Staffan Roos
Jag är en ekolog med inriktning mot naturvårdsbiologi. Jag doktorerade på SLU 2004, men har sedan dess mest arbetat i Storbritannien. Jag har varit postdoc på Queen's University Belfast (2006-2008), Research Ecologist på the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO; 2008-2011) och Senior Conservation Scientist på the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB; 2011-2018). Sedan september 2018 är jag programchef på ArtDatabanken.
Min forskning har främst varit inriktad på olika frågeställningar rörande predation, habitatval, effekter av markanvändning, rovfåglars ekologi samt konflikter inom naturvården. I mina studier har jag oftast använt fåglar som modellorganismer.
Publikationer i urval
Challis, A., Edwards, C., Heavisides, A., Holling, M., Kortland, K., Mattingley, W., Riddle, G., Roos, S., Stevenson, A., Stirling-Aird, P., Stroud, D., Wernham, C. and Wilson, M. 2019. The Scottish Raptor Monitoring Scheme: recent developments in good practice monitoring. Bird Study 1-14. DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2018.1477737.
Ludwig, S. C., Aebischer, N. J., Bubb, D., Richardson, M., Roos, S., Wilson, J. D. and Baines, D. 2018. Population responses of Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica to expansion of heather Calluna vulgaris cover on a Scottish grouse moor. Avian Conservation and Ecology 13:14.
Ludwig, S. C., McCluskie, A., Keane, P., Barlow, C., Francksen, R. M., Bubb, D., Roos, S., Aebischer N.J. & Baines, D. 2018. Diversionary feeding and nestling diet of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus, Bird Study. DOI:10.1080/00063657.2018.1519524
Murgatroyd, M., Roos, S., Evans, R., Sansom, A., Whitfield, P., Sexton, D., Reid, R., Grant, J., Amar, A. 2018. Sex-specific patterns of reproductive senescence in a long-lived reintroduced raptor. Journal of Animal Ecology 87: 1587-1599. DOI:10.1111/1365-2656.12880
Melling, T., Thomas, M., Price, M. and Roos, S. 2018. Raptor persecution in the Peak District National Park is associated with driven grouse moors: bad news for goshawks and peregrines. British Birds 111: 275-290.
Roos, S., Smart, J, Gibbons, D.W. and Wilson, J. 2018. A review of predation as a limiting factor for bird populations in mesopredator-rich landscapes: a case study of the UK. Biological Reviews 93: 1915-1937. DOI:10.1111/brv.12426.
Thornton, M., Todd, I. & Roos, S. 2017: Breeding success and productivity of urban and rural Eurasian sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus in Scotland, Écoscience 24: 115-126. DOI: 10.1080/11956860.2017.1374322
Francksen, R. M., Whittingham, M. J., Ludwig, S. C., Roos, S. and Baines, D. 2017. Numerical and functional responses of Common Buzzards Buteo buteo to prey abundance on a Scottish grouse moor. Ibis 159: 541–553. DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12471
Ludwig, S. C., Roos, S., Bubb, D. & Baines, D. 2017. Long-term trends in abundance and breeding success of red grouse and hen harriers in relation to changing management of a Scottish grouse moor. Wildlife Biology: S1-S7. DOI: 10.2981/wlb.00246
Roos, S., Donald, C., Dugan, D., Hancock, M. H., O'Hara, D., Stephen, L. and Grant, M. 2016. Habitat associations of young Black Grouse Tetrao tetrix broods. Bird Study 63: 203-213. DOI:10.1080/00063657.2016.1141167.
Thompson, P. S., Douglas, D. J. T., Hoccom, D., Knott, J., Roos, S. and Wilson, J. D. 2016. Environmental impacts of high-output driven shooting of Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica. Ibis 158: 446-452. DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12356
Sim, I. M. W., Wilkinson, N. I, Scridel, D., Anderson, D, and Roos, S. 2015. Food supplementation does not increase demographic rates in a passerine species of conservation concern. Nature Conservation 10: 25-43. DOI: 10.3897/natureconservation.10.4556.
Johnston, A., Ausden, M., Dodd, A. M., Bradbury, R. B., Chamberlain, D. E., Jiguet, F., Thomas, C. D., Cook, A. S. C. P., Newson, S. E., Ockendon, N., Rehfisch, M. M., Roos, S., Thaxter, C. B., Brown, A. F., Crick, H. Q. P., Douse, A., McCall, R. A., Pontier, H., Stroud, D. A., Cadiou, B., Crowe, O., Deceuninck, B., Hornman, M. and Pearce-Higgins, J. P. 2013. Observed and predicted effects of climate change on species abundance in protected areas. Nature Climate Change 3: 1055–1061. DOI:10.1038/nclimate2035.
Thaxter, C. B., Lascelles, B., Sugar, K., Cook, A. S. C. P., Roos, S., Bolton, M., Langston, R. H. W, and. Burton N. H. K. 2012. Seabird foraging ranges as a preliminary tool for identifying candidate Marine Protected Areas. Biological Conservation 156: 53-61. DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2011.12.009
Roos, S. and Pärt, T. 2004. Nest predators affect spatial dynamics of breeding red-backed shrikes (Lanius collurio). Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 117-127. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2004.00786.x.
Roos, S. 2002. Functional response, seasonal decline and landscape differences in nest predation risk. Oecologia 133: 608-615. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-002-1056-8.