Per Sandström

Publikationer i urval
Ersson, B. T., Hansson, L., Manner, J., Sandström, P., and Sonesson, J. 2023. Forest management in northern Fennoscandia: the need for solutions that mitigate conflicts during forest regeneration and increase the use of continuous cover forestry. Silva Fennica, 57(3).
Eggers, J., Roos, U., Lind, T., and Sandström, P. 2023. Adapted forest management to improve the potential for reindeer husbandry in Northern Sweden. Ambio, 1-17.
Mosomtai, G., Kasiiti, J. L., Murithi, R. M., Sandström, P., Landmann, T., Lwande, O. W., ... & Ottavianelli, G. 2023. Characterizing movement patterns of nomadic pastoralists and their exposure to rift valley fever in Kenya. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 48, 211-216.
Niebuhr, B. B., Van Moorter, B., Stien, A., Tveraa, T., Strand, O., Langeland, K., Sandström, P., Alam, M., Skarin, A., & Panzacchi, M. 2023. Estimating the cumulative impact and zone of influence of anthropogenic features on biodiversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 00, 1– 14.
Horstkotte, T., Sandström, P., Neumann, W., Skarin, A., Adler, S., Roos, U., & Sjögren, J. 2023. Semi-domesticated reindeer avoid winter habitats with exotic tree species Pinus contorta. Forest Ecology and Management, 540, 121062.
Sandström, P., Sandström, S., Roos, U. and Cronvall E. 2023. Case study: Reindeer husbandry plans – ‘Is this even monitoring? In Monitoring biodiversity - combining environmental and social data. Editors E. C. H. Keskitalo, A. Allard and A. Brown.
Niebuhr, B. B., Sant’Ana, D., Panzacchi, M., van Moorter, B., Sandström, P., Morato, R. G., & Skarin, A. 2022. Renewable energy infrastructure impacts biodiversity beyond the area it occupies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(48), e2208815119.
Roos, U., Lidestav G., Sandström S. and Sandström P. 2022. Samråd: an institutional arrangement in the context of forestry and reindeer husbandry in northern Sweden. International Forestry Review 24(3), 441-457.
Tømmervik, H., Skarin, A., Niebuhr, B. B., and Sandström, P. 2022. Beregning av tapt beite etter utbygging av vindkraftverk samt kraftlinjer på Fosen TIDSSKRIFT FOR UTMARKSFORSKNING 2022–1.
Skarin, A. and Sandström, P. 2022. Skogen som sommarbetesresurs och hur annan markanvändning i skogen påverkar renen. In Skogens värden – Forskares refelktioner. MIUN 2022/1393
Skarin, A., Niebuhr, B. B., Sandström, P., and Tømmervik, H. (2022). Den ekologiska bevisföringen i Fosenmålet - Analys av renens användning av vinterbetesmarkerna och konsekvenser av vindkraftutbyggnad. TIDSSKRIFT FOR UTMARKSFORSKNING 2022–1.
Horstkotte, T., Kumpula, J., Sandström, P., Tømmervik, H., Kivinen, S., Skarin, A., Moen J. & Sandström, S. 2022. Pastures under pressure: Effects of other land users and the environment. In Reindeer Husbandry and Global Environmental Change (pp. 76-98). Routledge.
Cambou D., Sandström P., Skarin A and Borg E. 2022. Reindeer husbandry vs. wind energy. An interdisciplinary analysis of the Pauträsk and Norrbäck court decisions in Sweden. In Indigenous peoples, natural resources and governance: Agencies and interactions. Pp. 39-58.
Singh N. J., Ecke F., Katzner T., Bagchi S., Sandström P. & Hörnfeldt B. 2021. Consequences of migratory coupling of predators and prey when mediated by human actions. Diversity and Distributions, 27(9), 1848-1860.
Sandström P., Myntti E-L, Sandström S., Jonsson N., Lidestav G. and Jonsson T. 2020. Who knew digitizing and dialogue could change the course of reindeer husbandry rights? We know, now: building bridges between knowledge systems and over highways. In Sharing Knowledge for Land Use Management - Decision-Making and Expertise in Europe’s Northern Periphery. (eds. McDonagh J and Tuulentie S.) Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Pp. 130-143.
