to SusTrans at Aalborg University, Denmark, 2010-2014. In this PhD thesis I studied sustainable mobility transition strategies to offer critical reflection on existing solution approaches and possible alternatives. The thesis demonstrates reverse effects of technological fixes, inequitable development through unlimited mobility ideals, and limits to urban growth calling for an alternative path. The inquiry promotes more radical change and restructuring to achieve an environmentally sustainable and just mobility future.
Skåne Local Implementation Platform (SKLIP) at Mistra Urban Futures - Sustainable Neighbourhood Development Panel. Cofinanced 2018-2019. This Mistra Urban Futures’ Panel on Sustainable Neighborhood Development started in 2018 with a common interest in a transdisciplinary collaboration between public authorities and academia. The panel consists of researchers from Lund University, Malmö University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Alnarp and representatives from the City of Malmö. The purpose is to investigate different neighborhood development in order to develop, for example, knowledge reviews with the aim of contributing to improved methods development for working with sustainable urban development.
SLU Urban Futures (UF). SLU Urban Futures is one of four future platforms at SLU. The aim of the platforms is to foster transdisciplinary and multidisciplinary ways of working as well as future-oriented teaching and research. The platform operates across all faculties at SLU and stimulates collaboration with relevant societal actors.
FUSE - Future Urban Sustainable Transitions. Research platform established 2010 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU). FUSE is dedicated to interdisciplinary research with emphasis on the design, planning and management of future urban environments. The platform recently has three specific research directions: 1. Urban greenery and forestry in a compact city. 2. Systems landscape – from region to urban districts. 3. Transforming urban sites. Research is conducted with trans-disciplinary and/or inter-disciplinary approaches or within one specific scientific field or methodology. (
SusTrans - Enabling and governing transitions to a low-carbon society. Sustainable Transitions (SusTrans) is a cross disciplinary research alliance between Technical University of Denmark, Aalborg University and the Business School Aarhus University in cooperation with universities in Eindhoven, Munich and Notthingham, 2010-2014. The overall strategy of the research alliance was to work with cross-cutting issues of transition at four key transition arenas in society: policy, households, companies and cities. Through an integrative combination of historical analysis, case studies and action research, the research project analyzed the roles of socio-technical experiments, creation and utilization of ‘windows of opportunity’ and stabilization of changes in societal niches into regime transformation. The alliance provided knowledge and methods to enable different stakeholders’ development of governance strategies in order to handle and navigate through the complex and conflicting nature of transition processes. (
Supervision and examination of bachelor and master students thesis work at SLU, Alnarp. Secondary supervision of PhD students.
Supervision and examination of students regarding diverse themes in urban planning and mobility studies at different semesters in the master’s program Urban Planning and Management (UPM) at Aalborg University (AAU), Aalborg/DK.
Publikationer i urval
Scientific articles, book chapters & thesis
Jansson M, Mårtensson F and Vogel N (2024) Developing outdoor spaces for work and study—an explorative place-making process. Front. Sustain. Cities 6:1308637. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2024.1308637
Marcheschi, E., Vogel, N., Larsson, A., Perander, S., and Koglin, T., (2022). Residents’ acceptance towards car-free street experiments: Focus on perceived quality of life and neighborhood attachment. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol 14, 100585.
Vogel, N. (2022). Samskapande är vägen framåt In: Olsson, T. (ed) Urban natur human stad. Stad och Land, 190, SLU Tankesmedjan Movium.
Torrens, J. et al., …. Vogel, N. …. (2021). Advancing urban transitions and transformations research. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol 41, pp. 102-105.
Vogel, N., Arler, F., Gulsrud, N. and Jansson, M. (2020). Ethical dimensions in landscape governance and management. In: Randrup, T.B. & Jansson, M. (eds.) Urban Open Space Governance and Management. Routledge.
Parker P., Vogel N., Diedrich L. (2019). Investigating the Democratic Potential of Temporary Uses in Urban Redevelopment Projects. In: Fisker J., Chiappini L., Pugalis L., Bruzzese A. (eds) Enabling Urban Alternatives. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.
