Stanley Zira
Jag är hållbarhetsanalytiker intresserad av djurproduktionssystem.
-Energi och livscykelanalys (TN0285)
-Sustainable production systems on a global level (BI1396)
-Humans, Animals, Ecosystems – the One Health Approach in a Sustainable Global Animal Production (HV0178)
-Designing breeding programs (HV0195)
Att utveckla metoder för att bedöma miljömässig, ekonomisk och social hållbarhet i djurproduktionssystem
- Forskarutbildning i husdjursvetenskap, SLU
- Master of science i ekologiskt lantbruk, Wageningen University, Nederländerna
- Master of commerce i strategisk företagsledning, Great Zimbabwe University
- Bachelor of livestock and wildlife management, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
- Kurser i veterinärmedicinska forskningsmetoder samt gris- och fjäderfäproduktion, University of Pretoria, Sydafrika
Jag har tidigare arbetat med tvärvetenskapligt biståndsarbete för Zimbabwes regering, CARE International i Zimbabwe, Land O Lakes Zimbabwe Inc och Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (SAFIRE) under tio år.
Publikationer i urval
- Zira, S., Salomon, E., Åkerfeldt, M., Röös, E., 2023. Environmental consequences of pig production scenarios using biomass from rotational grass-clover leys as feed. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 30, 103068.
- Zira, S., Röös, E., Rydhmer, L., Hoffmann, R., 2023. Sustainability assessment of economic, environmental and social impacts, feed-food competition and economic robustness of dairy and beef farming systems in South Western Europe. Sustainable Production and Consumption. 36, 439-448
- Zira, S., 2022. Towards sustainable livestock systems: Developing and applying methods for broad sustainability assessment of pig and cattle systems Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. (2022:42) (Doktorsavhandling)
- Zira, S., Olsen, H.F., Rydhmer, L., 2022. Low carbon emissions in future pig production - does a new breeding goal matter? 12th World Conference on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- Zira, S., Röös, E., Ivarsson, E., Friman, J., Møller, H., Samsonstuen, S., Olsen, H.F. and Rydhmer, L., 2022. An assessment of scenarios for future pig production using a One Health approach. Livestock Science, 260, 104929.
- Zira, S., Rydhmer, L., Ivarsson, E., Hoffmann, R., Röös, E., 2021. A life cycle sustainability assessment of organic and conventional pork supply chains in Sweden. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28, 21-38.
- Zira, S., Röös, E., Ivarsson, E., Hoffmann, R., Rydhmer, L., 2020. Social life cycle assessment of Swedish organic and conventional pork production. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25(10), 1957-1975.
- UNEP, 2020. Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment of Products and Organizations 2020. Benoît Norris, C., Traverso, M., Neugebauer, S., Ekener, E., Schaubroeck, T., Russo Garrido, S., Berger, M., Valdivia, S., Lehmann, A., Finkbeiner, M., Arcese, G. (eds.). United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) [Bidragande författare]
- Zira, S., Röös, E., Ivarsson, E., Rydhmer, L., 2018. Applied analytical hierarchical processing in a social sustainability study of pig farming in Sweden, 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP), Ghent, Belgium
- Zira, S., 2018. Evaluation of environmental and economic impact of extending laying hen period in the Netherlands. Wageningen University, Msc Thesis, Wageningen, the Netherlands
- Zira, S., 2018. Relationship of Buy Local Campaigns with Consumer Ethnocentrism and Brand Equity: The Case of the Fruit Trade in Bulawayo Zimbabwe. International Journal of Recent Research in Commerce Economics and Management (IJRRCEM) 5, (1), 44-48
- Rodríguez, A.T., Álvarez, A.G., Mijatovic, D., Palikhey, E., Azhdari, G., Cazón, H.G., Wakkumbure, L.K, Salimi, M., Carmona, N.E., Shabong, R.M., Stapit, S., Maneerattanachaiyong, S., Zira, S., Hodgkin, T. 2016. Agrobiodiversity perspectives in land-use decisions, Eds: Maria, L., Ferguson, K. Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR), Rome, Italy.
- Zira, S., Mumvumi, K., 2016. Assessing the effects of land-use change on agrobiodiversity. PAR, Rome, Italy.
- Hodgkin, T., Zira, S., Farvar, T., Azhdari, G., Salimi, M., Mijatovic, D., 2016. Landscapes for agrobiodiversity: Documenting the livestock perspective. PAR, Rome, Italy.