
Rolf Johansson

Rolf Johansson
Architect SAR/MSA (KTH & KKH), PhD (KTH), Docent (KTH); Professor emeritus in Landscape Architecture; 20 years in practice and 20+ years in academia.


I am an architect (SAR/MSA), Dr. and Docent in architecture, and from 2016 a Professor Emeritus in Landscape Architecture at SLU. I engage in academic assignments and practice architecture.


In second and third cycle education I have been developing and teaching courses mainly in Theory of Science, Research Methodolgy, Scientific Writing, Achitectural Criticism, and History of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture at KTH and SLU from 1997 and onwards. 



In the late 60s and early 70s I studied Mathematics, History of Art and later Pedagogy at Stockholm University. I graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) as an architect in 1976 and worked in practice until 1990. During the next ten years a was a researcher at KTH (50%) and practicing achitect (50%). My research was mainly in the field of quality in housing. In 1992 I graduated from the School of Architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KKH) in Stockholm. I was awarded a PhD in architecture at KTH in 1997 and became engaged in third cycle education. In 2002 I was awarded a Docent degree in Architecture at KTH and became a Senior Lecturer at KTH and Visiting Professor in Landscape Architecture at SLU from 2004, Professor i Built Environment Analysis at KTH, 2005, and Professor in Landscape Architecture/Design Theory from 2011. Between 2007 and 2012 I was Head of Department (prefekt) at the Department of Urban and Rural Development. I initiated and developed sida-financed collaborations in PhD-education between the Landscape Architecture unit at SLU and universities in East Africa.


As a main supervisor in third cycle education I have guided nine students who are awarded a PhD and two awarded Licentiate degrees.

Publikationer i urval

Academic articles / book chapters / reports / popular science articles

Johansson, Rolf (In press). "Staden som promenadlandskap". Tidskriften Landskap.

Johansson, Rolf (2024). "Paradisträdgården". Tidskriften Landskap, nr 7, 24-29.

Johansson, Rolf (2024). "Renaissance and Baroque Mazes in Sweden". Caerdroia. The Journal of Mazes and Labyrinths, no 53, 11–25.

Johansson, Rolf (2024). "En flora berättar". Tidskriften Landskap, nr 3, 30-34.

Johansson, Rolf (2023). "Lärande landskap". Tidskriften Landskap, nr 8, 33-36.

Johansson, Rolf (2023). "Oscar Reutersvärd's Inventive Labyrinths". Caerdroia. The Journal of Mazes and Labyrinths, no 52, 38-42.

Johansson, Rolf (2023). "Stockholm's Lost Mazes". Caerdroia. The Journal of Mazes and Labyrinths, no 52, 27-31.

Johansson, Rolf (2023). "Labyrinter. Förr och nu". Tidskriften Landskap, nr 4, 18-21.

Johansson, Rolf (2022). "Stockholm's Mazes and Labyrinths". Caerdroia. The Journal of Mazes and Labyrinths, no 51, 39-45.

Namuganyi. Lilian, & Johansson, Rolf (2014). "Constructing Alternative Spatialities in Kampala City: Two case studies". In Ricardo Garcia Mira & Adina Dumitru (eds.): Urban Sustainability. Innovative spaces, vulnerabilities and opportunities. A Coruna: Institute of Psychological Studies and Research “Xoan Vicente Viqueira”.

Johansson, Rolf (2013). "A Model for Goal-Free Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Residential Housing". Electronically published at

Johansson, Rolf (2012). "Case Studies in Renovation and Urban Regeneration: Learning by doing". In R. J. Lawrence, H. Turgut & P. Kellett (eds.): Requalifying the Built Environment: Challenges and Responses. Göttingen: Hogrefe and Huber.

Johansson, Rolf (2012). "Venedig – stad i vatten". Urban. Nr 3. Uppsala: SLU, inst. för stad och land.

Johansson, Rolf (2012). "Venice - City in Water". Urban. Nr 3.  (English edition). Uppsalla: SLU, inst. för stad och land.

Johansson, Rolf (2011). "Ur Roms förflutna". Urban. Nr 2. Uppsala: SLU, inst. för stad och land.

Johansson, Rolf (2009). "Naturvetenskap och arkitektonisk gestaltning". In: Per Hedfors (Ed.), Urban naturmark i landskapet. En syntes genom landskapsarkitektur. Uppsala: SLU, inst. för stad och land.

Johansson, Rolf; Rönn, Magnus; Werner; Inga Britt (2008). "Om kvalitet i arkitektur". Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, vol .20,nr 1, 95–105. (All authors are main authors).

Johansson, Rolf (2007). "On Case Study Methodology". Open House International, vol 32, nr 3, 48–54.

Johansson, Rolf (2007). "Historielös ombyggnad". Invandrare och Minoriteter. Nr 4–5, 51 –54.

Johansson, Rolf (2005). "Arkitekturkritik i dagspressen". I: Rolf Johansson, Magnus Rönn & Inga Britt Werner, Om kvalitet i arkitektur. Forskningsrapport. Stockholm: KTH. S.59–77.

Johansson, Rolf, Rönn, Magnus & Werner, Inga-Britt (2005). Om kvalitet i arkitektur. Forskningsrapport. Stockholm: KTH. (All authors are main authors). S.1–7.

Johansson, Rolf (2004). "Types of generalisation from a single case". Journal of Applied Psychology, vol 6, nr 3-4, 213-221.

