Ronju Ahammad
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Ahammad, R., Stacey, N., Sunderland, T. and Sangha, K.K., 2022. Land Use Preference for Ecosystem Services and Well-Being in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Forests, 13, 2086.
Ahammad, R., Hossain, M.K., Sobhan, I., Hasan, R., Biswas, S.R. and Mukul, S.A., 2023. Social-ecological and institutional factors affecting forest and landscape restoration in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Land Use Policy, 125, p.106478.
Ahammad, R., Stacey, N and Sunderland, T (2021). Analysis of forest-related policies for supporting ecosystem services-based forest management in Bangladesh. Ecosystem Services48, 101235.
Ahammad, R., Stacey, N, Sunderland, T (2021). Determinants of forest and tree uses across households of different sites and ethnicities in Bangladesh. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy17 (1): 432-442.
Ahammad, R., Stacey, N and T. Sunderland (2020). Assessing land use changes and livelihood outcomes of rural people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region, Bangladesh. Land Degradation & Development 1–13.
Ahammad, R., Stacey, N., Tomscha, S, Eddy, M, and Sunderland, T (2019). Recent trends of forest cover change and ecosystem services in eastern upland region of Bangladesh. Science of The Total Environment, 647: 379-389.
Ahammad, R., Stacey, N and Sunderland, T (2019). Use and perceived importance of forest ecosystem services in rural livelihoods of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh. Ecosystem Services, 35: 87-98.
Sunderland, T., Abdoulaye, R.,Ahammad, R., Asaha, S., Baudron, F., Deakin, E., Duriaux, J.Y., Eddy, I., Foli, S., Gumbo, D. and Khatun, K., 2017. A methodological approach for assessing cross-site landscape change: Understanding socio-ecological systems. Forest Policy and Economics, 84: 83-91.
Ahammad, R and Stacey, N (2016) Forest and agrarian change in the Chittagong Hill Tracts region of Bangladesh, in Deakin et al. (eds.) Agrarian change in tropical landscapes, CIFOR, 190-233.
Ahammad, R., Nandy, P., Husnain, P (2013). Unlocking ecosystem based adaptation opportunities in coastal Bangladesh. Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, 17:833–840. DOI: 10.1007/s11852-013-0284-x.
Ahammad, R. (2011) Constraints of pro-poor climate change adaptation in Chittagong city. Environment and Urbanization, 23 (2):503-515. DOI: 10.1177/0956247811414633.