Stefan Örn

I am a researcher in aquatic ecotoxicology. The aim of my research is to increase the knowledge of harmful effects of environmental pollutants on aquatic animal health. This is performed both by applied field research and effect-based laboratory studies. The laboratory studies include both in vivo and in vitro fish models for determination of toxicological effects on embryological development, sexual differentiation, reproduction, and behavior. The applied research include field studies and in situ field experiments, such as on-site studies at sewage treatment works. I have been involved in several projects regarding evaluation of different sewage treatment techniques in order to reduce the release of chemicals into the environment, including pharmaceuticals and human pathogens. Part of the research has also been working with regulatory aspects of toxicological assessment, such as development of standardized toxicity tests for evaluating endocrine disrupters in both fish and snails within OECD. Much of my research has been focused on endocrine disrupting chemicals that alter the function of the reproductive and endocrine system in fish. My current research areas also include studies of emerging contaminants and micropollutants (e.g. PFAS, pharmaceuticals), wastewater treatment technologies, and antibiotic resistant bacteria and pathogens in wastewater effluents and recipients.
Kinetic modelling and spatially resolved chemical analysis to explore dose-at-target during early development (DOSEARLY) (PI Patrik Andersson, The Swedish Research Council 2025-2028)
PARC Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals ( (ANSES, EU 2021-2027)
Mistra TerraClean - Development of smart and safe engineered materials and devices for clean air and water (PI Ulrica Edlund, Mistra 2021-2025)
A novel mechanism-based approach for assessment of developmental toxicity of endocrine disruptors (PI Anna Beronius, Formas Research Council 2021-2024)
Using the zebrafish embryo test (ZFET) as an alternative model for assessing bioconcentration in fish (PI Stefan Örn, Formas Research Council 2020-2024)
Risk modeling of mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals relevant to human exposure, using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo as model organism (RiskMix) (PI Jana Weiss, Formas Reseach Council 2019-2024)
Environmental hazard assessment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using a tiered testing strategy (PI Stefan Örn, Formas Research Council 2018-2020)
Screening of antibiotic resistant bacteria (PI Stefan Örn, Swedish EPA 2017-2019)
Intersex in wild roach (Rutilus rutilus) from Swedish waters (PI Stefan Örn, SLU FoMA)
MSc (Fil.mag) Biology 1996, Uppsala University
The impact of an orally administered mixture of selected PCBs on reproduction in zebrafish
PhD Aquatic ecotoxicology 2006, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, Veterinary Faculty, SLU
The zebrafish as a model organism for evaluation of endocrine disrupters
Associate professor Aquatic ecotoxicology 2019
Publikationer i urval
Adamowsky et al (2024) Exploring BPA alternatives – Environmental levels and toxicity review. Environment International 189:108728
Golosovskaia E, Örn S, Ahrens L, Chelcea I, P Andersson (2024) Studying mixture effects on uptake and tissue distribution of PFAS in zebrafish (Danio rerio) using physiologically based kinetic (PBK) modelling. Sci Total Env 912:168738
Chelcea I, C Vogs, T Hamers, J Koekkoek, J Legradi, M Sapounidou, S Örn, P Andersson (2023) Physiology-informed toxicokinetic model for the zebrafish embryo test developed for bisphenols. Chemosphere 345:140399
Waldetoft H, J Hållen, B Esfahani, T Viktor, S Örn, G Carlsson, E Gunnerblad, M Karlsson (2022) Biologiska effekter av mikroföroreningar; Fallstudie Rimbo reningsverk. IVL Rapport B 2462.
Chelcea I, Örn S, T Hamers, J Koekkoek, J Legradi, C Vogs, P Andersson (2022) Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic Modeling of Bisphenols in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Accounting for Variations in Metabolic Rates, Brain Distribution, and Liver Accumulation. Environmental Science and Technology 56:10216 – 10228
Åberg J, B Björlenius, S Örn, G Carlsson, A Ullman, E Gunnerblad (2022) Förstudie läkemedelsrening vid Lindholmens avloppsreningsverk I Norrtälje. Slutrapport Norrtälje Vatten och Avfall AB:
Pohl J, O Golovko, G Carlsson, S Örn, M Schmitz, EP Ahi (2021) Gene co-expression network analysis reveals mechanisms underlying ozone-induced carbamazepine toxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Chemosphere 276, 130282
Menger F, J Pohl, L Ahrens, G Carlsson, S Örn (2020) Behavioural effects and bioconcentration of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Chemosphere 245:125573
Pohl J, O Golovko, G Carlsson, J Eriksson, A Glynn, S Örn, JM Weiss (2020) Carbamazepine Ozonation By-Products: Toxicity in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos and Chemical Stability. Environmental Science & Technology 54(5):2913-2921
Pohl J, L Ahrens, G Carlsson, O Golovko, L Norrgren, J Weiss, S Örn (2019) Embryotoxicity of ozonated diclofenac, carbamazepine, and oxazepam in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemosphere 225:191-199
Örn S, LL Fernström, O Golovko, L Ahrens, I Hansson, S Frosth (2019) Screening of faecal bacteria and antibiotic resistance in urban wastewater and recipient river surface water (
Pohl J, B Björlenius, T Brodin, G Carlsson, J Fick, DGJ Larsson, L Norrgren, S Örn (2018) Effects of ozonated sewage effluent on reproduction and behavioral endpoints in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic toxicology 200:93-101
Örn S, H. Holbech, L. Norrgren (2016) Sexual disruption in zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to mixtures of 17a-ethinylestradiol and 17b-trenbolone. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 41:225–231
Ulhaq M, M Sundström, P Larsson, J Gabrielsson, Å Bergman, L Norrgren, S Örn (2015) Tissue uptake, bioconcentration and elimination of 14C-PFOA in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Aquatic Toxicology 163:148–157
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