Sofie Joosse

Jag undersöker dessa frågor i följande projekt:
- Matsystem Fiske i staden och Lantbrukare i en urban värld.
- Vardagen och hållbarhet En kritisk systemansats till urban hållbarhet och Hållbara urbana vardagspraktiker genom nudging eller medborgardeltagande processer
- Styrning för hållbarhet Styrning, rättvisa och motstånd: På väg mot ett fossilfritt välfärdssamhälle och Deliberation, medborgardeltagande och samverkan i en tid av postsanningspolitik
- Social media och konst och hållbarhet Del av MISTRAs miljökommunikationsprogram.
Jag är programchef Mistra Miljökommunikation
Jag studerade landsbygdssociologi vid Wageningen Universitet i Nederländerna och gjorde sedan mitt doktorandprojekt i social och ekonomisk geografi vid Uppsala universitetet. I flera år har jag arbetat som lärare och kurskoordinator vid miljökommunikation och landsbygdsutveckling vid SLU, samt kulturgeografi vid Uppsala universitet
Publikationer i urval
Peer-reviewed publications
Fischer, A., Joosse, S., Hallgren, L., & Westberg, L. (2024). How research on communication can help to understand the management of natural resources and sustainability transformations: practices, concerns and new perspectives on environmental communication. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67(9), 1871-1885.
Powell, S., & Joosse, S. (2024). Putting grant/d terms to work: from promise to practice in inter-and transdisciplinary research projects. Discover Sustainability, 5(1), 68.
Westin, M., Joosse, S., Möckel, F., Lindmarker, J., & Österbergh, R. (2024). The Sustainability Walk–Combining Nudging and Pragmatism to Facilitate Collective Action and Reflection. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 28(2), 40-57.
Rödl, M., Haider, J., & Joosse, S. (2023). The quest for “nature” in selfies: how platforms shape nature/society relationships. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
Joosse, S., Westin, M., Möckel, F., Keasey, H., & Lorenzen, S. (2023). Storytelling to save the planet: who gets to say what is sustainable, who tells the stories, and who should listen and change?. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
Fischer, A., Joosse, S., Strandell, J., Söderberg, N., Johansson, K., & Boonstra, W. J. (2023). How justice shapes transition governance–a discourse analysis of Swedish policy debates. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-19.
Haider, J., Rödl, M., & Joosse, S. (2022). Algorithmically embodied emissions: the environmental harm of everyday life information in digital culture. Information Research (CoLIS 11).
Westin, M., & Joosse, S. (2022). Whose Knowledge Counts in the Planning of Urban Sustainability?–Investigating Handbooks for Nudging and Participation. Planning Theory & Practice, 23(3), 388-405.
Carlson, A. K., Boonstra, W. J., Joosse, S., Rubenstein, D. I., & Levin, S. A. (2022). More than ponds amid skyscrapers: Urban fisheries as multiscalar human–natural systems. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 25(1), 49-58.
Joosse, S., Hensle, L., Boonstra, W. J., Ponzelar, C., & Olsson, J. (2021). Fishing in the city for food—a paradigmatic case of sustainability in urban blue space. npj Urban Sustainability, 1(1), 41.
Joosse, S., Olders, P., Boonstra, W. (2021) Why are geographical indications unevenly distributed over Europe? British Food Journal, Vol. 123 No. 13, pp. 490-510.
Grubbstr, A., & Joosse, S. (2021). New entrants in agriculture–the case of young immigrant farmers in Sweden. European Countryside, 13(1), 22-37.
Joosse, S., & Marshall, M. (2020). Fridge stories and other tales from the kitchen: a methodological toolbox for getting closer to everyday food practices. Food, Culture & Society, 23(5), 608-626.
Joosse, S., Powell, S., Bergeå, H., Böhm, S., Calderón, C., Caselunghe, E., ... & Westin, M. (2020). Critical, engaged and change-oriented scholarship in environmental communication. Six methodological dilemmas to think with. Environmental Communication, 14(6), 758-771.
Bergquist, D., Garcia-Caro, D., Joosse, S., Granvik, M., & Peniche, F. (2020). The Sustainability of Living in a “Green” Urban District: An Emergy Perspective. Sustainability, 12(14), 5661.
Boonstra, W.J., Björkvik, E., Joosse, S., Hanh, T.T.H. (2019). From Anthrome to Refugium? A short history of small-scale fisheries in the Anthropocene. Goldstein, M.I., DellaSala, D.A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier Science.
Joosse, S., & Brydges, T. (2018). Blogging for Sustainability: The Intermediary Role of Personal Green Blogs in Promoting Sustainability. Environmental communication, 12(5), 686-700.
Joosse, S., & Grubbström, A. (2017). Continuity in farming-Not just family business. Journal of Rural Studies, 50, 198-208.
Granvik, M., Joosse, S., Hunt, A., & Hallberg, I. (2017). Confusion and Misunderstanding—Interpretations and Definitions of Local Food. Sustainability, 9(11), 1981.
Joosse, S. (2016). The Making and Re‐making of a Regional Product: The Case of Zeeland Madder. Sociologia Ruralis, 56(2), 248-269.
Joosse, S., Hracs, B. (2015). Curating the quest for ‘good food’: The practices, spatial dynamics and influence of food-related curation in Sweden. Geoforum, 64, 205-216.
Joosse, S. (2014). Is it local? A study about the social production of local and regional foods and goods. Doctoral thesis. Geographica, Uppsala University.
Grubbström, A., Stenbacka, S., & Joosse, S. (2014). Balancing family traditions and business: Gendered strategies for achieving future resilience among agricultural students. Journal of Rural Studies, 35, 152-161.
Boonstra, W. J., & Joosse, S. (2013). The Social Dynamics of Degrowth. Environmental Values, 22(2), 171-189.
Joosse, S. (2007). Talking about cooperation: continuity and change in a rural community in Slovakia. Sociológia, 39(3), 245-258.
Book chapters
Joosse, S. (2010). Political Ecology as a Regional and Historical Approach Beyond Geographical Boundaries, but Back in Time. In: Eva Friman and G. Gallardo Fernandez Politicized Nature. CEFO publication series, Uppsala University
Bock, B., Derkzen P., Joosse, S. (2004) Livibility in Rural Policy: Women’s Business? A Comparative Study on Rural Policy in Two Dutch Provinces. Wageningen, Wageningen University Press.
Other publications
Boonstra, W. J., Boucquey, N., Carlson, A. K., Drakopulos, L., Fly, J., Joosse, S., ... & Wernersson, H. C. (2022). Urban fishing reveals underrepresented diversity. Nature Food, 3(5), 295-295.