Torbjörn Säterberg
I am a postdoctoral researcher developing novel time series modelling tools for ecological questions. At the moment my research encapsulates two main areas: sustainable exploition of communities of interacting fish species; and climate change effects on the population dynamics of interacting species.
I have a background in theoretical ecology. During my PhD I studied food web responses to press perturbations, using mathematical models.
Publikationer i urval
Säterberg T, Casini M, Gårdmark A (2019). Ecologically Sustainable Exploitation Rates—A Multispecies Approach for Fisheries Management. Fish and Fisheries.
Säterberg T, Jonsson T, Yearsley J, Berg S, Ebenman B (2019). A potential role for rare species in ecosystem dynamics. Scientific Reports 9(1):11107.
Sellman S, Säterberg T, Ebenman B (2016) Patterns of functional extinctions in ecological networks with a variety of interaction types. Theoretical Ecology 9:83-94.
Säterberg T, Sellman S, Ebenman B (2013) High frequency of functional extinctions in ecological networks. NATURE 499:468-470.
Kaneryd L, Borrwall C, Berg S, Curtsdotter A, Eklöf A, Hauzy C, Jonsson T, Münger P, Setzer M, Säterberg T, Ebenman B (2012) Species-rich ecosystems are vulnerable to cascading extinctions in an increasingly variable world. Ecology and Evolution 2:858-874.