Parker, P., Vogel, N., Diedrich, L. (2018). Design and Democracy. In: Care/create/act: a selection of groundbreaking projects and thought-provoking reflections / [ed] Lisa Diedrich, Mike Friesen, Mark Hendriks, Christel Lindgren, Claudia Moll, Blauwdruk , 2018, s. 285-291.
Jansson, M., Vogel, N., Fors, H. & Randrup, T.B. (2018). The governance of landscape management: new approaches to urban open space development, Landscape Research, 44:8, 952-965, DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2018.1536199
Vogel, N. (2017). Synergies through entanglement: commoning entering the Urban Governance Realm, The Public Sector, 43:1,7-18, DOI: 10.34749/oes.2017.2358
Vogel, N. (2015). Municipalities’ ambitions and practices: At risk of hypocritical sustainability transitions? Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 18:3, 361-378, DOI: 10.1080/1523908X.2015.1099425
Vogel, N. (2015). Transition in the making: A critical dispute on urban transition processes toward sustainable mobility. PhD Thesis. Aalborg University, Aalborg.
Valderrama Pineda, A.F. & Vogel, N. (2014). Transitioning to a Low Carbon Society? The Case of Personal Transportation and Urban Form in Copenhagen: 1947 to the Present. Transfers 4.2, 4–22.
Næss, P. & Vogel, N. (2012). Sustainable urban development and the multi-level transition perspective. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 4, 36–50.
Other publications including popular science:
Fors, H., Jansson, M., Vogel, N. & Sunding, A. (2021). Förvaltarens nya roller för rättvis förvaltning och governance. I temat: UTEMILJÖNS FÖRVALTNING OCH GOVERNANCE, del 5, Landskap, 8, 26-29.
Marc Wolfram, Jonas Torrens, Vanesa Castán Broto, Jake Barnes, Chiara Fratini, Irene Håkansson, Katharina Hölscher, Kaisa Schmidt-Thome, Nina Vogel, Timo von Wirth, Josefin Wangel, Emilia Smeds, and Niki Frantzeskaki (2019). Urban pathways towards sustainability: Concepts, knowledge boundaries and a transformative future agenda. Presented at IST 2019, Ottawa, Canada.
Vogel, N. (2017). #Pixlapiren – Ett urbant experiment. I temat: Medskapa Landskapet. Landskap, 2, 18–21.
Vogel, N. (2016) Pixla Piren. Krönika MOVIUM, Available at:, published online 28 juni 2016.
Vogel, N. (2014). Bæredygtig omstilling bliver grøn sminke. Teknik og Miljø - Stads og Havneingeniøren, 16. October 2014, pp. 24-25.
Vogel, Nina and Khan, Jamil and Nordqvist, Joakim and Hildingsson, Roger (2020). Hållbar områdesutveckling i Malmö: från experiment till ny praxis? Rapport inom Mistra Urban Futures Local Interaction Platform Skåne. SLU Urban Futures, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, ISBN 978-91-576-9705-9.
Koglin, T., Vogel, N., Perander, S., Larsson, A. and Marchesci, E. (2019) Implementering av bilfria distrikt. En dokumentstudie från ett internationellt, nationellt, regionalt och lokalt perspektiv. K2 Working Paper, ISBN 978-91-985495-4-6.
Vogel, N. (2019). MO-BO AS A TRANSDISCIPLINARY PROJECT: UNPACKING TRANSDISCIPLINARITY IN PRACTICE. In: Mo-Bo. Mobilitetstjänster banar väg för nytänkande arkitektur. Viable Cities Project Report, p. 72-73. Available at:
Elle, M., Vogel, N. & Valderrama Pineda, A.F. (2016). Hvor star Danmark bæredygtighedsmæssigt i forhold til mobilitet? Miljøstrategisk Årsrapport 2015, pp. 14-18; DIST centret, AAU Cph, ISBN 978-87-93053-03-8.
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