Patrice Humblot

I have been working in applied research as a research scientist in UNCEIA (National Union of French Breeding companies) in the field of ruminant reproduction from 1978 to 2010. My main topics of interest were: i) the phenotyping of female reproductive function by using hormone profiles, embryo mortality and its characterization by assaying Pregnancy Associated Glycoproteins (1978-1995). ii) Relationships between nutrition, genetics and reproduction (1990-1995). iii) Belonging to the French national union of breeding organizations I have been involved also in studies aiming to control male fertility and in the development and optimization of reproductive biotechnologies, mainly embryo transfer, in vitro embryo production and embryo genotyping (1990-2010). iv) Since 2001 I have initiated and been involved in several research programs granted by the French National Agency for Research (ANR) aiming to study gene expression in reproductive tissues and to identify genetic markers in relation with reproductive function. Today I go on this research in the Department of Clinical Sciences (SLU) as professor in Reproductive Physiology.
My present research focus on the use of phenotypic characterization and of various molecular approaches (transcriptomics, epigenetics..) with the aim to identify markers of reproductive robustness in animals exposed to metabolic imbalance (either due to undernutrition or overnutrition) or to infection. Both in vivo and in vitro models are used to mimic pathological disorders in the framework of 2 running research programs. Being one of partners in "PROLIFIC" (granted in the FP7 framework) our tasks consist in evaluating the changes induced by diets in reproductive tissues at the molecular level. In a second programme run in collaboration with SVA, in vitro models are used to evaluate the molecular changes induced by pathogens on endometrial function. In both cases, the identified markers may be used either to better diagnose or characterize pathological conditions in relation with metabolic or infectious diseases. This may be the source of new tools to define preventive measures and/or for therapy. Exploitation of genetic markers may lead also to improve reproductive robustness through the genetic route.
I got my degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM), from the National Veterinary School of Maisons Alfort, France (1978) and the Faculty of Human Medicine of Créteil on the topic "Phenotyping of Dairy cow fertility". This was followed by a Master in Reproductive Physiology, Faculty of Sciences, Paris VI , France (1978), and Master in Human Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Paris VII, France (1982-1983) for statistics applied to biology.
I got my PhD/Docent from the University of Tours, France (1999) on the topic "Sources and refined phenotyping of Embryonic mortality in cattle."
I was recruited as a research scientist in the Research and Development department of UNCEIA (National Union of French Breeding companies) in 1978 and became R&D director in 2001.
In 2010 I joined the Division of Reproduction, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal sciences, SLU, Uppsala (Sweden) as professor in Reproductive Physiology.
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- Valour D., Hue I., Degrelle S.A., Dejean S., Marot G., Dubois O., Germain G., Humblot P., Ponter A.A., Charpigny G., Grimard B. (2012). Pre- and post-partum mild underfeeding influences gene 1 expression in the reproductive tract of cyclic dairy cows. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, (under press).
- Kumaresan A., Johanisson A., Humblot P., Bergqvist AS. (2012) Oviductal fluid modulate the dynamics of tyrosine phosphorylation in cryopreserved boar spermatozoa during capacitation. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 79: 525-540. Doi:10.1002/mrd.22058.
- Ponter AA., Guyader Joly C., Nuttinck F., Grimard B., Humblot P. (2012). Oocyte and embryo production and quality after OPU-IVF in dairy heifers given diets varying in their n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio. Theriogenology, 78:632-645.
- Saint Dizier M., Grimard B., Guyader Joly C., Humblot P., Ponter A. (2011). Expression of enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 in bovine in vitro produced embryos. Zygote, doi,1017/S0967199410000596.
- Kaewlamun W., Okouyi M., Humblot P., Techakumphu M., Ponter A. (2011). Does supplementing dairy cows with beta-carotene during the dry period affect post partum ovarian activity, progesterone and cervical and uterine involution. Theriogenology, 75:1029-1038. Doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2010.11.010.
- Humblot P., Le Bourhis D., Fritz S., Colleau J.J., Gonzalez C., Guyader-Joly C., Malafosse A., Heyman Y., Amigues Y., Tissier M., Ponsart C. (2010). Reproductive technologies and genomic selection in cattle. Veterinary Medicine International., doi,10.4061/2010/192787
- Druet T., Fritz S., Sellem E., Basso B., Gerard O., Salas-Cortes L., Humblot P., Druart X., Eggen A. Estimation of genetic parameters and genome scan for 15 semen characteristics traits of Holstein bulls. J. Anim., Breed. Genet., 2009 Aug;126(4):269-277.
- Humblot P., Grimard B., Freret S., Charpigny G., Ponter A.A., Seegers H., Ponsart C. Impact of energy balance on metabolic changes and reproductive tissues ; consequences for ovarian activity and fertility in dairy and beef cattle. In : Recent Advances in Animal Nutrition. Eds P.C. Garnsworthy and J. Wiseman). Nottingham University Press, Nottingham. p. 1-14. ISBN 978-1-904761-044.
- Tillard E, Humblot P, Faye B, Lecomte P, Dohoo I, Bocquier F. Postcalving factors affecting conception risk in Holstein dairy cows in tropical and sub-tropical conditions. Theriogenology, 69(4) : 443-457 (2008).
- Thelie A, Papillier P, Pennetier S, Perreau C, Traverso JM, Uzbekova S, Mermillod P, Joly C, Humblot P, Dalbies-Tran R (2007) Differential regulation of abundance and deadenylation of maternal transcripts during bovine oocyte maturation in vitro and in vivo. BMC Dev Biol 7:125
- Freret S, Grimard B., Ponter A.A., Joly C., Ponsart C., Humblot P. Reduction of body-weight gain enhances in vitro embryo production in overfed superovulated dairy heifers. Reproduction 2006 131 (4): p. 783-794.
- Grimard, B., Freret, S., Chevallier, A., Pinto, A., Ponsart, C., Humblot, P. Genetic and environmental factors influencing first service conception rate and late embryonic/foetal mortality in low fertility dairy herds. Anim Reprod Sci.2006.Jan.;91 (1-2):31.-44.
- Humblot P., Holm P., Lonergan P., Wrenzycki C., Lequarre A.S., Guyader-Joly C., Herrmann D., Lopes A., Rizos D., Niemann H., Callesen H. Effect of stage of follicular growth during superovulation on developmental competence of bovine oocytes. Theriogenology, 63(4) : 1149-66 (2005).
- Pennetier S., Uzbekova S., Guyader-Joly C., Humblot P., Mermillod P. Dalbies-Tran R. Genes preferentially expressed in bovine oocytes revealed by subtractive and suppressive hybridization. Biol Reprod. 2005 Oct;73(4):713-20.
- Vigneron C., Perreau C., Dalbi¨¨s-Tran R., Joly C., Humblot P., Uzbekova S., Mermillod P. Protein synthesis and mRNA storage in cattle oocytes maintained under meiotic block by Roscovitine inhibition of MPF activity. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 69 : 457-465 (2004).