Sandström S., Sandström P. and Nikula A. 2020. Who is the public and where is participation in participatory GIS and public participation GIS. In Sharing Knowledge for Land Use Management - Decision-Making and Expertise in Europe’s Northern Periphery. (eds. McDonagh J and Tuulentie S.) Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Pp. 55-69.
Turunen M., Markkula I., Zinglersen K. B., Poulsen H. H., Sandström P. and Sandström
S. 2020. Indigenous and local knowledge in land use planning: a comparative analysis. In Sharing Knowledge for Land Use Management - Decision-Making and Expertise in Europe’s Northern Periphery. (eds. McDonagh J and Tuulentie S.) Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Pp. 16-28.
Lidestav G., Bogadóttir R., Ólafsdóttir R., Myntti E-L., Sandström P. and Sandström S. 2020 (in press). Traditional knowledge and natural resource governance: a gender perspective. In Sharing Knowledge for Land Use Management - Decision-Making and Expertise in Europe’s Northern Periphery. (eds. McDonagh J and Tuulentie S.) Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Pp. 42-54.
Hedblom M., Hedenås H., Blicharska M., Adler S., Knez I., Mikusiński G., Svensson J., Sandström S., Sandström P. and Wardle D. A. 2020. Landscape perception: linking physical monitoring data to perceived landscape properties. Landscape Research, 45:2 179-192. DOI: 10.1080/01426397.2019.1611751
Svensson J., Andersson J., Sandström P., Mikusiński G. and Jonsson B.G. 2019. Landscape trajectory of natural boreal forest loss as an impediment to green infrastructure. Conservation Biology. 33.1: 152-163.
Skarin A., Sandström P. and Alam M. 2018. Out of sight of wind turbines—Reindeer response to wind farms in operation. Ecology and Evolution 8(19): 9906-9919.
Mosomtai G., Evander M., Mundia C., Sandström P., Ahlm C., Hassan O.A., Lwande O.W., Gachari M.K., Landmann T. and Sang R. 2018. Datasets for mapping pastoralist movement patterns and risk zones of Rift Valley fever occurrence. Data in brief, 16, pp. 762-770.
Bjärstig T., Stjernström O., Svensson J., Sandström C., Sandström P. and Zachrisson A. 2018. Between protocol and reality–Swedish municipal comprehensive planning. European Planning Studies, 26(1), pp.35-54.
Thellbro C., Stjernström O., Sandström P. and Lidestav G. 2017. Visualizing the Forest in a Boreal Forest Landscape—The Perspective of Swedish Municipal Comprehensive Planning. Forests, 8(6), 189.
Blicharska M., Smithers R.J., Hedblom M., Hedenås H., Mikusiński G., Pedersen E., Sandström P., and Svensson J. 2017. Shades of grey challenge practical application of the cultural ecosystem services concept. Ecosystem Services. 23: 55–70
Degteva, A., Oskal, A., Mathiesen, S. D., Burgess, P., Aslaksen, J., Johnsen, K., Magga, A. M., van Rooi, W., Brattland, C., Corell, R., Dubovtsev, A., Garnåsjordet, P. A., Holmberg, A., Klokov, K., Maynard, N. G., Nellemann, C., Niillas, B., Partapuoli, P. J., Pogodaev, M., Reinert, E., Sandström, P., Slepushkin, I., Smuk, I. A., Steffanson, J., Strogalschikova, Z., Tyskarev, A., & Westerveld, L. 2017. Chapter 7. Indigenous peoples’ perspectives. In Arctic council report adaptation action in changing Arctic.
AMAP. 2017. Indigenous peoples’ perspectives. Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Barents Area. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) pp. 267
Stjernström O., Rein A., Bergstén S., Eggers J., Hain H., Karlsson S., Keskitalo C., Lämås T., Pettersson Ö., Sandström P. and Öhman K. 2017. Multi-level planning and conflicting interests in the forest landscape. In Globalisation and Change in Forest Ownership and Forest Use: Natural Resource Management in Transition (ed Keskitalo C.) Palgrave Macmillan.
Lidestav G., Thellbro C., Sandström P., Lind T., Holm E., Olsson O., Westin K., Karppinen H. and Ficko A. 2017. Interactions between forest owners and their forests. In Globalisation and Change in Forest Ownership and Forest Use: Natural Resource Management in Transition (ed Keskitalo C.) Palgrave Macmillan.