Johansson, Rolf (2003). "Case Study Methodology Reflected in Architectural Research". In Book of Proceedings. Four Faces—The Dynamics of Architectural Knowledge. (pp.71–74). The 20th EAAE Conference Stockholm—Helsinki/May 8—11.

Johansson, Rolf, & Svane, Örjan (2002). "Environmental Management in Large–scale Building Projects. Learning from Hammarby Sjöstad". Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, vol 9, nr 4, 206–214. (Johansson and Svane are both main authors).

Johansson, Rolf (2002). "Ett explikativt angreppssätt. Fallstudiemetodikens utveckling, logiska grund och betydelse i arkitekturforskningen". Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, vol 15,nr 2, 19–28.

Johansson, Rolf (2001). "Hypertextteori". In Conference Proceedings. Conference on Architectural Research and Information Technology. Arkitektskolen i Aarhus. April 27-29. P 15-18..

Johansson, Rolf (2000). "Ett bra fall är ett steg framåt. Om fallstudier, historiska studier och historiska fallstudier". Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, vol 13,nr 1–2,  65–71.

Johansson, Rolf (2000). "Om abduktion, intuition och syntes". Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, vol 13, nr 3. 13–19.

 Johansson, Rolf (1997). Utvärdering av bostadshus i bruk. Om att bedöma kvalitet i boendet. (PhD thesis). Stockholm: KTH, Institutionen för Arkitektur och stadsbyggnad               

Hanström, Maj–Britt, Johansson, Rolf, & Leijonhufvud, Sten (1995). Grimsta. Utvärdering av självbyggda hyresrättsradhus. (Forskningsrapport, nr 10). Stockholm:  KTH, Institutionen för Arkitektur och stadsbyggnad. (All authors are main authors).

Hanström, Maj–Britt, & Johansson, Rolf (1994). Rinkeby – förort i förvandling. (Forskningsrapport, nr R2). Stockholm: KTH, Institutionen för Arkitektur och stadsbyggnad. (Hanström and Johansson are both main authors).

Johansson, Rolf (1993). Möbler som spar utrymme. Forskningsrapport 66. Stockholm: Möbelinstitutet.

Johansson, Rolf,  & Lingqvist, Lena (1993). Normfritt byggande. Utvärdering av kvarteret Solen i Borlänge. (Forskningsrapport R36). Stockholm: Byggforskningsrådet. (Johansson is the main author).

Johansson, Rolf,  & Lingqvist, Lena (1993). Kvarteret Nedre Gruvriset, Falun. Kvalitet i boendet. (Forskningsrapport R2). Stockholm: KTH, Institutionen för Arkitektur. (Johansson is the main author).

Johansson, Rolf (1993). Kök i nya bostäder. Forskningsrapport R6:1993. Stockholm: KTH.

Johansson, Rolf (1992). Hygienrum för kvarboende. Forskningsrapport R1:1992. Stockholm: KTH.

Johansson, Rolf, & Ribjer, Lotta. (1990). Kvalitet i boendet – en studie av två småhusområden. Rapport R3:1990. Stockholm: KTH. (Johansson is the main author).

Johansson, Rolf (1986). "Labyrinten – en invecklad historia". Arkitekttidningen, 13, 18– 19.

Johansson, Rolf (1985). "Apropå Akroplois". Arkitekttidningen, 2, 12 – 13.

Johansson, Rolf (1985). "Om liv i ruiner". Arkitekttidningen, 1, 15 – 17.

Johansson, Rolf (1983). "Ett sommarhus av Carl Westman". Arkitekttidningen, 15, 14 – 16.

Hult, Anders, & Johansson, Rolf (1981). "Les bastides – medeltida nystäder". Arkitekttidningen, 15, 11 – 12.


Book reviews

Johansson, Rolf. (2022). Recesion: Trojas murar. Labyrinter under 3000 år by John Kraft. Bebyggelsehistorisk tidskrift, Nr 83. (Review in Swedish).

Johansson, Rolf. (2022). Review of the book: Trojas murar. Labyrinter under 3000 år by John Kraft. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, no 2, 183-185. (Review in Swedish).

Johansson, Rolf. (2022). Review of the book: Trojas murar. Labyrinter under 3000 år by John Kraft. Caerdroia. The Journal of Mazes and Labyrinths, no 51, 59-60. (Review in English).

Kropf, Karl and Johansson, Rolf. (2021). Review of PhD thesis: Where Planning and Design Meet. Transformation of Urban Tissue Under Densification Policy - The Case of Oslo. Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, no 3, 128-131.

Johansson, Rolf. (2005). Research education and the research magazine. Research Magazine, nr 7, 116–119.

Johansson, Rolf. (2005). Review of the journal: Research Magazine, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 18, Nr 4, 93–96.

Johansson, Rolf. (2002). Review of the book: Case Study Research Methods by Bill Gillham, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 15, Nr 4, 91–92.

Johansson, Rolf. (2001). Review of the book: Socrates in the Labyrinth by David Kolb, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 14, Nr 3, 101–106.

Johansson, Rolf. (2000). Review of the book: The Art of Case Study Research by Robert Stake, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, 13, Nr 1–2, 125–127.


Professor emeritus vid Institutionen för stad och land; Avdelningen för Landskapsarkitektur
Telefon: 073-8272661
Inst för stad och land, Box 7012
Besöksadress: Ulls väg 27, Uppsala