St John R., Öhman K., Tóth S.F., Sandström P., Korosuo A. and Eriksson L.O. 2016. Combining spatiotemporal corridor design for reindeer migration with harvest scheduling in northern Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 31(7) pp. 655-663.
Singh N.J., Moss E., Hipkiss T., Ecke F., Dettki H., Sandström P., Bloom P., Kidd J., Thomas S. and Hörnfeldt B. 2016. Habitat selection by adult Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos during the breeding season and implications for wind farm establishment. Bird Study 63 (2) pp. 233-240.
Mosomtai G., Evander M., Sandström P., Ahlm C., Sang R., Hassan O.A., Affognon H. and Landmann T. 2016. Association of ecological factors with Rift Valley fever occurrence and mapping of risk zones in Kenya. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 46 pp. 49-55.
Sandström P., Cory N., Svensson J., Hedenås H, Jougda L., and Brochert N. 2016. On the decline of ground lichen forests in the Swedish boreal landscape – Implications for reindeer husbandry and sustainable forest management. Ambio 45(4): 415-429.
Skarin A., Nellemann C., Rönnegård L., Sandström P. and Lundqvist H. 2015. Wind farm construction impacts reindeer migration and movement corridors. Landscape Ecology, 30:1527-1540.
Poudyal, M., Lidestav, G., Sandström, S. and Sandström, P. 2015. Supporting community governance in boreal forests by introducing participatory GIS through Action Research. International Journal of Action Research 11 (3): 236-264.
Sandström P. 2015. A toolbox for co-production of knowledge and improved land use dialogues – The perspective of reindeer husbandry. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Suecicae - Silvestra 2015:20.
Moss E.H., Hipkiss T., Ecke F., Dettki H., Sandström P., Bloom P.H., Kidd J.W., Thomas S.E. and Hörnfeldt B. 2014. Home-range size and examples of post-nesting movements for adult Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in boreal Sweden. Journal of Raptor Research, 48(2):93-105.
Herrmann T.M., Sandström P., Granqvist K., D’Astous N., Vannar J., Asselin H., Saganash N., Mameamskum J., Guanish G., Loon J.-B. and Cuciurean R. 2014. Effects of mining on reindeer/caribou populations and indigenous livelihoods: community-based monitoring by Sami reindeer herders in Sweden and First Nations in Canada. The Polar Journal, 4(1), pp. 28-51.
Korosuo A., Sandström P., Öhman K. and Eriksson L.O. 2014. Impacts of different forest management scenarios on forestry and reindeer husbandry. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 29, pp. 234-251.
Sandström P., Sandström C., Svensson J., Jougda L., and Baer K. 2012. Participatory GIS to mitigate conflicts between reindeer husbandry and forestry in Vilhelmina Model Forest, Sweden. Forest Chronicle 88 nr 3:254-260.
Svensson J., Sandström P., Sandström C., Jougda L., and Baer K. 2012. Sustainable landscape management in the Vilhelmina Model, Sweden Forest. Forestry Chronicle 88 nr 3:291-297.
Gilichinsky M., Sandström P., Reese H., Kivinen S., Moen J. and Nilsson M. 2011. Mapping ground lichens using forest inventory and optical satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 32, nr 2, 455-472.
Ecke F., Christensen P., Rentz R., Nilsson M., Sandström P. and Hörnfeldt B. 2010. Landscape structure and the long-term decline of cyclic grey-sided voles in Fennoscandia. Landscape ecology 25:551-560.
Sandström P. and Sandström C. 2008. Moderna renar ger bättre samråd med skogsbruket. Miljöforskning 5–6 (December, 2008).
Christensen P, Ecke F., Sandström P., Nilsson M. and Hörnfeldt B. 2008. Can landscape properties predict occurrence of grey-sided voles? Population Ecology 50:169-179.
Olsson H., Sallnäs O., Nilsson M., Egberth M., Sandström P. and Bohlin J. 2008. Satellite data time series for forecasting, habitat modeling and visualization of the managed boreal forest landscape. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B8. Beijing 2008
Ecke F., Christensen P., Sandström P. and Hörnfeldt B. 2006. Identification of landscape elements related to local declines of a boreal grey-sided vole population. Landscape Ecology 21:485-497.
Hörnfeldt B., Christensen P., Sandström P. & Ecke F. 2006. Long-term decline and local extinction of Clethrionomys rufocanus in boreal Sweden. Landscape Ecology 21:1135-1150.
Sandström P., Granqvist Pahlén T., Edenius L., Tømmervik H., Hagner O., Hemberg L., Olsson H., Baer K., Stenlund T., Brandt L.-G. and Egberth M. 2003. Conflict resolution by participatory management: remote sensing and GIS as tools for communicating land use needs for reindeer herding in northern Sweden. Ambio 32(8): 557-567.
Edenius L., Vencatasawmy C. P., Sandström P. & Dahlberg U. 2003. Combining satellite imagery and ancillary data to improve mapping of snowbed vegetation important to reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 35:150-157.
Reese H., Nilsson M., Sandström P. and Olsson H. 2002. Applications using estimates of forest parameters derived from satellite and forest inventory data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 37(1):37-55.
Servheen C., Waller J. S., and Sandstrom P. 2001. Identification and management of linkage zones for grizzly bears between the large blocks of public land in the northern Rocky Mountains. ICOET 2001 Proceedings – A Time for Action. Pp. 161-179
Sandstrom P. 1996. Identification of potential linkage zones for grizzly bears in the Swan-Clearwater Valley using GIS. University of Montana, Missoula, USA.
Servheen C. and Sandstrom P. 1993. Ecosystem management and linkage zones for grizzly bears and other large carnivores in the northern Rocky Mountains in Montana and Idaho. Endangered species technical bulletin (USA).
Peer-reviewed scientific reports (recent and selected)
Skarin, A., Sandström, P., Brandão Niebuhr Dos Santos, B., Alam, M., & Adler, S. 2021. Renar, renskötsel och vindkraft: vinter-och barmarksbete. Naturvårdsverket Rapport 7011. pp. 126.
Kløcker Larsen R., Skarin A., Stinnerbom M., Vannar J., Alam M., Kuhmunen M., Lawrence R., Nygård J., Raitio K., Sandström P., Sandström S., Stinnerbom J., Wik-Karlsson J. and Österlin C. 2020. Omtvistade landskap - Navigering mellan konkurrerande markanvändning och kumulativa effekter. Naturvårdsverket Rapport 6908. pp. 47
Strand O., Coleman J., Eftestöl S., Sandström P., Skarin A. and Thomassen J. 2018. Vindkraft och renar - En kunskapssammanställning. Naturvårdsverket Rapport 6799 Vindval pp. 79.
Svensson J., Mikusinski G., Esselin A., Adeler S., Blincharska M., Hedblom M., Hedenås H., Sandström P., Sandström S. and Wardle D. 2017. Nationell miljöövervakning och utvärdering av ekosystemtjänster i fjäll och skog. Naturvårdsverket Rapport 6754. 102 pp.
Strand, O., Colman, J.E., Eftestøl, S., Sandström, P., Skarin, A. & Thomassen, J. 2017. Vindkraft og reinsdyr – en kunnskapssyntese. NINA Rapport 1305. 62 s.
Kløcker Larsen, R., Raitio, K., Sandström, P., Skarin, A., Stinnerbom, M., Wik-Karlsson, J., Sandström, S., Österlin, C. & Buhot, Y. 2016. Kumulativa effekter av exploateringar på renskötseln: Vad behöver göras inom tillståndsprocesser. Naturvårdsverket 6722 pp. 63
Skarin, A., Sandström, P., Alam, M., Buhot, Y. & Nellemann, C. 2016. Renar och vindkraft II: Vindkraft i drift och effekter på renar och renskötsel. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Institutionen för husdjurens utfodring och vård. Rapport 295 pp. 75
Skarin, A., Nellemann, C., Sandström, P., Rönnegård L. och Lundqvist H. 2013. Renar och Vindkraft - Studie från anläggningen av två vindkraftparker i Malå sameby. Naturvårdsverket Rapport 6564. 50 pp.
Löf A., Sandström P., Stinnerbom M.,Baer K. och Sandström C. 2012. Renskötsel och klimatforändring- Risker, sårbarhet och anpassningsmöjligheter i Vilhelmina norra sameby. Statsvetenskapliga institutionens skriftserie, Umeå universitet, Forskningsrapport 2012:4. 48 pp.,slu_last_update%20desc&cid=4545813